The CNR Scholarships Programme

Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNR International Limited) is one of the largest independent crude oil and natural gas producers in the world. The company is offering two Scholarships named in memory of a former colleague,

Bill Stiles, who worked for CNR.

The scholarships are open to full time students who are currently in the first year of any single or joint degree in Accountancy.

Please complete the application form and send it, along with a CV, covering letter and an academic reference by email (PDF or Word attachment) to:

Mrs Nicki Duncan, email

Closing Date for Applications: Wednesday 30 November 2016

The University of Aberdeen: Confidential

The CNR Bill Stiles Scholarships Application Form 2016

Please read the guidelines for Applicants carefully before completing this form. You should note that only applicants domiciled in the UK or EU, and classified as Home Fees are eligible to apply for these Scholarships. The completed form should be submitted by 30 November 2016. We cannot consider your application unless you have also submitted a supporting Reference. You are also required to submit a CV and a covering letter with this application.

If completed by hand, please use BLOCK CAPITALS

Section 1 - Personal details

Title...... (Miss, Mr, Mrs, Ms)Student ID Number ......

Surname/Family Name...... First/Given Name(s)......

Date of Birth......

Correspondence Address...... ………………………………………………………….

...... ………………......

...... Post Code......

Telephone Number (Home) ...... …………. (Mobile) ......

E-Mail Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Most recent school, college or other educational institution attended before studying at the University of Aberdeen, and dates of attendance


Please advise name of degree course you are studying at the University of Aberdeen


Section 2 - Qualifications achieved and grades awarded.

Year Qualification and Subject Grades











Section 3 - Sponsorships, Scholarships & Prizes





Year Sponsorship/Scholarship/Bursary name Sponsoring or awarding body






Section 4 - Outside Activities

Please tell us about any activity in which you take part that you feel is relevant to your current or future studies.




Section 5 - Personal statement

Using the space provided, give reasons why you believe you should be considered for a CNR Bill Stiles Scholarship. You should tell us why you have chosen the degree course that you are studying and say something about your experience and interests. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and a passion for your subject. Please outline your passion and commitment for your chosen degree subject, and where you hope your degree will lead you.























Please continue on a separate sheet if required.

The Reference is enclosed

It has been completed by (give name):______

I understand that the information I have provided will remain confidential to the Selection Panel. I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate, and understand that the provision of false information may lead to the withdrawal of any scholarship award.

Signature...... ………… Date...... ……………..

Final Checklist:

 Have you completed all sections of the application form?

 Have you signed and dated your application form?

 Have you provided above the name of the Referee?

 Have you enclosed your Reference?

 Have you enclosed your CV and covering letter ?

The completed application form along with your CV, covering letter and Reference should be submitted to arrive to the relevant contact listed on the front page of the application form by Wednesday 30 November 2016.