Note of meeting


Councillor Phyllis Pollard (PP)- ERYC Planning Committee Chair

Simon Firth (SF) - Environment Agency

Leigh Sayers (SF)- Environment Agency

Matthew Woollin (MW) - Environment Agency

Sam Juggins (SJ) - Cityplant Ltd

Kevin Wanless (KWan)- Cityplant Ltd

Councillor Paul Robinson (PR) - ERYC Ward Councillor

Roy Hunt (RH)- Newport Parish Council

Shaun Robinson (SR)- ERYC- Planning Dept.

Andy Waingwright (AW) - ERYC Planning Dept

Karen Wood (KW) - ERYC- Rural Community Officer

Roslyn Abbott (RA) - ERYC – Local Action Officer- Meeting facilitator

1.RA welcomed everyone and introductions were made. KW was in attendance to contribute to the discussion as she had experience in working with Wind Farm Community Liaison groups

2.RA provided the background and purpose of the meeting.-

2.1A community liaison meeting had been previously held through the Local Action team and chaired by Councillor Robinson before the site operator’s planning application was heard to extend the Gilberdyke/Newport landfill site’s filling and capping end date. The planning consent had now been agreed for a further year until 23 November 2013 by ERYC Planning Committee on 16 June 2011.

2.2That particular community liaison meeting had addressed tensions between the residents and site operators. The current meeting was to discuss the structure for a community liaison meeting/forum between residents/site operator, Environment Agency and ERYC Planning department as per section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and ERYC Planning Committee minute 5949 of 16 June 2011.

2.3RA explained that normally an S 106 is agreed by ERYC and site operator before a liaison group was formed. The evening’s discussion therefore was a good opportunity to build on the previous liaison meeting before the S106 agreement was agreed and signed. The contents of the discussion could form the Terms of Reference for the group.

3.Explanation- What is a Section 106 Agreement of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990?

3.1SR explained that the Planning Application agreement by the site operator was subject to a Section 106 which included them contributing to the maintenance of Thimblehall Lane and the formation of ‘liaison group being formed to include representation from the Environment Agency, The Planning Authority, the Operator and the community’

3.2The Section 106 Agreement had already been received by the site operator’s agent and once agreed by the site operator with any tweaks then this could be issued with title deeds. This may only take a week.

3.3 SR said any changes in site ownership would not affect the conditions Section 106 agreement or planning consent. The Planning consent runs with the land.

3.4 The group can terminate the Community Liaison Group at any time.

3.6 It was hoped that all involved would try to make the Community Liaison group work.

3.7RH explained that some residents were deeply upset about the Landfill site operations and some of them attended the first meeting. It was important for community reps to act as a link between them and the Community Liaison Group, able to raise their concerns and provide answers.

4What is a Community Liaison Group?(Section 106 Agreement)


  • Discuss matters associated with the operation of the site
  • Address community concerns and ideas e.g. traffic volume, leachate
  • To support the operator in ensuring that the tip is filled and capped within the planning application time frame, regulations and conditions of the planning consent and the licence issued by the Environment Agency

4.2The group would operate for a finite time (16 months) until the site is capped. The process was about managing this with site operators, the community, Environment Agency and Planning Authority.(PR)


  • Review of previous meeting notes plus actions taken and outstanding issues
  • Update by the site operator – operational issues, how targets are being met etc
  • Update on compliance by Environment Agency and Planning Department, Customs and Excise issues
  • Review minutes from other relevant meetings
  • Community questions/concerns-
  • Develop a standard agenda for each meeting. Main items first and then specifics


  • Good communication, dialogue and understanding to be developed between all parties.
  • Clarity required at initial meetings and understanding about what the Planningconsent entails

and how that will be achieved.

  • AW- felt that for the group to be effective, reps were needed from all relevant agencies providing clear information to the group.This was about fostering good relationships. PR felt that the first meeting had started to build up some basic trust.
  • The Environment Agency (EA) explained that it had to be careful about this process and howit dealt with non-compliance. The EA can’t go into detail with the liaison group on some issues.
  • Establish and agree a timeline of targets until the site is capped
  • This would be a closed meeting unless the Community Liaison group requested personnel to attend for a specific reason

4.5Community representation and feedback

  • Important that community reps act as a link between this group, the Parish Council and their communities
  • Newport Parish Council and Gilberdyke Parish Council had each appointed a rep to the Community Liaison Group. Roy Hunt (Newport) and Nick Norris (Gilberdyke) plus Ward Councillor Paul Robinson.
  • Community Liaison reps will feedback to/fromand are accountable to the Parish Council open forums. Other means of feedback will be used such as newsletters, circulation of minutes etc
  • The community reps will liaise with the Cityplant Ltd (Community Liaison person)

4.6Agency representation

  • Cityplant Ltd – Sam Juggins, Cityplant Ltd Consultant- Kevin Wanless, The Environment Agency (1 rep); East Riding of Yorkshire Council Planning Department – Shaun Robson.

4.7Company Community Liaison Person- Kevin Wanless

4.8Group secretariat- Agenda items to Kevin Wanless and Cityplant Ltd who will look at ways of administering meetings

4.9Number of meetings- Hold next in 2-3 weeks and then every six weeks until end of

Planning consent (Nov 2013)

4.10Chair- Councillor Robinson- SR and AW will check ERYC Legal dept.

5.0Next stages and any other business

5.1 Arrange next meeting – KWan

5.2 Agree S 106 Agreement – Cityplant Ltd and ERYC

5.3Agree Terms of Reference, code of conduct

5.4Site survey results – When received SR to discuss with reps

5.5Three community reps to make a site visit to see how it works. KWan to arrange

5.6 The community reps raised other issues e.g re tonnage over reaching planning application consent etc. KWan still sorting this out.



EconDev_PER\Loc_Engage\28July2011.doc (ra/dj)