AT 181 - Block, Crank, and Pistons worksheet.

Names ______Date ______

Measuring Deck Warpage

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to properly inspect and measure the engine block deck for warpage.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to the Engine Repair Test’s content area: Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Visually inspect engine block for cracks, corrosion, passage condition, core and gallery plug holes, and surface warpage; determine necessary action.

Tools and Materials


Feeler gauge

Engine block


Using the engine you have disassembled and the proper service manual, you will identify and perform the required steps to inspect and measure the engine block deck for warpage.

11. Specification for maximum warpage allowed. ______

12. Special tools required to perform this procedure?

13. Make sure the deck surface is clean. Task Completed □

14. Note any damage (nicks, scratches, etc.) to the deck surface.




15. Actual warpage measurement.

Left bank ______Right bank ______

16. Based on your findings, what is your recommendation?




Instructor’s Response ______

Inspecting and Measuring the Cylinder Walls

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to properly inspect and measure the cylinder walls for wear.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to the Engine Repair Test’s content area: Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Inspect and measure cylinder walls; remove cylinder wall ridges; hone and clean cylinder walls; determine need for further action.

Tools and Materials

Dial bore gauge

Engine block


Using the block from the engine you have disassembled and the proper service manual, you will identify and perform the required steps to inspect and measure the cylinder walls for wear.

11. Do any of the cylinders have visible signs of wear or damage? □ Yes □ No

If YES, which one(s)?



12. Is the cross-cut pattern still visible on all cylinder walls? □ Yes □ No

If NO, on which ones is it no longer visible?



13. What is the specification for the bore? ______

14. At what location in the cylinder is the bore measurement to be taken?


15. What is the specification for the maximum amount of taper? ______

16. At what locations in the cylinder is the taper measured?


17. What is the specification for the maximum amount of out-of-round? ______


18. At what location in the cylinder is out-of-round measured?


19. Measure each cylinder at the locations required, and record your results.

Bore Taper Out-of-Round

Cylinder 1 ______

Cylinder 2 ______

Cylinder 3 ______

Cylinder 4 ______

Cylinder 5 ______

Cylinder 6 ______

10. Put an * (or more than one if necessary) in the chart above to indicate any readings that are out-of-specification.
Task Completed □

11. Have the cylinders been bored to an oversize? □ Yes □ No

If YES, what size? ______

12. Based on your readings, what is your recommendation?




Instructor’s Response ______

Inspecting and Measuring Main Bearing Bore Alignment

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to properly inspect and measure the main bore alignment.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to the Engine Repair Test’s content area: Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Inspect and measure main bearing bores and cap alignment and fit.

Tools and Materials


Feeler gauge

Engine block


Using the block from the engine you have disassembled and the proper service manual, you will identify and perform the required steps to inspect and measure the main bores for proper alignment.

11. Do any of the main bearings show signs of wear caused by bore misalignment?

□ Yes □ No

If YES, which one(s)?



12. Do any of the saddles or caps have visible signs of wear or damage?

□ Yes □ No

If YES, which one(s)?



13. What is the maximum amount of bore misalignment allowed? ______

14. Describe the method used to determine bore misalignment.



Inspecting and Measuring Main Bearing Bore Alignment (continued)

15. Actual amount of bore misalignment. ______

16. Based on your findings, what is your recommendation?




Instructor’s Response ______

Inspecting the Pistons and Connecting Rods

Upon completion of this job sheet you should be able to properly inspect pistons, connecting rods, and piston pins. You should also be able to remove a piston from a connecting rod.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to ASE Engine Repair Test content area: Engine Block Assembly Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Inspect and measure pistons and determine necessary action; Remove and replace piston pin.

This job sheet is also related to ASE General Engine Diagnosis; Removal and Reinstallation (R&R); tasks: Research applicable vehicle service information.

Tools and Materials




Piston pin press tools


Your instructor will provide you with a specific engine. Write down the information, and then perform the following tasks:

11. Line up the pistons and connecting rods in order on a clean bench.
Task Completed □

12. Visually inspect each connecting rod for damage, bend, cracks, nicks. Record results.

Piston number 1 ______

Piston number 2 ______

Piston number 3 ______

Piston number 4 ______

Piston number 5 ______

Piston number 6 ______

13. Remove the rod bearings and keep them in order for later inspection.
Task Completed □

4.Clean the big end bore; note any visible issues, and measure the diameter and for out-of-round. Record results:

Rod number 1 ______

Rod number 2 ______

Rod number 3 ______

Rod number 4 ______

Rod number 5 ______

Rod number 6 ______

5. Remove the piston rings using a ring expander and be careful not to scrape the sides of the pistons. Lay to the side for later inspection. Clean the ring grooves using a ring groove cleaner. Task Completed □

6. Visually inspect the piston ring grooves, ring lands, piston heads, and piston skirts for excessive scuffing. Record results:

