Minutes of a meeting of the FINANCE & AMENITIES COMMITTEE
held at St. Peter’s Church Hall, Greatstone on Monday 20th September 2010
Present: the Town Mayor, Cllr. Ms. R. G. Saunders, the Deputy Town Mayor, Revd. A. J. Davis, and Councillors T. Allen, Mrs. P. A. Davis, Ms. V. M. Dawson, C. Goddard, D. G. Kersey Mrs. V. Loseby, Mrs. M. R. Masters, , Mrs. J. Shepherd and D. F. Watts.
Town Clerk John Rich
Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs. J. Mathews
Absent: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. G. D. McKay due to a work commitment
The committee appointed Cllr. Ms. Saunders, the Town Mayor, as Chairman of the Finance & Amenities Committee for this municipal year
Cllr. Mrs. Masters declared personal interests in Lydd Club Day and Lydd Twinning
and Cllr. Goddard declared a personal interest in Lydd Twinning.
Minutes of the meeting on 15th March 2010 were agreed and signed
Cllr. Allen declared personal interests in Lydd Club Day and Lydd Twinning.
The committee considered applications for funding from Lydd Club Day and Lydd Twinning. When introducing the item, the Chairman directed Members’ attention to dates relevant to the applications, specifically that the date the Lydd Club Day application was signed was 30th June 2010, whereas the date of the event for which funding was requested was 19th June 2010; and the Lydd Twinning application had been received the week before the meeting, whereas the date of the event for which funding was requested was 13th to 16th May 2010. After a full debate, Cllr. Revd. Davis proposed that no grants be made and this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Shepherd and agreed by a majority vote.
A request for a £100 contribution towards the cost of a light buffet at the Lydd War Memorial Institute following the Remembrance Sunday service and parade was agreed unanimously.
Following the Town Council’s agreement to the principle of using a charge card to pay for fuel, it was formally agreed to apply to Lloyds TSB and accept the annual fee and detailed terms and conditions of operation, a copy of which was produced at the meeting and was available to any Member in advance of the meeting on request.
It was noted that a request from the Lydd Twinning Association to book the Council Chamber for a Hallowe’en event had been withdrawn;
The Town Mayor proposed that the Town Council be recommended to adopt a formal policy of charging for all bookings of the Guild Hall rooms, with the Town Clerk authorised to make a 50 % reduction for community organisations based within the parish. This was seconded by Cllr. Ms. Dawson and agreed.
The committee considered the Town Mayor’s proposal for dealing with the letter from Mrs. M. Weaver, which was referred to the committee by the Town Council on 14th June. The clerk reminded Members that it was the internal auditor’s opinion that the Council was entitled to decide what to do with this money, but that it should formally make the decision at the Annual Meeting. After debate it was agreed to recommend that the funds (some £2,738) be offered to the Banks Sports & Social Club for the use of the Dennes Lane Project, with approximately half to be used to assist in developing a tennis court as part of the Multi-User Games Area, and half to be used to provide equipment and training to individuals who wish to play tennis. This was agreed by a majority, with Cllr. T. Allen against and Cllr. C. Goddard abstaining.
The committee authorised immediate payment of presented accounts and noted accounts already paid and balances as set out in Appendix A
The committee agreed to the exclusion of the press and public on the grounds that the remaining business may involve discussion of quotations and contracts
The committee considered a quotation for remedial works to the Banks drains which could be started immediately and decided to seek a further quotation as well as asking the advice of Environmental Health about the possible risk to public health.
Proposed by Cllr. Revd. Davis, seconded by Cllr. Ms. Dawson and agreed by a majority with Cllr. Allen and Cllr. Goddard abstaining.
The clerk reported on a recent inspection of the fixed electrical installation at the Guild Hall which had concluded that a large number of items required attention. The clerk was communicating with Kent C. C. in order to identify a provider of appropriate expert advice to advise the Council in determining the correct way to respond to the report. It was agreed that copies of the full detailed report be provided to all Members and that the Town Council should seek estimates of the cost of a full re-wiring of the Guild Hall and timescales as a matter of urgency.
