University of Leeds Telephone Fundraising Campaign 2017/18

Telephone Fundraiser Application Form

Applications must be received byemail () no later than12pm (Midday),

1st January 2018.
BEFORE YOU APPLY: We need successful applicants to be able to workthe training day on Wednesday 24th January. The dates of the campaign are 29th January – 15th March. We ask all team members to work at least 2 shifts per week over these dates.


Course nameStudent ID (on student card)

Year of study(1st, 2nd, 3rd, MA etc)Year of graduation

Term time address:Alternative contact address:

Telephone: Email:

If successful, would you prefer to be a Weekday, Weekend or Flexible caller?

(Please indicate below)

WeekdayWeekendFlexibleNo preference

(Please note that if you select ‘No preference’ and your application is successful you will be assigned to the team where you are most needed. Shift times can be found in ‘Training and work patterns’ below. Please note that you may be required to work both weekday and weekend shifts during the campaign).

What attracted you to the University originally?

What University activities, clubs and societies are you involved with? What hobbies or interests do you have?

What aspects of University life do you enjoy? Are there any aspects of the university that you think could be improved?

Please describe why you have applied for the post and what qualities you possess that you feel make you suited to this work.

Why do you think it is important for universities to raise funds, especially from their former students?

Please give details of any relevant experience…

In one sentence, tell us why you should be considered for interview

Training and work patterns

  • Training is compulsory and you must be able to attend thetraining dayon Wednesday 24thJanaury(2pm – 7pm). Training weekend pay is received at the end of the telephone campaign.
  • A further compulsory training will take place during the week commencing22nd January. You will have the opportunity to choose which session you attend.
    Calling will take place over, approximately, a7 week period of 29th January – 15th March.
  • You will be required to work at least two shifts per week, Calling will take place during weekday shifts and weekend shifts. The times of these shifts are laid out below:
  • Weekday shifts:Monday -Thursday evenings (17.30 -21.00).
  • Weekendshifts: Saturday morning (10:45 – 13:45) Saturday afternoon (14:15 – 17:15). Sunday(11:00 – 16:30)
  • The Weekday team will participate in 2 shifts from the Weekday per week.
  • The Weekend team will participate in 2 shifts from the Weekend per week.
  • The Flexible team will participate in a shift from both the Weekday and Weekend per week.
  • There may also be at afternoon shifts (14.00pm – 17.00) and late evening shifts (12.00am-4.00am).These shifts are optional extras.
  • Your pay does not include refreshment breaks.
  • If you are absent from a shift without reasonable prior notice or are more than 5 minutes late without informing a member of the Footsteps Fund Team this will be classed as unauthorised absence. Unauthorised absences will not be tolerated and could result in disciplinary action with a Manager in the Alumni and Development Team.

How did you learn about this vacancy?
  • The Portal
  • Email from Alumni & Development Team
  • Email from the Scholarship Team
  • Email from the Marketing Team
  • Departmental email
  • Other email
  • Personal recommendation
  • Other (Please specify)

I accept the above terms and conditions of employment

Signed (/printed):Date:

Please returnby emailtoBeth Drury, Footsteps Fund Officer, at . Deadline: 01/01/2018