Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 11:55 P.M.. I ate a bowl of low fat Cheez-its.
As a matter of polite dispute with some local first generation immigrants and visitors, the www.fbi.gov tends to have very good communications and data bases shared with such groups as INTERPOL , Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Gendarmerie royale du Canada , Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard , and a few other agencies locals have probably never heard of. CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 10:55 P.M.. I mailed the financial report to an interested relative in the mail room downstairs. I threw out some garbage. There is another discarded couch by the dumpster a neighbor threw out. CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 10:25 P.M.. I woke up at 1 P.M. this afternoon. For breakfast I ate a bowl of oatmeal with honey and sliced banana, a toasted bagel with olive oil, a glass of passion punch with vitamins and supplements, and a cup of coffee with milk and splenda. I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes. I showered, and I cleaned up. I threw out the garbage. I went by the Chase Bank on Mason Street, and they gave me a temporary ATM card to replace my cancelled Visa debit card. I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area. I chatted with a local. A Jewish family wished me Happy Holiday for the second year in a row. I think today is Jewish New Years. I chatted with a local Dominican. I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center. I stopped by CVS, and I browsed their store. After my walk, I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center. I then went by the A&P Fresh, and I toured their store. I chatted with one of their employees who I was told to keep an eye on by his older brother back in 1975. He seems to know food besides painting. I bought an 8 ounce bar of Vermont Extra Sharp cheddar cheese for $2.50. I chatted with somebody buying white roses about Dutch Royalty in the area. I returned home. I chatted with a relative. I made a baked herbal breaded boneless breast of chicken, which I ate with my recent vegetable mixture and a glass of watered down passion punch. I made up another batch of passion punch. I chatted with a relative. I picked up my mail, when I came in. I printed out two copies of my September 2008 Microsoft Money 2006 income versus spending report, one of which I will mail to an interested relative. CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 3:05 A.M.. I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon. CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 2:35 A.M..
Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica
University of Iceland - Legislation and Rules
Iceland Institute of Earth Sciences
Op-Ed Contributor - The Masters of the Universe Have Left New York - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
ScienceDirect - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 176, Issue 3, Pages 325-438 (1 October 2008)
Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |
USF :: Department of Geology
Bournemouth University | School of Conservation Sciences | Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group
Kodakgallery.com Slideshow Kennebunk, Maine public beach, free parking after September 16, 2008
Tropical Cyclones
[Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de La Fournaise]
Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
An official workshop of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth
BBC NEWS | dot.life | A blog about technology from BBC News | Technology - is the party over? CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 1:50 A.M.. Apparently the Greenwich Time mentioned that we are under Marshal Law. Bill Clark's blog Greenwich Gossip on September 3, 2008 indicates it. However, I know Bill is smart, but I think besides Congress a local state's governor can declare Marshal Law. Of course, if a foreign country were able to invade us without any resistance, they probably could do pretty much what they want. Maybe the Governor just has control over the State Police. Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . However, from what I could tell, it was just another normal slow day in downtown Greenwich, Connecticut without much going on to speak of. With the higher prices of fuel, I guess more people are staying at home. CIO
Note: <888> 09/30/08 Tuesday 12:55 A.M.. I can not backup Ubuntu on the Northgate Syntax computer with Vista Server 2008 Complete PC Backup program, since its partition is invisible to Vista. The new Crucial Gismo 2 GB USB pen drive does not work with the USB 2.0 port in Ready Boost mode on the FIC server, so it is not Ready Boost capable.
