Bowden Travel Grant
2012 NAAHP Conference – Baltimore, MD. - June 20-24, 2012
The Executive Committee for the Northeast Association of Advisors to the Health Professions (NEAAHP) recognizes that there may be members or potential members who may be unable to attend the national conference because of financial constraints at one’s institution. For the 2012 National Meeting in BaltimoreMD, June 20-June 24, 2012, a portion of the region’s budget has been set aside to aid current members as well as potential members with small grants to attend this valuable meeting. We cannot guarantee grants to all who apply and decisions will be made by a subcommittee of the executive committee. Grants are limited; therefore, applicants will be required to submit an application and an essay on how their attendance at the meeting will benefit them and their students. Application forms will be posted on the NEAAHP website ( soon.
The national meeting provides a variety of opportunities for individuals to enhance their advising skills through interactive workshops, panel discussions, presentations and updates from the various health professions organizations and testing centers. In addition, the meeting provides advisors the chance to share best practices as well as the ability to network with other advisors. Conference participants leave the meeting with useful materials and additional support to face the challenges associated with advising.
We hope to see you at the 2012 National meeting in Baltimore, MD
Northeast Association of Advisors to the Health Professions (NEAAHP)
2012Bowden Travel Grant
Baltimore, MD, June 20-24, 2012
Directions: Please print or type all information. The essay must be doubled-spaced, typed and attached to this application when submitted.
First Name:Last Name:
Mailing Address:Street:
Department:Room/Suite:Mail Code:
City:State:Zip Code:
Telephone # (include area code)Fax #
E-mail Address:
- I am applying for: (Please check only the items that are essential for you to attend the conference.)
- My school/institution will provide this amount in financial support$
- Last regional conference attended: (Check One) 2011____ 2010 ____ 2009 ____ 2007 ____ 2005 ____
Other ______(Specify) ______
4. Membership Type (Check One) Not a Member Yet New Member (<2 years)
Experienced Member 2-10 Years Experienced Member 11+ Years
5.How many pre-health advisors are there at your school other than yourself? (Check One)
One______ Two______ Three ______ Four or more ______ None ______
6. I am a full time advisor ______ I am a faculty member with part time advising responsibilities ______
I advise other majors as well as pre-health ______
7.How many other advisors from your school will attend this conference? (Check One)
None ______ One ______ Two ______ Three or more ______
8.How many students do you advise?______How many of your students apply to a health professions school each year? ______
9. On a separate sheet of paper you must write an essay on how attending the conference will benefit you and your students. (The essay cannot exceed 250 words). Essays that exceed the word limit will be discarded. Your essay should include information about your role as an advisor and the type of pre-health students you advise.
Please submit completed application and essay by Friday, March 30, 2012 to:
Kirsten Peterson, Secretary, NEAAHP– Box 62, Allegheny College, 520 N. Main Street, Meadville, PA 16335
Grant recipients will be notified by Tuesday, April 12, 2012
If you are awarded a conference travel grant, you may be asked to assist with conference logistics and to write and submit an article for the regional newsletter highlighting your experience at the conference.
Signature ______Date ______