Ray Wheeler (President), Harry Kirby (Chair), Alison Austin (Secretary), Leeya Roovis, Kate Ednay, Jaimie Unsworth, Simon Butler, Aly Townend, Carl Joyce, John Pearson
1 Apologies
Apologies had been received from: Neil Harris, James Liddiard, Nicky Richardson and Tom Young
2 Approval of Minutes (13 October 2015)
It was proposed by SB and seconded by LR that the Minutes from the meeting held on 13 October 2015 constituted a true and accurate record. This was agreed unanimously.
3 Matters Arising
Spare Pitch Key: It was agreed that JM (who lived locally) could be contacted should access be required in an emergency and therefore a spare key/key box would not be needed
Training Only (Membership info): See item 5
Junior Mini-Tournament: It was noted that the U14 Girls side from Durham would now not be visiting the Isle of Wight, so this would not take place
Kit: The rain jackets for coaches (RC, JM and AB) would be ordered once outstanding invoice to Kalibazar had been settled (see Item 5). Sizes and wording were confirmed
First Aid: AA noted that a supply of ice-packs was now available in the cabin and more would be ordered as back-ups as necessary; The Club needed to update the information it held on those members who were qualified first aiders
Action: AA
DBS Checks outstanding: AA noted that paperwork checks for Adam Payne, Jaimie Unsworth, and Alan Ball had been completed. Still outstanding were James Liddiard, Leeya Roovis, Richard Christensen and Steve Woodford. These would be followed up.
Action: AA
4 Chairman’s Report
The Report had been distributed prior to the meeting. HK re-iterated the need to consider replacements for Nicky and Tom as Fixture Secretaries prior to next season. The success of the Christmas Social at ‘Monsoon’ in Ryde was further noted and thanks to the Social Committee recorded.
5 Secretary’s Report
The Report had been distributed prior to the meeting. Matters Arising were as follows:
Wightlink Sponsorship: Application for continued sponsorship had been submitted with the emphasis on community links and youth participation. A response had not yet been received.
Fuel Reimbursements: This was discussed as remuneration of £20 for journeys in excess of 100 miles (eg Tadley/Gillingham) was deemed inadequate. Subsequently it was Proposed by JM and Seconded by JU that £30 should be paid to drivers for journeys of 100 miles and over. This was agreed unanimously. The Treasurer would be informed.
Action: HK
Outstanding Invoice: AA reported that an outstanding amount of £19 due to Kalibazar had yet to be paid. It was agreed that AA would pay this by bank transfer. JL would be informed.
Action: AA
Mixed Cup: Details had been passed on to JU who was dealing with the admin for the competition (Jon Kirby would captain the side). The first match was due to be played against Romsey HC in Romsey on 24 January.
Club Insurance Policy/Membership: AA had checked through the IW Hockey Club’s Insurance Policy following the tragic death of a player at Old Loughtonians HC during a training session. It was re-iterated that Club held a ‘public liability’ policy which protected members from 3rd party claims. It was the responsibility of club members to take out their own personal accident/injury policy if they so wished. It was agreed that the following measures needed to be taken in order to ensure full compliance:
- A complete and up to date list of all members, a copy of which to be held by the Secretary. It was noted that membership forms completed online were submitted direct to the Treasurer, but a definitive list had not been collated and forwarded to the Secretary (AA had compiled a list of the men, but did not have a list of ladies); In respect of training, it appeared that individuals could attend 3 ‘taster sessions’ before formal membership had to be completed (this would include those who had subscribed to a ‘training only’ membership)
- Captains to take membership forms to all matches so that in the event of participation of a ‘non-member’, a ‘temporary membership’ could be taken out to ensure insurance compliance; A folder of blank membership forms also to be held in the cabin at Smallbrook
- Coaches were covered by the Club’s policy provided that they were registered as a club member; if they were coaching elsewhere they would need to take out their own individual policy; Consequently, Coaches who were not officially club members would need to complete a membership form and enrol as an ‘honorary member’ of the IW Hockey Club
Action: Membership forms to be supplied and completed (AB, RC and JM) at training or online
- It was essential that an ‘Accident Book’ should be kept with details of all incidents recorded as outlined in the policy document. JU agreed to put together a form which met the conditions of the policy and would forward it to LR (Welfare Officer) who had agreed to oversee, manage the process and hold the completed forms. Forms would be photocopied and distributed to all captains to ensure standardisation and compliance. Fully completed forms would be sent to LR immediately following any recorded incident (with copies sent to the Secretary). Forms to be held securely for 6 years (longer in the case of U18s). The policy document and a copy of the accident form would be put on the club website, plus a list of the types of injury/abuse which needed to be recorded as per the policy documentation
Action: JU/LR/AA
England Hockey: AA had received a document re upcoming sessional coaching and other courses and workshops, none of which were locally based
Smallbrook Lights: It appeared that since Monday, 11 January the lights were working more or less correctly (a couple of individual bulbs were only working ‘intermittently’). Ryde School had intimated that the cost of total replacement was £100k and there was currently no budget for this. AA noted that she had been advised that replacement costs would be around £40k to £50k. It was suggested that this could be relayed via NR to Ryde School for their information. It was hoped that some discount could be negotiated with Ryde School for the recent lighting problems which had resulted in training cancellations and difficulties with matches that had required the lights to be used.