Piston number 1 ______

Piston number 2 ______

Piston number 3 ______

Piston number 4 ______

Piston number 5 ______

Piston number 6 ______

7. Locate the manufacturer’s service information for where to measure piston diameter. Record that procedure:






8. Measure the piston diameter and compare it to specifications. Record results:

Piston number 1 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

Piston number 2 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

Piston number 3 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

Piston number 4 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

Piston number 5 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

Piston number 6 diameter ______Within specification? □ Yes □ No

9. Hold one piston assembly and feel for free movement of the connecting rod. Place a shop rag around the connecting rod and place it in a vise. Push up and down on the piston to feel for even the slightest vertical movement. It should move sideways freely. Repeat for each piston and rod assembly. Note your results:

Piston number 1 ______

Piston number 2 ______

Piston number 3 ______

Piston number 4 ______

Piston number 5 ______

Piston number 6 ______

10. If any pistons felt loose on the rod and your shop has the proper press and piston pin adaptor, remove those pistons from the rod.

Does your shop have the proper equipment to remove the piston? □ Yes □ No

11. If your shop does not have the proper equipment, have your instructor check your work now.

12. If you have the equipment, note or mark the orientation of the piston on the rod. Set the piston and pin press adaptor on the vise. Be certain the piston and press rod are aligned properly. You must have safety glasses on. Press the pin from the piston and connecting rod. Repeat for as many piston assemblies as required. If the piston pins are full floating, simply remove the snap rings and push the pins out.

Did you successfully remove the pin(s)? □ Yes □ No

13. Set the piston and connecting rod aside. Visually inspect the piston pin for wear and measure its diameter. Record your results:

Pin number 1 visual condition and diameter: ______

Pin number 2 visual condition and diameter: ______

Pin number 3 visual condition and diameter: ______

Pin number 4 visual condition and diameter: ______

Pin number 5 visual condition and diameter: ______

Pin number 6 visual condition and diameter: ______

14. Compare the pins to specification. Which, if any, are worn? ______


15.Inspect the connecting rod and piston bore for signs of wear. Measure the connecting rod bore using an inside micrometer or a dial bore gauge. Compare the bore to specifications. (On some piston assemblies, it will also be necessary to measure the bore in the piston; perform the work as specified in the service information.) Record results:

Bore number 1 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

Bore number 2 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

Bore number 3 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

Bore number 4 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

Bore number 5 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

Bore number 6 diameter ______Within specifications? □ Yes □ No

16. Describe any work necessary to repair improper piston to rod fit. Record results:

Piston number 1 ______

Piston number 2 ______

Piston number 3 ______

Piston number 4 ______

Piston number 5 ______

Piston number 6 ______

Instructor’s Response ______

Inspecting the Bearing Wear Patterns

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to inspect main and connecting rod bearings and determine problems indicated by unusual wear patterns.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to ASE Engine Repair Test content area: Engine Block Assembly Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Inspect piston and bearing wear patterns that indicate connecting rod alignment and main bearing bore problems; inspect rod alignment and bearing bore condition.


Your instructor will provide you with a specific engine. Write down the information, and then perform the following tasks:

11. Lay the main bearing halves out with main number 1 bottom half below main number 1 top half. Line up the rest in order in the same fashion. Describe the visual wear on the front and back of each bearing. Record results:

Bearing number 1 bottom ______

Bearing number 1 top______

Bearing number 2 bottom ______

Bearing number 2 top______

Bearing number 3 bottom ______

Bearing number 3 top______

Bearing number 4 bottom ______

Bearing number 4 top______

Bearing number 5 bottom ______

Bearing number 5 top______

Bearing number 6 bottom ______

Bearing number 6 top______

Bearing number 7 bottom ______

Bearing number 7 top______

2. Is the bearing wear uneven around the bearing halves? □ Yes □ No Does the pattern of bearing wear indicate the possibility of main bearing bore misalignment? □ Yes □ No

3. If main bearing bore misalignment is a possibility, check it now. Torque the main caps on in the proper sequence to the proper specification. Task Completed □

Look up the specification for the maximum allowable main bore misalignment. Record

results: ______

Lay a straightedge in the top and bottom of the bearing bores and try to fit a feeler gauge the size of the allowable misalignment under the straightedge in each cap.

Does the feeler gauge fit anywhere? □ Yes □ No

If the misalignment is too great, describe the procedure to fix the problem:


4. Do your bearings show any concentrated wear on the sides, indicating that a bearing cap was misaligned? □ Yes □ No

5. Are your bearings smeared, indicating improper or inadequate lubrication, or dirt behind the bearing back? □ Yes □ No

6. Are any of your bearing backs scored or polished, indicating that they may have spun in their bore? □ Yes □ No

7. Do any of your connecting rod bearings indicate wear on the opposite sides of the upper and lower bearing, indicating a bent connecting rod? □ Yes □ No

8. Describe your overall assessment of the main and rod bearings in your engine and what corrective actions you will have to take before reassembling your engine.