The $15.14 charge on my Visa debit card was from VoiPax . I will now install their program on my computers, since they have free calling from the United States of America to Jolly Old England. CIO
Note: <888> 09/29/08 Monday 11:45 P.M.. I went out, and I threw out some garbage. The front door was broken earlier when I came in, but a Greenwich Housing Authority official was here at the time, so it is now fixed. I tried the Crucial Gismo 2 GB USB pen drive for Ready Boost on the Northgate Syntax computer Vista Home Edition partition, but it would not work for Ready Boost. Possibly the rear USB ports are USB 1.0, and it needs USB 2.0. The front USB 2.0 ports do not work with it either. One of the two front USB 2.0 ports are broken anyway. I put the pen drive on the stand of the left lower LCD monitor on the primary Vista computer. I removed the expired beta Vista Server 2008 from the second hard drive on the Northgate Syntax computer, and I installed on the second hard drive. There is not a Linux driver for the Netgear FR114P print server, so it will not have network printer capabilities with Ubuntu. I might shrink the primary Vista partition and put the Vista Server 2008 beta back on it, so I can use its Vista Complete Backup feature, which the Vista Home Edition on it does not have, so I can backup the entire system to the Bytecc external hard drive. CIO
Note: <888> 09/29/08 Monday 9:25 P.M.. I chatted with a relative at 10 A.M. this morning. I went back to bed until 1 P.M.. For breakfast I ate a bowl of oatmeal with honey and sliced banana, a toasted bagel with olive oil, a glass of passion punch with vitamins and supplements, and a cup of coffee with milk and splenda. I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes. I chatted with a relative. I watched the www.house.gov vote down the Economic Stimulus package. I showered, and I cleaned up. I threw out some garbage. I went out, and I went by the George Weston Bakeries Arnold Bread Outlet, and it is still boarded up from when it burned down a few months ago. I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with a local and a computer engineer from the Bronx. I read P.C. magazine. I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue. I chatted with a local. I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store, and I bought a 2.5 inch adjustable C Clamp for $6.49 and .35 tax less a discount of .65 for $6.19 total. I then went by CVS, and I bought a .75 ounce of Auro Ear Drops earwax removal aid for $4.99. I finished my walk, and I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center. I then went by the ATM machine at the Chase Bank at the Stop and Shop plaza. I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a loaf of whole wheat stone ground Frerhoffer bread for $2.50, a six pack of New York Everything bagels for $2.50, a half gallon of Tropicana Premium with calcium for $3, a dozen extra eggs that expire November 1, 2008 for $2.39, four 21 ounce Stouffer's frozen lasagnas with meat sauce for $2.50 each, a 13.5 ounce box of low fat Cheez-its for $3, a 64 ounce container of Stop and Shop grape juice for $2.50, a 64 ounce container of Stop and Shop lite cranberry juice for $2, a 8 ounce container of Stop and Shop parmesan and Romano cheese for $2.50, and a 7 ounce Jones' boneless ham for $3.19, and fresh Chiquita bananas for .64 a pound for $1.72 for $35.30 total. I then returned home. I put the C clamp with two coasters on either side of the small computer table end of the shelf that supports my lower left LCD monitor on the primary Vista computer setup to make it more secure. I checked my Chase Account, and it appeared my Visa Debit Card had been hacked. I had a $25 charge pending from Yahoo Voice, and a $15.14 charge from VOIPAX GMBH GLOBALCOLLEC. I called up Chase at 1-800-935-9935. I cancelled my Visa Debit card. They told me I would have to call them back at 1-866-564-2262 once the pending fraudulent charges go through on my account to have them refunded. I tried calling Yahoo at 1-866-562-7228, but after a half hour wait, they kept running me around in circles back to the same half hour wait. I chatted with two relative. I picked up my mail on the way in. The order for Newegg.com - Crucial Gizmo! 2GB Flash Drive (USB2.0 Portable) Model JDOD2GB-730 - USB Flash Drives for $6.49 with free shipping arrived. I will now reheat and eat the same linguine and tomato meat sauce dinner with grated parmesan and Romano cheese with watered down passion punch. CIO
Note: <888> 09/29/08 Monday 5:50 A.M.. I finished off eating the box of low fat Cheez-its.
He left his mark on all he touched - Greenwich Time
Paul Newman: A life in pictures - Greenwich Time
Newman: His best works on film - Greenwich Time
I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon. CIO
Note: <888> 09/29/08 Monday 5:15 A.M.. Happy Michaelmas Day Michaelmas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . In Scotland, it is all right to steal horses on Michaelmas Day. I woke up at 8 P.M. after the last note, and I chatted with a friend. I watched television until 10 P.M.. I went to bed until 1 A.M..
I ordered Big and Tall Casual Shirts at KingSizeDirect.com KingSize® Premium Woven Herringbone Shirt in blue extra large size for $11.99 less $10 coupon code of "ksrafapr" for $1.99 and $5.99 shipping for $7.98 total.
I have the Epox backup computer setup with the Vista Ultimate Media Center connected up to my 27 inch Sony CRT High Definition television in the living room. By disabling the second monitor in Vista, and using the ATI Catalyst Control Center, I am able to put the first monitor and the Sony television in Clone Mode. I was then able to log on to www.mit.edu to Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare , and I watched the first lecture in this course series MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.033 Computer System Engineering (SMA 5501), Spring 2005 | Home . The lecture are played with the Real Player, and for some reason the Real Player now works on the Sony Television in Clone Mode. However, it only works when one first opens it in standard large view, and if one attempts to changes its size, it does not work on the Sony television, and one has to restart the Real player. Thus I was able to watch and listen to the hour plus lecture on the large screen Sony televisioin. I played the sound off the computer speakers. I ate 10 dried apricots. CIO
Note: <888> 09/28/08 Sunday 7:00 P.M.. I watched the evening news. I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will rest or take a nap. CIO
Note: <888> 09/28/08 Sunday 6:30 P.M.. The Economic bailout plan it suppose to be at http://financialservices.house.gov/ , but www.house.gov does not work at the moment.
