Important Words, Phrases, and Images to Include in the Guiding Principles
GROUP / Words, Phrases and ImagesRed /
- Listen to
- Be responsive to child and family’s desires
- Race and class are disempowering
- Relationships (2)
- Genuine
- Authentic
- Intentional
- Inclusion
- Beliefs
- Recognition of triggers
- Recognition of system of power and privilege
- Recognizing and addressing barriers in everyday work
- Building capacity for families to be their best
- Acknowledge and change biases
- Value difference
- Teach and model the value for difference
- Classroom culture can promote valuing difference
- Not accommodation
- Belonging
- Flexibility
- Values
- Recognition of power and privilege
- Break down silos
- Child-centered
- Advocacy
- Patience
- Communication
- Believe in families’ competence
- Keep your eye
- Young children embrace difference; adults need to learn from kids
- Trust
- Curiosity about other person
- Expand to multicultural lens
- Self-reflective
- Humility
- Value partnerships
- Joining families
- Recognition of dominant language and culture
- Resources on individual and systems levels
- Recognize competence of parents and families
- Family-centered
Orange /
- Genuine relationships
- Action-oriented
- Inviting
- Child and family
- Accessibility
- Genuine
- Prioritize family voice and choice
- Authenticity
- Equitable
- Relationships
- Encouraging
- Respect
- Trauma-informed
- Collaboration
- Family members as equal partners
- Family perspective
- Writing for your audience
- Culturally responsive
- Equitable vs. equal
- Diversity
- Clear communication
- Recognizing family strengths
- Every family loves and has the best intention for their children
- All means all
- Joy
- Celebrate
- Play
- Accountability
- Equitable
- Belonging
GROUP / Juicy Words and Images
Yellow /
- Family-driven
- Honoring how families function
- What’s safe, moral, legal
- No judgement
- Connected
- Family identity
- Transformational
- Community-building
- Family-centered
- Asking questions first
- Listening to understand
- Responsive
- Safety
- Belonging
- Another vs. the other
- Inspiration
- Honesty
- Culturally responsive
- Advocacy
- Relationships
- Race as self-identified (rather than pre-determined)
- Differences
- Commonalities
Green /
- Belonging
- Unconditional
- Inclusion
- Love
- Support
- Community
- Two-way communication
- Balance
- Respect
- Values
- Tolerance
- Acceptance
- Professional development
- Lifelong learners
- Emotional safety
- Physical safety
- Creating caring communities
- Get everyone on board
- Relationships
- Genuine
- Sharing
- Strive for equity
- Eliminate barriers to full participation
- Willingness to learn for understanding
- Validation
- Affirming
- Listening for understanding
- Curiosity
- Relationships
- See each child and family uniquely
- Creative in seeking solutions
- Social justice
- Compromise
- Learning
Blue /
- We believe . . . therefore we are committed . . . and we will . . .(2)
- Practical (2)
- Strengths-based (2)
- Choice
- Sustainable
- Responsive
- Data-driven
- Sincerity
- Holistic
- Evidence-based
- Inspirational
- Culturally responsive
- Families vs. parents
- Valuing
- Involving
- Embracing
- Providing
- Advancing
- Results-based accountability
- Continuous quality improvement
- Aspirational
- Authenticity
- Adaptive
- Cultural humility
- Social ecology
- Effective
- Continuous
- Seamless
- Well-educated and well-compensated staff who reflect the diversity of community or those who are served
- Transformational
- Family-centered
- Genuine
- Individualized
- Practical
GROUP / Juicy Words and Images
Black /
- Sense of belonging
- Community
- Membership
- Support of community
- Suspend bias
- Flexibility
- Advocacy
- Unique
- Language that is accessible
- Playful
- Sufficient capacity to meet needs
- Joyous
- Inspirational
- Quality
- Knowledgeable
- Treat children as people. Don’t talk about them; talk with them
- Administrators who are supportive of what kinds need
- Teachers who know what kids need
- Communication
- Listening and sharing
- Family strengths
- Shift from “parent” to “family” on forms
- Authenticity
- Diverse faces and voices and needs
- Principles as renewal, not static
- Invited
- Not an outsider
- Empower
- Promote self-worth
- Each and every child (2)
- Inclusive of all children and families
- Honoring
- Accepting
- Affordability
- Shared responsibility
- Accountability for the process
- Flexibility
- Collaborative
- Teams with families
- Value every voice
- Social-emotional readiness
- Allegiance to a larger group or tribe
- School culture that supports kids and staff
- Understanding different perspectives among staff, kids, and families
- Recognize our own power and privilege
- Non-judgmental
- Ecological maps
- How families define connection (e.g., home visit, call, email, etc.)
- Move beyond passively welcoming to actively engaging
- Respectful and responsive
- Engaged
- Curious
- All contexts of family
- Powerful family stories
- Honoring and enjoying the families you get to work with
- A child is a gift not a burden
- Culturally informed
- Curious to learn more
- Cultural humility
- Open communication
- Communities and relationship building
- Respectful
- Heading in the same direction
- Institutions ready for kids
- Administrators engaging and being informed regarding including early childhood in the school system
- Aspirational
- Everyone has a right to grow
- Family members as equal partners
- Safe environment, emotionally and physically
- Trauma-informed
- Explore blind spots
Transcript from Ensuring Each Child’s Full Participation: A Critical Conversation May 26, 2016Page 1