(Rev. 9/29/10)
Demonstration of level of competence in the activities being taught
Appropriate gym attire
Following directions
Points may be deducted for the following:
First day not attired for class or unexcused absence = 5 point deduction
Subsequent days not attired for class, unexcused absences or non-participation in class = 10 point deduction
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES are those that the physical education instructor has not approved beforehand (including guidance appointments, office appointments, college fairs, students on long term medicals not reporting to class, and students making up work for other classes).
Students will not be permitted to go to guidance without a signed pass from guidance. Students are allowed one appointment to guidance per marking period.
Unexcused tardy = 3 point deduction
Leaving the gym or locker room before the end-of-period tone sounds = 5 point deduction
Poor Participation/Cooperation = 1 to 5 point deduction
Five absences from school without a doctor’s note = 10 point deduction
(Students may elect to do a written assignmentto make-up for excessive absences
from school.)
Students are not permitted to make-up work in other subject areas during physical education class unless given permission from his/her PE teacher. The first unexcused absence will result in a 5 point deduction. All other unexcused absences will result in a 10 point deduction.
Students may be excused by the school nurse no more than two days per marking period. All other nurse excuses will result in a 5 point deduction.
Fourteen absences from school without a doctor’s note will result in a denial of credit.
Five absences from school without a doctor’s note will result in a denial of credit in Health. (marking period course)
A cut is an absence from class where a student can not account for their absence. Cuts are automatic 10 point deductions.
NOTE: No make-up is required for field trips, suspensions, or physician’s medical days.
SKILLS EVALUATION – 10%Teacher Observation
Skills Tests
Skills Rubrics
Peer Assessment
Fitness Tests (4 tests per marking period)
Shuttle Run
300 Yard Shuttle Run
Mile Run
Standing Broad Jump
Basketball Throw
Jump Rope
Standards (Based on Scoring Rubric)
-Advanced (A- to A+)
-Proficient (B- to B+)
-Partially Proficient (C- to C+)
-Needs Improvement (D- to D+)
Demonstration of knowledge.
Evaluation is done by written exam and/or written assignment
Written assignments must be typed, double spaced, and turned in on time to receive credit.
SAFETY:Facilities and equipment may be used only under the supervision of a faculty member.
Specific equipment safety will be addressed at the appropriate time.
Appropriate behavior is expected at all times in the locker rooms.
Potentially dangerous jewelry and gum chewing are not allowed in class.
Each student is expected to dress out in a proper physical education uniform every day. This includes s T-shirt/sweatshirt, gym shorts/sweat pants, and sneakers.(laces
The gym shirt should be school colors. Green, white, and gold are acceptable colors.
Tank tops, cutoff shirts, cutoff shorts, and shirts cut too low or exposing the midriff are not acceptable. (Students who wear school colors everyday in the marking period will receive 10 points extra credit)
Student’s dress must be a change of clothing different from daily school clothes.
Students not dressed in a gym uniform will not be allowed to participate and will not receive any credit for that day.
Advertisements on clothing not related to fitness, sport, or education are not acceptable.
If for some reason a student should be excused from physical education class for more than 2 days, he or she must obtain a note from a physician and present it to the school nurse and physical education instructor.
Students not able to participate for extended periods of time will be assigned written assignments so they will be able to receive credit for the marking period.
Students with long term medical excuses will not be required to dress out for physical education class.
Students on medical excuses must report to PE class everyday or receive a cut from class.
Students with short term medical excuses should present the medical note to the school nurse and physical education instructor. It may be necessary to assign reading material or a written assignment to cover the time that is missed from regular participation in physical education.
Athletes are to dress for and participate in the regular physical education program each day. On games days, athletes will dress out and participate in class. There will be no exceptions to this rule. The physical education teacher will take into consideration each situation and monitor participation accordingly.
All injuries should be reported immediately to the physical education instructor.
If something is missing and you suspect theft, report it to your physical education instructor immediately. In addition, please check in the physical education office before leaving for your next period class.
DO NOT bring expensive items or large amounts of money to P.E. class. NEVER leave anything in the locker room unlocked.
DO NOT share your locker combination with anyone.
Participate to the best of your ability.
Treat everyone with courtesy and respect.
Abusive and inappropriate language is never acceptable.
Enjoy and have fun with the activities.
Arrive on time.
Dress for class, remove all potentially dangerous jewelry and secure all belongings inside your locker.
Go directly to class and sit on your assigned attendance spot.
At the conclusion of class, do not leave any belongings in the long lockers.
DO NOT leave the locker room or gym area until the end-of-period tone sounds. You may not leave until the bell rings.
No food or drink in locker room at any time.
Be considerate of your classmates who use the locker room the rest of the day by keeping it clean and using the trash cans.
DO NOT enter the P.E. office without permission.
Students should use the rest room facilities during the changing times at the beginning of a class period. Locker rooms will be locked during class time and students will not be permitted in the locker room during class time.
Students should not be dismissed to the locker room earlier than 5 minutes to the bell.