Ch. 2-5, Ecology Lesson Plans



Essential Questions

Ch 2.1 Principles of Ecology

What does the statement mean by “Sharing the World”?

What is Ecology?

What are the living and non living factors of the biosphere?

What are ecosystems?

Ch. 2.2 Environmental Relationships

What are the relationships of organisms to an ecosystem?

What are the three types of survival relationships?

How do organisms obtain their energy?

How do food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids describe trophic levels?

What are the four cycles in nature?

Ch. 3.1 Communities and Biomes

What are the limiting factors in a community?

What are the various types of succession?

Ch. 3.2 Marine and Freshwater Biomes

What are the various types and layers of a marine biome?

What are the freshwater biomes?

What are the seven types of terrestrial biomes, their organisms, and locations?

Ch. 4.1 Population Biology

What are the principles of population growth?

What are limiting factors and how do these keep populations at or below the carrying capacities?

What are density dependent and density independent factors?

What factors limit population size?

Ch. 4.2 World Populations

How would you describe the world population?

How would you use the birth and death rate to calculate the population growth rate?

How would you describe an age structure diagram?

Ch. 5 Biological Diversity and Conservation

Ch. 5.1 Biodiversity

What is biodiversity, why is it important?

How does biodiversity affect all of life?

What are the threats to biodiversity?

5.2 Conservation Biology

What is conservation biology?

How are habitats preserved?

What are the various laws that govern biodiversity?

What are the reintroduction and species preservation programs?


Resources needed

Text, Project Wild Exercises, Elmo, Library for EOI Examination of Ecology questions, Age Structure Diagrams.

Technology Incorporated

Elmo, Library computers


Cornell Notes, cooperative groups (two), for Age Structure Diagrams, Ch. 2-5 Study Guide, Project Wild Outdoor Lab, Library for EOI Ecology Questions.


Student Products

Essential Questions and vocabulary, Report on Project Wild Outdoor Lab, Cornell Notes, Agej Structure Diagram, Ch. 2-5 Study Guide.

Time Frames

Ecology Unit, Ch. 2-5, April 4th –April 15.

Essential Questions, Cornell Notes, Outdoor lab, Age Structure Diagrams are due week of April 11th-15th.


Cornell Notes, monitoring study groups for Age Structure Diagrams, Examining progress of Outdoor Ecology Lab, Study Guide, Test. Extra time given for IEP students.