Minute Record
Holdrege City Council met in regular session Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 502 East Avenue in Holdrege with Mayor Doug Young presiding. Council members present were Doug Simpson, Mike Sisson, Mary McDermott, Troy Urbom, Larry Marvin, Jeff Nantkes and Randy Aldrich. Councilmember Larry Gibbons was absent. City Staff also present were Rod Osborn, Kim Parsons, Dennis DaMoude, Bob Rager, Dane Jensen and Mary Magill. Media was represented by Tunney Price of the Holdrege Daily Citizen.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication in the Holdrege Daily Citizen; the City’s designated method for giving notice, and by announcement from radio station KUVR/KMTY. The Mayor and Council received notification of the agenda in advance.
Mayor Young called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk Dane Jensen announced “State Law requires this body to announce at this time that a copy of the current Open Meetings Act is posted at the back of the room where it is accessible to the public” and took roll. Mayor Young began the meeting with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion by Councilmember Aldrich to approve the Consent Agenda including:
a. this agenda,
b.payment of the claims as submitted,
c.the City Treasurer’s Report for April 2016,
d.an Application for Special Designated Liquor License from Shauna Stevens dba the East Avenue Pub to serve alcohol in the fenced area of 5th Avenue from 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 for the Swedish Days Ribfest,
e.an Application for Special Designated Liquor License from Galaxy Enterprises, LLC dba Gutterz Fun Center to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 4:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Friday, June 10th, 2016 for the annual All Saints Catholic School Golf Classic Banquet,
f.an Application for Special Designated Liquor License from Galaxy Enterprises, LLC dba Gutterz Fun Center to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 4:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Friday, July 1st, 2016 for the Harper/Wells Wedding Reception and
g.an Application for Special Designated Liquor License from Pam Snyder dba the Blue Moose Bar and Grill to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 5:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 for the Layman/Jauken Wedding Reception
was seconded by Councilmember Sisson. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Claims: May 17th, 2016Acct / Fund / $ Claim
11.01 / General Administration / 3,901.95
11.02 / Fire / 2,685.32
11.03 / Health & Sanitation / 0
11.04 / Community Development & Promotion / 1,271.07
11.05 / Public Buildings / 129.62
11.06 / Auditorium / 15.47
11.07 / Park / 35,702.50
11.08 / Pool / 1,905.88
11.09 / Library / 0
11.10 / Emergency Communications / 3,575.82
11.11 / Police / 6,833.40
11.12 / Street / 23,354.02
11.13 / Bond Fund / 0
11.14 / Equipment Maint. & Replace. / 8,260.96
Total: / *89,681.01
13.16 / Special Assessments Dept 16 / *1,076.25
31.15 / Prairie Hill Landfill / *16,019.63
41.17 / Electric / 45,265.14
42.18 / Water / 90,485.08
43.19 / Sewer / 65,411.70
Total: / 201,161.92
44.20 / Keno / 0
53.27 / Economic Dev. Revolving / *818.88
*Complete Total: / 308,757.69
A motion to approve the minutes of the May 3rd, 2016 regular Council meeting was made by Councilmember Marvin and seconded by Councilmember Urbom. Roll call aye: Aldrich, McDermott, Urbom, and Marvin; abstain: Nantkes, Simpson, Sisson. Motion carried.
No one appeared for Public Forum.
Mayor Young presented donation checks of two hundred and four hundred dollars from the City and ACE (Public Alliance for Community Energy) to Phelps County 4-H member Carson Fritsonfor the group’s distribution of door hangers promoting ACE as a natural gas supplier prior to the Choice Gas selection period.
Brandi Buckley from the Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church explained the church’s downtown clean-up project and requested permission to use some parking stalls in front of the church for inflatable games and to have grilles and tables on the sidewalk in front of the church for a few hours during lunch at the conclusion of the project. Councilmember Simpson motioned to approve the requests with a second by Councilmember McDermott. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Carol Rapstine described upcoming Swedish Days events and the need of assistance from the City which she had outlined in a handout. Councilmember Sisson motioned to approve the requests for assistance with Swedish Days activities as outlined by Ms. Rapstine. Councilmember McDermott seconded with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Councilmember Sisson represented the Heartland Cruisers’ Car Club and asked fellow Council members to approve the closing off of streets and parking for Show-n-Shine cars on both sides of East and West Avenues and 5th Avenue around the Courthouse during the Swedish Days Show-n-Shine as well as having motorcycles parked on East Avenue in front of Hilsabeck’s Sporting Goods store. A motion by Councilmember Nantkes to approve the Heartland Cruiser’s requests for parking and street closureswas seconded by Councilmember Simpson. Roll call aye: Aldrich, Simpson, McDermott, Urbom, Marvin and Nantkes; abstain: Sisson. Motion carried.
