City Point Neighborhood Association


Board Members Present: Joanne McDevitt, Paul Goulet, Ben Rogers, Marcia Campbell, Terry Byrne

Joanne called the meeting to order and welcomed Michelle Lavoie-aide to Sen Hart; City Councilor Bill Linehan; Tim Brown-aide to Councilor Linehan; Suzanne Lee candidate for City Council; Capt. John Greland Dist. Six; Sgt. Watts; Officers Belotte and Holliday

Joanne encouraged all residents to attend the Community Meeting at District Six on the first Wednesday of every month at 6PM. It is a good place to voice any concerns you have, and if you cannot attend, email your concern nd it will be addressed.

Officer Belotte noted that there was very little crime during the month, several cases of larceny, some vandalism and motor vehicle break ins where GPS systems were stolen.

On Farragut Road at the tennis courts someone put down a $3450.00 camera and it was stolen. On O and E First a car battery was stolen. There was concerned voiced by a resident that the patrol car stationed at Broadway and Farragut between 7-9 and 4-6was not effective because the blue lights were flashing. BPD will look into this and have the car not show lights. There was discussion regardingongoing problems on Emerson and E4th with regard to parking in the center of the street making it impossible for the buses to pass and causing undue noise and congestion for the residents. Councilor Linehan indicated that he would have BTD speak toCPNA, probably in January, and show proposed plan to correct this situation.According to Capt. Greland, BPD can both tag and tow in the area where problem exists.

There was discussion about the DCR meeting regarding parking issues on Day Blvd.

Another resident requested better signage at E6th-Columbia Rd-and Farragut at that dangerous intersection. BPD will look into better signage. Capt. Greland said he would also put a patrol car at O and E. Broadway as it is a dangerous crossing. It is agreed by the community leaders that a master plan is needed for South Boston to control ongoing problems with parking and traffic.

Michelle Lavoie reported that the initiative that Sen. Hart has introduced regarding setting guidelines for opening methadone clinics is now in committee. It is not to late to voice your support/opposition to this and we will send out the information. The MBTA bus surveys will be going forward soon to determine changes that may need to be instituted.

Councilor Linehan has supported Sen. Hart's bill which requires approval by local municipal governments before a license for a methadone clinic can be given.

Joanne gave the Treasurer's Report: $1085.00 plus a number of checks that were given at the meeting will be added.

The Park and Garden committee will apply in the spring for a grant for neighborhood trees that Donna Brown will help us with. These will be given for residential properties, not street trees and the grant is $2500.00. Please identify if you'd like to be considered for a tree, or if you know a location that would enjoy having a new tree.

Membership now has a data base of 400+ names, but only 60 members have paid. We will hold our election next month and dues must be paid in order to vote.

There will be a Candidates' Debate at the Boys & Girls' Club on 10/27 and details will follow.

The Social Committee is well underway in organizing the Third Annual Christmas Tree Lighting on December 6th. In addition to the tree, there will be some surprises and we are alsogoing to donate at least 6 baskets of food and gifts to needy families through Laboure. Please bringtoys, non-perishable food, socks, mittens, scarves and hatsto the November meeting or to the tree lighting. Paul has generously offered to provide a large turkey for each basket.

Joe Kelly was not able to be present to make a short presentation about his interest in being on the Board as Vice President. Ellen McDonough gave us an overview of her outstanding qualifications and interest in being the Secretary.


Slate of Candidates

President: Joanne McDevitt

Vice President: Joe Kelly

Treasurer: Ben Rogers

Secretary: Ellen McDonough

Dues Must be paid in order to Vote

Dues can be paid the night of the meeting


send check only made out to:CPNA, Inc to Ben Rogers

152 O St., S. Boston, MA 02127