St George’s Church Hall, Court Farm Road

Hove, BN3 7QR. Tel: 07990 631892


Our food bank is run by volunteers from the local Churches and surrounding communities.

We are open every Wednesday between 12.00pm-2.00pm.

Our aim is to provide emergency food parcels to individuals and families who find themselves in crisis or urgent situations in Hove and Hangleton.

We offer a hot or cold drink and a chat with people who may be able to point you in the right direction for further assistance and support. We then help you select items from our range of tinned and dried goods.

We regret that we are unable to support clients financially.

We rely on donations so cannot promise availability of specific brands or products.

In order to receive a food parcel you must be referred to us by a local agency. You have four emergency parcels with the

referral form.

Please be aware of our rules and regulations as stipulated on the

following page.

We ask all users of the Food Bank to:

Treat everybody who comes to the Foodbank, including clients and our

volunteers, with the same dignity and respect.Be aware that

anti-social behaviour, including the use of unacceptable language,

racial/discriminatory remarks or the use of alcohol or drugs on the premises will result in the termination of the referral.

Provide a completed referral form. The food parcel is for the persons in the household noted on the form only. If you have or know someone else in need, they will need to have their own referral.

Be aware that the referral form is subject to an ‘authenticity check’ at any time during the use of the Food Bank. If there are any discrepancies that occur this could result in the termination of the services provided.

By agreeing to these rules and regulations to access the Food Bank facilities, you give us the right to contact your referrer at any point to discuss your case. Information will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.

You will be asked by our volunteers to disclose details of your finances and show evidence of benefits received and of seeking help with finances with Money Advice Plus or any other debt advice/ welfare benefit advice service.

All interaction and correspondence between the Food Bank and clients will be kept in a personal file for review by the appropriate volunteers, Food Bank

Coordinator and Trustees.

You may be referred to our case review panel if we feel we don’t have enough information on your situation and feel that it is needed to gain a better understanding.

Be aware that should a termination or refusal be deemed necessary, the service user will be notified verbally, and then in writing within 7 days of the event, detailing the reason for the termination or refusal of service.

Be aware that if the user is of the opinion that the reasons for termination/refusal of service is unreasonable, a written response to the food bank trustees should be made within 7 days of receipt of the above letter.

The Food Bank Trustees will discuss the case and inform the service user of their decision within 7 days. The decision of the trustees is final.

I have read, understood and agree to these requirements: Date:

Recommendation Form

Details of the person requiring a food parcel

Full name



Contact Number

Date of birth

Number of people in the household:



Children (under 16)

Young adults (16-24)

Adults (25-64)

Elderly (over 65)

Do you have cooking facilities?

Any special dietary needs?

Any risk factors?

The Hangleton and West Blatchington Food Bank will use the information provided by you and by the referring agency organisation to check that you are eligible to receive assistance from the Food Bank; to see which sectors of the community are being helped by the Food Bank and to liaise with other Food Banks in the local area to prevent abuse of the Food Bank Service. We may share your information with the organisation that has referred you to the Food Bank and with other Food Banks in the area. We may also share summarised information with organisations providing funding for the Food Bank, but this would not include any information which would identify you.

Referral Agency/Organiser Details

(To be completed by agent only)

Name: *Date:

Post Held:

Agency Name/Organisation:

Phone number:


Reason for the referral:


Name (Block Capitals)

Official Stamp or Card

Office Use only.

Date of 1stparcel

Date of 2ndparcel

Date of 3rdparcel

Date of 4thparcel

We aim to provide equal assistance to all qualifying persons without discrimination on the basis of Age, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Equality Act (2010)

We ask all volunteers and users of the Food Bank to treat each other with dignity and respect.