Awarding Institution: / Pearson EdexcelTeaching Institution: / Brooksby Melton College
Institute Code: / Institute code: B92
ProgrammeTitle: / Higher National Diplomain Animal Management
UCASCode: / 823D
Institute Code: / B92
Divisionand/orFaculty/Institute: / Animal Care
Professionalaccreditation / Non applicable
Final award(s): / Higher National Diploma
Interim award(s): / Higher National Certificate
Exit or Fallback award(s) / Higher National Certificate
Other internalandexternal
reference points / QAA Academic Infrastructure, including the Framework for
Higher Education Qualifications and the Code of Practice
UK Quality Code for Higher Education
Edexcel awards framework
Language ofstudy / English
Mode ofstudy andnormal period
ofstudy / Full Time 2years
Admissions criteria
The standardentry requirement is 160UCAS points
A‐levels andBTEC’sand other Level 3qualification or related programmesvocational programmesare alsoaccepted.
Mature students will be considered following interview
IELTS score 6.0
AnimalManagement encompassesadiversityofmodulesthatwillrangefromAnatomy and Physiology,HealthandWelfare,toBusinessEnvironment. Therelevanceoftheintegrationoftheory and practice is keyto thecourse withaheavy emphasis placed upon thepractitioner’s applicationof thisknowledge in practice.
Practical,intellectualandscientificchallengesencourageyoutobecomeself‐aware,intellectually critical and independentreflectivepractitioners.
Aims oftheprogramme
Edexcel BTECHigher Nationals in Animal Management havebeen developed tofocuson:
1. The education and training for a range of careers in animal management and allied landbased industries
2. Opportunities for thoseemployed within these industries to achieve a nationally recognised higher levelvocationally specific qualification
3. opportunities for full‐time learnerstogain a nationally recognisedvocationally specific higher level qualification toenter employment within these industries at supervisory or management level or toprogress tohigher education vocational qualifications suchasa full‐time degreein animal management ora related subject area expansion ofthe knowledge,understanding and skills of learnersfrom an animal management or allied industry supervisor’s or manager’s viewpoint
4. Opportunities for learnerstoconcentrate on the development of higher‐level skillsin a
landbased context, and how their role and that of their business fits within the overall structure of the land‐based industries, the national and international economy and the global overview
5. Opportunities for learnerstodevelop a range of skills, techniques and attributesessential for successful performancein working life.
Thisqualification meets the needs of the above rationale by:
1. Giving individuals knowledge,understanding and skillsfor successful employmentin the animal management and allied industries
2. Enabling progression to an undergraduate degreeor furtherprofessional qualifications in related areas
3. Providing opportunitiesfor specialist study relevant toindividual vocations and contexts
4. Developing the individual’sability in the animalmanagement and allied industries through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skillsgainedin different partsof the programme
5. Developing a range of skillsand techniques, personal qualities and attributesessential for successful performancein working life and thereby enablinglearnerstomake an immediate contribution toemployment
6. Providing flexibility, knowledge, skillsand motivation as a basis for further HE study
Distinctive features ofthe programme
1. BasedatourBrooksbyCampusintheheartofLeicestershirecountrysidewithinscenic840 acre grounds
2. Teaching staffhave extensive professionalknowledge and industry experiencewithin the animalenvironmentcoveringestablishedfundamentals ofthesubjectandvitalimportant recent developments.
3. Academicstaffareactivelyengagedinresearchandprofessionaldevelopmentwhichdirectly
informs andenhancescourse content and delivery
4. Highstafftostudentratios.Youwillexperience excellentlevelsofcontactandinteractionwith teaching staff and your fellow peers
5. Teachingislinkeddirectlywithprofessionalpractice. Guestpractitionersand workexperience opportunitieshelpyouto learnabouttheirrolesandtheenvironmentsinwhichanimal graduates work sothat they can become effective in the workplace.
6. Selfinitiatedandsupportedworkplacements and/orcommunity/industryprojects;ensure access tocurrent professionaland community settings, practices and issues
7. Emphasisonthepracticalapplicationofacademictheoryinaworkingenvironment.Case studiesdevelop relevant, professional and vocational skillsbased on realistic scenarios.
8. Extensive online supportthrough our bespoke Virtual Learning Environment
9. Inclusivelearningenvironmentwhereindividualisedlearningandassessmentisencouraged and supportedthroughPersonalisedLearning Plans
10.AdditionaldedicatedsupportgiventothosewithLearningDifficultiesorDisabilities,aspartof a nurturing, pastoral environment
reflectivelearningthroughoutthecourse. Reflectiononpracticeismodelled,guidedand assessed
12.Teachingtakesplacethroughpracticalclasses,seminars,workshops,discussions,tutorials, industry and community visits.
13. Youwilllearnthroughtheseandthroughindividualandsmallgroupself‐managedactivity
including resource‐based learning and a balance between individual and group work.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge andunderstanding
Onsuccessfulcompletionoftheprogrammeyouwillbeabletodemonstratesystematicknowledge and understanding of:
1. The methods, forms andpractices of animal management
2. Knowledge of key animal management practices
3. Awareness of theories, critical perspectivesand debates in the discipline
4. Understanding of how intellectual, practical and researchskillshavecontributedto employability
Cognitive, intellectual or thinkingskills
Onsuccessful completion of the programmeyou will be able todemonstrate the ability to:
