Return your completed application via email to:

(alternate: Mail to Anne Yeager, 5 Beechnut St. Orangeville, ON L9W 4A8)

Mathematics Coaching Cycle Professional Learning Series:

Three 1-day Sessions of Professional Learning, Fall 2009

Grade 7-12 mathematics leaders/teachers are invited to participate in a dynamic professional learning series. This series is a joint offering of the Ministry of Education, the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME), and the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators’ Association (OMCA), and is part of the Professional Learning for Mathematics Leaders and Coaches (PLMLC) initiative.

The Mathematics Coaching Cycle Professional Learning Series involves:

  • three 1-day sessions
  • participation of 2 to 4-member board teams
  • a focus on Grades 7-12
  • modeling 3 key stages in a Mathematics Coaching Cycle
  • differentiation for participants according to their roles (see registration form for details)
  • building on field-tested, content-focused materials
  • opportunities to observe a range of related, between-session, job-embedded collaborations in action

The same series will be offered in 4 different locations - Ottawa, Sudbury, Burlington & London. See the application form for dates.

Each board is invited to send one team consisting of at least 2 people and at most 4 people. The application form requires identification of the contact person and details about each team member who will be attending. It is critical that each member of the team attend all 3 of the sessions in the series. The sessions will be held 2 to 4 weeks apart during October, November and December. It is expected that, between sessions, participants will practise some of the skills being addressed. Application forms are due by Sept. 25th and registration will be confirmed no later than Oct.1st.

The PLMLC initiative will cover the cost of the venue, presenters, continental breakfast and lunch each day. All other expenses (e.g., travel, accommodation, dinner, supply teacher costs as required) will be the responsibility of each participant’s board. Funding memos (sent to Directors and copied to Student Success Leaders) in the Spring of 2009 indicated that boards may apply Math/Literacy and/or Differentiated Instruction allocations to professional learning opportunities, such as these PLMLC sessions, for board and school leaders. Please contact your board's Student Success Leader in order to access these funds.


The team application form is to be completed and forwarded by the contact person for the team. The contact person may or may not be a member of the team.

It is the responsibility of the contact person to forward all relevant information such as time, location, material requirements etc. to the members of the team.

The contact person will be the only person with whom the registrar corresponds. Only completed registration forms will be accepted.

Participants are responsible for making their own accommodation reservations. The cost of accommodation, dinner, travel, supply teacher is NOT reimbursed by the PLMLC initiative. These are the responsibility of the board.

Please send the attached application/registration form to

Mathematics Coaching Cycle Professional Learning Series:

Three 1-day Sessions of Professional Learning, Fall 2009

This form is to be completed by the contact person for the team. Send only 1 application form per board to

School Board (name in full, not initials)______

Contact person (not expected to attend sessions unless named under Strand A, B, or C ):

Name: ______Email: ______

Position: ______Home Phone Number: ______

Work Address:

Street/Mailbox: ______

Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______Alternate: ______


Strand A (less experienced teachers):

Name: ______Email:______

Position: ______Any dietary restrictions: ______

Work Address:

Street/Mailbox: ______

Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______Alternate Phone: ______


Strand B (more experienced school-based teacher):

Name: ______Email: ______

Position: ______Any dietary restrictions: ______

Work Address:

Street/Mailbox: ______

Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______Alternate Phone: ______


Strand C (system-base, math-knowledgeable leader):

NAME #1: ______Email: ______

Position: ______Any dietary restrictions: ______

Work Address:

Street/Mailbox: ______

Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______Alternate Phone: ______


Strand C (system-base, math-knowledgeable leader):

NAME #2: ______Email: ______

Position: ______Any dietary restrictions: ______

Work Address:

Street/Mailbox: ______

Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______Alternate Phone: ______


Use “1” and “2” to identify the first and second choices of location for your team. It is expected that the first choice will be the closest location to your board.

Burlington [October 7, November 4, December 16]
London [October 13, October 30, December 16]
Ottawa [October 16, November 2, November 20]
Sudbury [October 22 , November 12, December 3]


◦ A continental breakfast, lunch, facility, and presenters are provided for the 3 days. Your board will be responsible for all other expenses e.g., transportation, accommodation, supply teaches. Sending this application indicates that your team has board approval for their attendance and that the board is committed to paying their expenses.

◦ Details of the location etc. will accompany your confirmation.

◦ Registrants are responsible for making their own accommodation reservations.

Please return your completed form to:

(alternate: Mail to Anne Yeager, 5 Beechnut St. Orangeville, ON L9W 4A8)