A recorded vote was requested: Cllr. Revd. Davis, Cllr. Mrs. Davis, Cllr. Kersey, Cllr. Mrs. Loseby, Cllr. Ms. Saunders, Cllr. Mrs. Shepherd and Cllr. Watts voted in favour; Cllr. Allen, Cllr. Ms. Dawson, Cllr. Goddard and Cllr. Mrs. Masters abstained.
Appendix A to the minutes of the Finance & Amenities Committee on 20th September 2010
ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT / F&A Cttee, 20th September 2010Date / Payee / Narrative / Cheque no. / Receipt / Payment
7th / EDF / Garage / DD / £ 5.00
7th / EDF / Pavilion / DD / £ 17.00
7th / EDF / Guild Hall / DD / £ 120.00
9th / PWLB / Community Hall loan / DD / £ 2,532.89
9th / Transfer / £ 10,000.00
9th / Bank interest / £ 3.21
10th / J. Hughes / Salary, month 5 / CQ1433 / £ 1,084.76
10th / J. Rich / Salary, month 5 / CQ1434 / £ 1,055.18
11th / BS&SC
Dennes Lane Project / Donation - Council, 2.8.10 / CQ1435 / £ 200.00
13th / Bank charges / £ 15.54
16th / Mrs. J. Mathews / Salary, month 5 / CQ1436 / £ 635.92
16th / TCS / Computer support / £ 57.50
16th / British Gas / Guild Hall / DD / £ 80.00
18th / Petty cash / Revised limit to £200 - Council 2.8.10 / CQ1437 / £ 188.20
19th / Banking / Pavilion & allotments / CR500374 / £ 472.00
6th / Mr. R. Claringbould / Guild Hall window cleaning / CQ1439 / £ 45.00
6th / Invictawiz / Anti Virus/Spam service annual fee / CQ1440 / £ 58.75
6th / Youngs / Groundsman's tools / CQ1441 / £ 46.07
6th / Four Jays Group / Allotments toilet / CQ1442 / £ 23.50
6th / Mrs. P. Pogson / Civic Service reception / CQ1443 / £ 242.46
6th / Mrs. J. Mathews / Salary month 6 / CQ1444 / £ 590.74
6th / Mr. J. Rich / Salary month 6 / CQ1445 / £ 1,075.96
6th / Mr. J. Hughes / Salary month 6 / CQ1446 / £ 1,129.81
13th / HMRC / Paye & NI, 2nd qtr / CQ1447 / £ 2,912.93
13th / Sandwich Town Council / Speaker's Day / CQ1448 / £ 120.00
15th / Friends of Lydd / Agreed annual payment / CQ1449 / £ 500.00
20th / Fattorini / Freeman Badges / CQ1450 / £ 419.97
20th / Principal / Copier / CQ1452 / £ 66.96
20th / Care Signs / Honours Boards / CQ1453 / £ 141.00
20th / KCPFA / Annual subscription / CQ1454 / £ 20.00
20th / Invictawiz / Broadband quarterly charge / CQ1455 / £ 70.50
20th / PCC Lydd / St. Peters Church Hall / CQ1456 / £ 6.25
20th / Four Jays Group / Allotments toilets / CQ1457 / £ 23.50
20th / Young's / Groundsman's sundries / CQ1458 / £ 55.45
20th / Shaw & Sons / Binding 2007 minutes / CQ1459 / £ 109.28
20th / Clare Danstead / Inscribing Roll of Freemen / CQ1460 / £ 40.00
20th / Mrs. J. Mathews / Lydd in Bloom prizes / CQ1461 / £ 90.50
TOTALS / £ 10,475.21 / £ 13,780.62
Lloyds TSB / Current account / 10th September 2010 / £ 22,269.36
Lloyds TSB / Business Instant Access account / 9th August 2010 / £ 65,873.66
£ 88,143.02
Finance & Amenities Committee, 20th September 2010