I filled a five quart pot with three quarts of water and a dash of sea salt and a teaspoon of olive oil, and I put it on the large electric burner on high to boil. While doing that, I put a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a 10 inch stick proof frying pan and a few pads of butter, and then I peeled and diced three cloves of garlic and one medium large onion, and I added them to the frying pan, and I turned it on medium high electric burner heat on the smaller front burner, and once they began to sizzle, I added one eight ounce top round London broil burger cut into half inch chunks, and I seasoned it all with Old Bay Seasoning, garlic powder, ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika, Italian seasoning, and I mixed it all together stirring it until the beef was browned and the onions were blanched. I then added a 26 ounce jar of Ragu tomato sauce, and I mixed it all together, and I covered it. I added and stirred in a few dashes of maggi seasoning, Frank's hot sauce, and soy sauce. Once the water in the pot was boiling, I added a 16 ounce package of Barilla linguine, and I boiled it for 10 minutes on high electric burner heat, and once it was done, I put a colander in another large pot, and I drained the hot water into the pot, and I set the colander of linguine on the side. I dumped the pot of hot water down the bathroom sink to clean out the shaving gel scum. While doing that I stirred the tomato sauce mixture frequently, and I then put half the linguine in a flat Rubbermaid container, and I put the other half on a large dinner plate with half of the tomato and beef mixture, and I put the other half of the tomato and beef mixture in a Rubbermaid container in the refrigerator, and I added some grated parmesan and Romano cheese mixture on top of the linguine and tomato and beef dinner, and I ate it all with a glass of watered down passion punch. As usual after a meal, I cleaned up the kitchen. CIO
Note: <888> 09/28/08 Sunday 4:00 P.M.. I woke up earlier this morning, and I surfed the internet for a while. I went back to bed until 11 A.M.. For breakfast I ate a bowl of oatmeal with honey and sliced banana, a toasted bagel with olive oil, a glass of passion punch with vitamins and supplements, and a cup of coffee with milk and splenda. I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes. I threw out the garbage, and I chatted with some neighbors. I picked up the mail from yesterday. I read all of the back computer magazine except P.C. Shopper and Maximum P.C. back issues. I threw out the old computer magazines that I had read. I put my old software boxes and spare hard drives on the two upper shelves behind the Sony television in the living room. I put some of my other spare computer parts on the two shelves on the bookcase on top of the mahogany bureau in the bedroom, so they are easier to get at. Thus the spare parts area to the right of the Orion television in the bedroom is neater. I cancelled my reservation for the TS2 Event: Increase your customer offerings and drive your business! Stamford, Connecticut, Thursday, October 2, 2008. CIO
Note: <888> 09/27/08 Saturday 10:20 P.M.. Paul Newman dies at 83 - CNN.com
I chatted with a relative. I watched the last half of Marco Polo. I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon. CIO
Note: <888> 09/27/08 Saturday 9:00 P.M.. I slept until 6 P.M., when I had a telemarketing telephone call. I watched a bit of television. I just baked in the Sharp convection oven a Stop and Shop 28.2 ounce self rising four cheese pizza, which I ate with some watered down passion punch. I chatted with a relative. I put the repaired Berley and Gay telephone table back in its usual place next to the French reproduction chair with the same electronics on it. CIO
Note: <888> 09/27/08 Saturday 2:15 P.M.. I ate a baloney and cheese sandwich with a dill pickle slice and 1/3rd of a 5.5 ounce tube of Pringle sour cream and onion potato chips with a glass of watered down passion punch. I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will rest for a while. CIO
Note: <888> 09/27/08 Saturday 1:25 P.M.. The Siemens two line telephone is a Siemens Gigaset 2420 Desk Station. A remote unit that does not work well is available for it Siemens Gigaset 2400 Cordless Expansion Handset: items on eBay.com. The base unit I have is like this Siemens Gigaset 2420 2.4 GHz 2-Line Corded / Cordles... - eBay (item 250297857651 end time Sep-27-08 13:43:24 PDT) . There are other parts here siemens 2420, Electronics, Computers Networking items on eBay.com . Since my unit did not have a transformer, I was able to set it up with the 9 volt transformer from my million watt rechargeable lantern. I set it up on the small Toshiba laptop computer desk. It is on the same telephone cable as the Brother multipurpose machine on its fax line. I can change that line with the Radio Shack switch at the Brother all purpose base from Verizon to Optimum. I currently have it for Verizon, so I can answer the Verizon line by the primary computer. It works just fine. It is suppose to be a two line phone, but I can not figure out how to get the second line working, unless the line for the input is for a cable with two lines, and the second port is for "Aux". The manual says I need a Y connector cable to connect the two lines. Possibly like this Epinions.com - Compare prices on Suttle In Line Dsl Filter & Splitter 1 Line 2 Outputs - Epinions.com, but I think it might be a different type of Y splitter not easily found. I moved the LCD phone to on top of the Visioneer scanner in the bedroom connected to Optimum. The Siemens units has two faulty LCD lines in its LCD display, but it basically works quite well for a $3 phone. The manual is here . I can use the small DVD player 9 volt power supply to charge up the million watt rechargeable lantern. CIO