Thunder Mountain Landowners’ Association

Annual Meeting – Agenda

June 11, 2016 10:30 AM

► Welcome and Introductions Jim Brown

Karl Anderson Mike Foley Invited Guests:

Sharon Horting Kermit Morrison Norm Reece, Atty.

Margee Beebe Marilyn Everton Andi Higgins, P&Z

Ken Cleaves Boyd Ferrin--excused

► Status Reports Board

Financial Report Sharon

Secretary’s Report Margee

Roads Ken

Brush Control Marilyn

Culverts Ken

Water Well and Spring Kermit

TM Road Gate Information Kermit

Architectural Issues Mike

Andi Higgins, Bannock Co. P&Z

Gateway Commons Karl

Vehicle storage

Snowmobile and ATV Storage Facility

New Business: Winter Snow Gate

New Web Site Marilyn

► Things to Remember Jim

Fire Danger



Safety on the Roads at TM

► Election Sharon

Jim Brown ______

Karl Anderson ______

Margee Beebe ______

► Closing Remarks Jim

► Picnic! All

Thunder Mountain Issues – Annual Meeting, June 11, 2016

Spring. The Thunder Mountain Spring provides potable water to TM landowners that need it. The Board asks that users limit their water to what is needed—no watering of grass, or wasteful use! The Thunder Mountain Water master is Kermit Morrison. Flow rate: presently 15 gpm. The water test samples indicate an absence of E-coli bacteria, and an absence of coliform bacteria (decaying vegetation). Be sure the spigot is completely off when done!

Well. The well provides water for the restroom in the Shed, watering of Memory Grove trees, and is also available for landowners at the well head. The water is suitable for watering trees.

Annual Dues Payment. It is very important to pay your annual Association Dues when billed. This will insure timely project scheduling and greatly improve our budget process.

Dues Increase. This has been deferred. An ATV/Snowmobile rent increase has been approved by the board, and will go from $25/half year to $50/half year, per space. Proceeds to go to the Capital Improvement Fund.

Weeds. Every landowner has the responsibility to keep noxious weeds under control on his or her property. Dyer’s Woad is prevalent, but it isn’t the only bad weed. TM will control weeds on the roads right-of-way.

Right-of-Way Brush Control. We ask that landowners help with brush removal on areas adjacent to their lots. Work parties will assist in brush removal, but only if the affected landowner is there to help. See Marilyn Everton for scheduling brush removal along the road near your lot.

Culverts. Landowner-built access roads that intersect with TM roadways must have culverts installed so that water will not erode the TM road surface. If in doubt, check with our Road Supervisor, Boyd Ferrin. Culvert sections are available from TM for a nominal cost. Don’t forget Blue Stake if digging near Thunder Mountain Road, Selkirk Road or Wasatch Road!

Road Grading. This will continue for as long as the roadways are moist. Be aware that the road grader and a roller may be in use any time you visit Thunder Mountain.

Speed and Paying Attention. We have had several slide-offs, with vehicle damage, on sharp curves. Also, many ATV’s are traveling our roads, with children and young adults at the controls. If you have control or influence over these drivers, insist that they drive safely.

Fire Danger. The Board will post restrictions and current information on the bulletin boards at the Spring and the TM Well. Also, remember that fireworks are never permitted to be used anywhere on Thunder Mountain. We are part of the Lava Fire District. Burning of slash requires a Burn Permit from the LFD.

Gates. The electrically operated gate can be operated by Remote Control (garage door opener) or by keypad, with the proper key code. Openers are available for $20. from the Board. See Kermit Morrison for keypad access; a 5 day lead time is required for new key code programming. If you received a key code last season, it is still valid.

Winter Snow Gate. TM has installed a winter-only Snow Gate, which will limit TM access to skis, snowshoes, snow machines and ATVs during winter months. It will be in use next winter, when conditions warrant its use.