Phelps County Development Corporation Executive Director Monica Boyken and PCDC Board of Directors Vice President Doug Stevenson updated the Council on the status of interest and development of the Iron Horse Business and Industry Park. Ms. Boyken told members that, during recent workshop with site selection consultants and other development executives, she discovered how far the project had come and some things that needed to be accomplished to consider the site “shovel ready” by prospective clients. She and Mr. Stevenson outlined favorable business conditions of the area and the importance of having City utilities and infrastructure available at the site for “shovel ready” status. Ms. Boyken also told members that she was retiring her position as PCDC Executive Director to pursue a business of her own and that Ron Tillery had been selected to fill the position.
USA Outdoor owner Russ Hilliard presented marketing ideas using billboard signs which would be constructed by his company and leased to local businesses. Mr. Hilliard pointed out that Holdrege Municipal Code does not have a provision for billboard type signs within its jurisdictional boundaries and asked members to consider adding language to current sign ordinance that would allow construction of three double-faced billboards near main highway entrances into Holdrege. Members discussed pros and cons of billboards in or near town and sites that might work this type of advertising. No action was taken on Mr. Hilliard’s proposals as the item was for discussion only.
Mayor Young introduced the second reading of Ordinance 2381. City Clerk Dane Jensen gave the second reading of Ordinance 2381; changing the Civil Service Commission from three to five members and adding Sections 211 and 212 to Chapter 12, Article 2 of the Holdrege Municipal Code. Motion by Councilmember Aldrich, second by Councilmember Sisson with all members present voting aye to approve the second reading of Ordinance 2381. Motion carried.
Councilmember Simpson motioned to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2381 with a second by Councilmember Marvin. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2381; changing the Civil Service Commission from three to five members and adding Sections 211 and 212 to Chapter 12, Article 2 of the Holdrege Municipal Code. A motion by Councilmember Aldrich to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2381 was seconded by Councilmember Sisson with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Mayor Young told members that he had discussed additional appointments to the Civil Service Commission with Chief DaMoude and consequently requested Karen Stute and Ken Eigenberg to join the Commission, which both accepted. Councilmember Simpson motioned to approve Mayor Young’s appointments of Karen Stute and Ken Eigenberg to the City of Holdrege Civil Service Commission with a second by Councilmember Urbom. All members present voted aye. Motion carried. City Attorney Rod Osborn advised not convening a Civil Service Commission meeting with the new members until after publication Ordinance 2381.
South Central Economic Development District (SCEDD) Community Planner Jana Punelli narrated a Power Point presentation highlighting improvements to properties formerly declared a nuisance by Resolution 2016-07. Ms. Punelli explained that, due to the improvements to the properties, they were no longer considered a nuisance and asked members to adopt Resolution 2016-09: rescinding the Declaration of Nuisance on these certain properties. Motion by Councilmember Aldrich, second by Councilmember Sisson with all members present voting aye to adopt Resolution 2016-09. Motion carried.
Following a second Power Point presentation emphasizing the lack of progress made on other nuisance properties Ms. Punelli asked the Council members for a motion to abate those particular properties. Regina Hofaker brought concerns for her properties to the Council’s attention and stated that she felt like she had not been made aware of what specific things on her properties that were being considered nuisances. Ms. Punelli said she would be glad to do a walk thru with her and discuss the violations and address any additional concerns she might have. A motion to continue nuisance abatement actionon the properties presented was made by Councilmember Aldrich and seconded by Councilmember Simpson with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Ms. Punelli also submitted several requests for postponements of action from property owners requesting additional time to complete remediation of nuisances on their properties. Councilmember Aldrich motioned to approve the requests for postponements with a second by Councilmember McDermott. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
In Open Discussion:
Administrator Rager reminded Councilmembers of the public meeting concerning Lake Seldom to be held at the TriBasin NRD Office on Thursday the 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Councilmember Aldrich advised that the storm sewers at the southwest corner of the courthouse and at ESU #11 were plugged and inquired about progress on an ordinance for nuisance trailers.
Chief DaMoude announced that the Police Auction would be held on Thursday the 26th of May rather that the 19th as previously advertised.
Mayor Young commented on Coffee-with-a-Cop recently held at the Senior Center and said that he had discussed the possibility of a new fire hall building on the Washington School property or expansion of the current building with the Fire Chief.
With no other discussion to be heard Mayor Young adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
The next regular City Council meeting will be held on June 7th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 502 East Avenue in Holdrege, Nebraska. An agenda, as well as any Ordinance, Resolution or Agreement of the City, is kept on file, constantly current and available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk, 502 East Avenue in Holdrege.
Doug Young, Mayor
Dane C. Jensen, City Clerk