Main bearing indications:



Rod bearing indications:



Corrective actions:



Instructor’s Response ______

Installing the Piston Rings

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to properly install piston rings.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to ASE Engine Repair Test content area: Engine Block Assembly Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Inspect, measure, and install piston rings.

This job sheet is also related to ASE General Engine Diagnosis; Removal and Reinstallation (R&R) tasks: Research applicable vehicle service information.

Tools and Materials

Ring expander

Feeler gauges


Your instructor will provide you with a specific engine. Write down the information, and then perform the following tasks:

11. Locate the correct rings for your engine. Look up the correct installation of the ring gaps and draw a diagram showing it below:

Installing the Piston Rings (continued)

12. Look up the specification for ring side clearance and for ring end gap. Record results:

Ring side clearance specification: ______

Ring end gap specification: ______

13. Place an oil ring in the cylinder where indicated by the service information or toward the bottom of ring travel and square it with a piston. Measure the end gap. Place the second ring in the cylinder and measure the end gap. Place the top ring in the cylinder and measure the end gap. Repeat for all cylinders. Record results:

Cyl. #1: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

Cyl. #2: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

Cyl. #3: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

Cyl. #4: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

Cyl. #5: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

Cyl. #6: oil gap ______Second gap ______Top gap ______

14. Are any gaps too wide? □ Yes □ No What, if anything, will you do to correct this?




Are any gaps too narrow? □ Yes □ No What, if anything, will you do to correct this?




15. Lubricate piston number 1. Install the oil ring, expander, and second oil ring by hand, being careful not to twist them excessively. Use a ring expander to properly install the second ring. Is there a top marking? □ Yes □ No

Use a ring expander to properly install the top ring. Is there a top marking? □ Yes □ No

Repeat for all pistons.

16. Measure ring side clearance for the oil, second, and top rings as specified. Repeat for each piston. Record results:

Piston #1 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

Piston #2 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

Piston #3 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

Piston #4 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

Piston #5 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

Piston #6 oil clearance ______Second clearance ______Top clearance ______

17. Space the gaps as instructed on each piston. Task Completed □

Instructor’s Response ______

Installing the Main Bearings and the Crankshaft

Upon completion of this job sheet, you should be able to install the main bearings and the crankshaft into the engine block properly.

ASE Correlation

This job sheet is related to the Engine Repair Test’s content area: Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair; tasks: Install main bearings and crankshaft; check bearing clearances and end play; re-place/retorque bolts according to manufacturer’s procedures.

Tools and Materials

Dial indicator


Torque wrench

Engine block


Using the engine block and crankshaft from the engine you have disassembled and the proper service manual, you will identify and perform the required steps to install the main bearings and the crankshaft.

11. Replace the pilot bushing or bearing installed in the end of crankshaft (used with manual transmissions). Task Completed □

12. Make sure the proper main bearings are selected for the engine. Does this engine use
select bearings? □ Yes □ No

If YES, how are they identified?


13. Clean the block saddles, caps, and bearings thoroughly. Task Completed □

14. Install all upper bearing inserts into the block. These inserts will have oil holes and grooves that must be properly aligned with the block. Make sure to install the thrust washer into the specified saddle. Which bore is the thrust bearing installed in?


15. Install the lower bearing inserts into the caps. Task Completed □

16. Inspect the cap bolts for damage. Task Completed □

17. What is the specification for main bearing oil clearance?


18. Is the specification for ACTUAL or TOTAL oil clearance? Task Completed □

19. What method of measuring oil clearance is recommended by the service manual?


10. If using Plastigage, install the crankshaft into the saddles. When installing the crankshaft, lift it by the harmonic balancer journal and by bolts threaded into the rear flange. As the crankshaft is lowered into the bearings, keep it parallel to the bearings, and lower it straight down. If installed properly, the crankshaft will seat square and be supported by the bearings.
Task Completed □

11. Measure the oil clearance of each main bearing, and record your results below.

Bore Number Clearance






12. Place an * (or more than one, if necessary) in the previous chart to indicate any oil clearances that are out-of-specification. If any clearances are out-of-specification, what procedure can be used to correct them?



13. Correct any oil clearances to specifications as needed. Task Completed □

14. If the rear main seal is a two-piece lip seal, install the pieces into the block and rear cap. Which direction must the lip of the seal face?


15. Lubricate the inside surfaces of the bearing inserts with a film of engine oil.
Task Completed □

16. Install the crankshaft, caps, and bolts. Apply anaerobic sealer between the rear cap and cylinder block (if needed). Task Completed □

17. Place the main bearing caps over the crankshaft journals, starting at the rear journal and working toward the front of the engine, making sure the correct cap is installed in the correct location and in the proper direction. Task Completed □