1. Evaluate theinterplay betweenpractice and theory in the animal field
2. Describe, theorise, interpret and evaluate approachestoanimal management from a range of critical perspectives.
3. Apply practices and theories of animal management toa diverse range of professional business,
social, educational, health and well‐being contexts
Practical,professional or subject‐specific skills
On successful completion of the programmeyou will be able todemonstrate the ability to:
1. Demonstrate practical, technical and scientific animal management skills
2. Develop and implementvarious training, management and performanceplans in animal management
3. Understand the processes ofvarious biological,financial, performance and educational
methods to managing a range of animal management activities and needs
Transferable, key or personalskills
On successful completion of the programmeyou will be able todemonstrate the ability to:
1. Produce written work with appropriate scholarly conventions
2. Use information and communication retrieval skills involving the ability to gather, sift, synthesiseand organise material independently
3. Setrealistictargets,identifyowngoals,planappropriately,andhowtoreflectandevaluate your own performance
4. Demonstrate how todevelop and adapt own work ethicstofit in with specificrestrictions
5. Construct and present arguments
6. Communicate in a variety of visual, oral and performance media
Level 4HigherNational Certificate (HNC)– Year1Animal Husbandry Management / Business
Environment / Anatomy and
Physiology / Plan and
for Animals
Nursing / Animal
Behaviour / Animal Health and Welfare / Research
Employability skills
Level 5HigherNational Diploma (HND)– Year 2
Principles of animal health / Animal and Human Interactions / Animal Law
and Ethics / Animal Nutrition
Training of
Animals / Animal
Adaptations / Natural History of Exotic Mammals / Employability skills
Please note: not all optional moduleswill run everyyear.The choice willdepend on student
demand andstaff availability.
Learning andteaching strategies
Teachingtakesplacethroughpracticaland theoreticalclasses,lectures,seminars, workshops,data analysis sessions,discussions,tutorials,industryand communityvisits. You learn through theseand through individual and small group self‐managed activity including resource‐based learning and online learning supportthrough theVLE.
Teachingislinkeddirectlywithprofessionalpracticeand researchboth ofwhichdirectlyinformand enhance coursecontentanddelivery. Visitingprofessionalscontributeto thecoursedeliverywithfull timestaffandarevitalto providingyouwithaccessto currentprofessionalpracticesandissues developing your employability skillsand knowledge.
Wehaveabreadthofexpertiseintheteam, allofwhomcomplimenttheirtheorysessionswith practicalexampleswhicharerelevanttoeachofyourindividualinterestandneedsonthecourse. Seminarsandtutorialsmakeupasupportivenetworkwhichiscomplimentedbythevirtuallearning
centre.Whether at home or on campus, help isnot far away.
Each module in your programme has a set of assessment criteria whichyou will need todemonstrate topass themodule.You will undertake one or more piecesof assessment (assessment items)for each module and you need toshow in thework you present for assessment that the assessment criteria
for the module are met(please seeappendix 2for a summary of assessment items).Some of the
assessments you undertake haveelements of negotiation where you can make decisions and agree with your tutor what work you will undertake forassessment.This ensures that the work you do has personal and professional relevance.Assessment items aredesignatedas: practical,presentation, and coursework.The work you present for assessment is variedand could include:
- Practical assessments
- Phase tests
- Data analysis
- Casestudies
- Examinations, bothopenand closedbook
- Reflectiveactivitieswhere you look back over your experiences, analyse them with the assistance of relevant theory and reflectivetools, and learn from the experience;
- Online/VLE discussions that you havehadwith your peers, tutorsand invited contributorstothe programme;
- Oral and written reports;
- Journals, blogs and log books;
- Plans (e.g., action plans, plans for your group activities);
- Presentations;
- Employerverification statements which verify that you havenegotiated, agreed and conducted work‐based activities
- Portfoliosofevidence
KIS SUMMARY / Overall / Yrs 1 / Yr 2
Learning & Teaching % / % / % / %
Scheduled* / 27 / 24 / 29
Independent / 68 / 66 / 71
Placement / 5 / 10 / 0
Assessment% / Overall / Yrs 1 / Yr 2
Written Exam / 8 / 6 / 9
Coursework / 91 / 82 / 91
Practical / 1 / 12 / 0
How we evaluate andimprove standards oflearning
As a student of the college you are entitledtoexpressyour views on your course and the collegein general.You will be asked torespond toat least twosurveyseach year that you are at the college. You will have the chancetoair your viewsthrough an electedstudent representative at monthly course meetings. Your representativemay alsoattend a cross college HEForum where your views on the collegeand any concerns will bediscussed.
The collegehas a comprehensive qualityassurance programme that monitorsall coursesthrough course review, achievement of performance indicatorsand observation of teaching and learning.
In thisprovision all project briefs and assignments are internally verifiedtoensure that all learning outcomesand grading criteria are met.
Thiscourse is externallymonitored by EdexcellExternal Examiners whoadviseon academic standards and ensure that all learning objectiveshavebeen met.
Support foryour learning
The programme is managed by a programme leader, whowill supportyou with ensuring that you meet the programme aims alongside the awarding body expectations for quality.
Induction programme introducesthe you tothe Collegeandrelevant Awarding Body
(Edexcel) policies, proceduresand expectations of your programme.
Each of you will havea personal tutor, responsible for support and guidance, whowill supportyou with tracking progress throughout the programme.
Personal Development Planning (PDP) integratedintoall programmesvia the VLE, providing you feedback on formative and summativeassessments.
The collegeprovidesa one‐stop shop for informationand advice on support servicesincluding fees, loans, bursaries, housing, counselling, financial advice, careersand disability
Available foryour use are: Faith Room, Library and IT services.
Toensure that the college is responsivetothe student needs the, HE Programme Reps,HE Forums’, The Students’ Union feedback information tothe senior management team.
Faculty andProgrammeHandbooksprovide information about the programme andAwarding body regulations.
Other sources ofinformation
Document control
Author(s) / Alice Tuppen (HE QualityDevelopment Manager)
Approvedby: / Head of Learning
Date approved: / August 2014
Effective from: / September2014
Document History: / Version 2