1 February 2010

Submission by CSOs


a.Is there a national aid policy document that definesgovernment’s priorities on aid?YES: 

If yes,please provide the name of the document, and attach an electronic copy to this survey response.


b. To what extent doesthis document(or another) containclear annual aid effectiveness targets:

i) for individual providersof aid 4:

ii) for the recipient government 4: 

c. … is itconsistent withthenational development strategy priorities? 5: 

d. …does it discussgender issues and contain gender-specific targets? 4: 

e. …does it defineclear institutional responsibilities within government

for aid management/negotiation? 4: 

f. …does it define clear responsibilitiesfor other key stakeholders

(including parliaments and civil society) 5: 

Comments:Gender issues although not specifically stated in the JAST, they areclearly stated in National Development Strategy MKUKUTA/MKUZA


a. What is the most important forum for discussing overall progress in meeting aid and development policy commitments and results targetsby providers and national stakeholders in your country? (If there is a high-level political forum supported by a working-level technical forum please answer the questions below in relation to the political forum.)


b.Is this forumcountry-led, i.e.:

…chaired by the country government: YES: 

…with the secretariat in the country government: YES: 

…drawing on recipient government analysis of progress? 5: 

c.To what extent are key national stakeholders involved in this forum:

Parliamentarians 4: 

Representatives of decentralised governments 5: 

Civil society organizations5: 

Women’s organizations 5: 

Trade Unions1: 

Private sector5: 

Comments: Civil Societiesare normally represented by their umbrella organizations and Trade Unions are considered as part of that group. But in future will be involved.

Csos re

d.To what degree does this forum review comprehensively all providers:

OECD-DAC donors? 5: 

Non-DAC donors? 3: 

Non-governmental / Civil Society Organizations?1: 

Global Funds? 4: 

Private Foundations and Philanthropic Providers? 1: 

Please list any key providers which do not participate in these forums:

New Emerging donors

e.Is there an agreed process for setting annual targets and tracking progressagainst them:

….for the recipient government?YES: 

….for individual providers? YES: 

Please name and if necessary briefly describe this processPAF indicators

f.To what extent are the discussions based on independent analytical inputs:

…from independent monitoring groups 4: 

…from parliaments 4: 

…from civil society organisations 4: 

Please specify the independent analytical input documents discussed at the most recent forum meeting, and if possible attach electronic copies of the documents to this survey response:

IMG Report,csos studies

g. To what degree has the forum produced behavioural change in terms of meeting the targets:

by the government 4: 

If appropriate, please specify the two major behavioural changes by government:

1)Involvement of all domestic stakeholders in national forums2)

2)Enhance transparency in public finance management

by providers 4: 

If appropriate, please specify the two major behavioural changes by providers:

1)Increase use of government system

2)Transparency in information sharing

h.Please list the twomutual accountability mechanisms at the sectoral level which best track sectoral results targets set for individual donors, as well as for the recipient government :

Sectoral mechanism 1(please give name)

1. Joint Annual Sector Reviews

2. Public Expenditure tracking System (PETS)

…Tracks recipient progressYES:  Tracks individual provider progressYES:

Sectoral mechanism 2(please give name) ______

…Tracks recipient progressYES:  Tracks individual provider progressYES: 

i. Do you make use of any regional or global mutual accountability mechanisms to reinforce the national-level dialogue and learn best practices from other countries? If so, which and how?

Mechanism 1 used (please give name)Paris Declaration and

…How used to enhance mutual accountability

Mechanism 2 used (please give name) ACCRA agenda For Action

…How usedenhance mutual accountability


a. Does an information system for tracking aid flows exist in your country? YES: 

If yes, please provide the name of the system:______

b. Does thesystem also track provider/government progressagainst effectiveness targets?YES: 

c. To what extent is it fully accessibleand easy to use for the following stakeholders?

AccessibleEasy to Use

…providers 4:  3: 

…executive government agencies3:  4: 

…local governments1:  3: 

…parliamentarians1:  1: 

…civil society organizations1:  1: 

…the general public 1:  1: 

d. To what extent is it trackingcomprehensiveinformation on:

…… currentaid disbursements by sectors and thematic functions5: 

…….projected disbursements based on firm commitments5: 

…….indications or pledges of future aid 3: 

…….funding gaps for projects or programmes3: 

…….off-budget as well as on-budget flows 4: 

…….all providers 4: 

(please specify any major providers omitted New Emerging Donors)

…….progress/implementationof projects and programmes 3: 

…….results of projects and programmes for the IADGs 2: 

…….gender-disaggregated expenditures and results1: 

e. How frequent and timelyis its updating?

..FrequencyQuarterly 

f. To what extent is the system usedfor

….monitoring and evaluation of individual programmes / projects1: 

… budget preparations 4: 

… macro-economic planning? 4: 

g. To what extent is information from the system proactively disseminated by the Government:

…in the budget 4: 

…in the national development plan progress reports 3: 

…in other documents (please specify)______4: 

h. To what degree are documents relating to aid freely available to stakeholders and the public?

loan and grant agreements 4: 

conditionalities (policy or procedural) 3: 

procurement contract bidding and award documents 5: 


The system is in place has yet to be fully rolled out to all key stakeholders.


To what extent are there programs of support to build capacity to enhance mutual accountability through monitoring, analysing and advocating more effective aid at national level as well as to facilitate networking within and across stakeholder groups, for:

…National executive government agencies 3: 

…Local government agencies 2: 

…Parliament:4: 

…Civil society organizations: 4: 

Comments:More iniatives needed to develop capacity


a. How strong is the mutual accountability in your country between providers and recipient government? 4: 

b. How much improvement have you seen in mutual accountabilitysince the Paris Declaration in 2005? 4: 

Please describe briefly the key areas of improvement

c.What are the main factors/barriers delaying progress in making aid more accountable and achieving change in stakeholder behaviour in your country? Predictability of donor commitment still challenge

Non adherirence of some of DPs to government system

d. Please describe briefly the most important practice in your country that is producing major behavioural change to make aid more effective in producing development results:

Adoption of the new dialogue structure with clear division of labour within the GOT and among DPs

e. To provide a comparison with the “Monitoring Survey” of the Paris Declaration,[1] please indicate if “a mutual assessment of progress in implementing agreed commitments was conducted in your country”? YES: 

f. Please share any other issues you consider relevant in moving forward the mutual accountability agenda at the country level?

Donors should adhere to GOT system

Predictability of Aid

Strengthening capacity within the GOT to be on the driver’s seat (ownership and leadership)

g. Please share any other issues raised in your discussions that you deem relevant for a better understanding of status, progress and obstacles in making development cooperation more accountable and transparent?



1 February 2010



Name / Organisation / Stakeholder Group / Email Address
Recipient Government Coordinator
UNDP Support Person
Other Participants
Philemon Chiputa / The Foundation for Civil Society / CSOs /
Seif Nakuchima / The Leadrship Forum / CSOs /
Gallus N.Abedi / The Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation / CSOs /
Nicholas Mgaya / TUCTA / CSOs /
Mary J.Mwingira / Tango / CSOs /
Moses Kulaba / AP200 / CSOs /