Action: AA to liaise with NR; NR to inform Ryde School
6 Treasurer’s Report
JL had provided an income statement and summary of accounts which had been distributed prior to the meeting. The committee raised a couple of queries (ie what constituted ‘other income’ and ‘other expenses’), and it was hoped that the Treasurer could expand and/or define in future when submitting the statements.
JL had requested that captains provide rough figures on their running totals to date (Match Fees, Teas, Fuel, Umpires Expenses, Cash-in-hand). This was relayed to those present. £300 was handed to AA to bank by KE on behalf of the Ladies 1s. AT reported on behalf of the Ladies 2s that she had no cash to pass on but was in fact owed money by the club. There were still no Club debit cards for captains to use following the fraud incident (Ref Minutes, 13 October 2015), so some individuals were using their own cards to book ferries and then claiming back from the club. It was agreed that AT would forward details of her claim to AA who would reimburse her direct from the club account.
Action: AT/AA
It was suggested that the Club have an ‘account’ with Wightlink, but it seemed that this could cause issues and would not therefore be appropriate (Post meeting note: It appeared that to have an account, at least £1,000 per month had to be spent). The re-activation of the Club cards was a matter of urgency and HK would contact JL so that this could be set up. If captains were currently using their own cards in the interim, it was agreed that details should be sent to HK and AA and AA would reimburse from the club account. The priority was to re-instate the Club cards
Action: HK/JL
Match Fees: Match fees for friendly fixtures were discussed in the light of the recent 2s game against Ryde School. It was agreed that a flat rate of £5 should be levied. Those paying by Direct Debit would be logged as ‘paid’. It was Proposed by AT and seconded by CJ that members participating in cup competitions (including the Mixed Cup) would be charged a full match fee. This was agreed unanimously.
Late Cancellation Fee: The late call-off of the Ladies 2s game at Aldershot (19 September) by the IW had necessitated a claim from the opposition (Aldershot) to pay for the pitch hire. It was agreed by those present that this should be paid.
Action: JL
7 Sub-committee Reports and Event Dates
No updates to report. SB reported that Ryde Academy was earmarked for a rebuild, although it appeared there was no obligation for a full-sized, hockey compliant MUGA to be included. There were no further developments at this time re Cowes EC or Carisbrooke College
No Updates to report
Dinner & Club Awards: The next social event planned would be the end of season Dinner and Awards Evening. The dates suggested were 15 or 16 April. Ryde Castle had been approached, although they could not accommodate on Saturday 16 April. They would provide free room hire and a DJ, provided a certain amount was spent on the meal.
Junior Tournament: It was suggested that a ‘Junior’ day be held to include a tournament and presentation of awards. It was envisaged this would involve as many senior members of the club as possible and be scheduled close to the senior event
‘Isle Jump’ Day: This was suggested as a potential social event for the future (a ‘dodge ball’ style activity at the Trampoline Park in Lake)
Forthcoming Event Dates
Phil Selby Memorial Trophy: Phil’s son and daughter had agreed at the inaugural event to provide some coaches with international experience from Surbiton Hockey Club to attend and work with club members (specifically juniors, possible also seniors), prior to the 6 a-side mixed event for which the trophy would be competed. The date suggested was Saturday, 23 July 2016. LR said that she and Pat Butt would be willing to organise as last year. JP would contact Ann Selby to confirm that the date would be suitable.
Action: JP
AGM: The date for the AGM was fixed for Friday evening, 20 May 2016 at Smallbrook (subject to availability of Smallbrook)
Mixed Festivals: JU reported that she would formalise details (eg Sonning/Worthing) when available and post on the Club’s Facebook page, giving members the opportunity to participate if they so wished
IWHC Festival: AA reported that she was aware of couple of teams willing to come across for a day’s hockey post season with the suggested date of 14 May for a ‘mini-festival’ style event. As no one had come forward to organise such an event at this time, it was agreed that this would unfortunately be a non-starter this year.
8 Officer Reports (see attached those tabled)
Coaching: JM reported that all was proceeding well. The lights had been a problem with some junior and senior sessions cancelled. This had now been addressed (at least for the time being). Numbers were holding up well for senior sessions and junior sessions were very well attended. JM also noted the importance of members giving consideration to working towards a coaching qualification. Although there was interest, the barrier was the mainland location of these courses which made them logistically difficult to attend.
Youth Hockey Report: JU reported regular attendance of 40+ youngsters to Monday night sessions. JM noted that U14 Girls had played 5 matches to date, 4 of which had been at home. U12 Girls had a scheduled fixture at Aldershot, and it was hoped to arrange a fixture for U14 Boys
Fixture Secretaries: 23 January: Men’s 2s and Ladies 2s time slots at Smallbrook switched; Location of Men’s 2s fixture on 12 March (v Yateley 4s) yet to be finalised as Smallbrook not available at the appointed time
Press and Web Officer: SB noted time constraints in updating the website due to change of job
Welfare Officer: nothing to report
Junior Goalkeeping Kit: JM reported that Mackenzie Wright had obtained a one-year Mercian sponsorship deal. This constituted part payment of new goalkeeping kit for Mackenzie’s personal use. The remaining cost of the kit had been borne by the Wright family. It was noted that at a previous meeting (Ref Minutes 17 August 2015) £1,000 had been allocated from the Ryde HC funds to purchase goalkeeping equipment, and this to date had not been allocated. Following discussion it was Proposed by JP and seconded by AA that the Club reimburse the Wright family the sum of £747.50 to cover their costs in part paying for the equipment. This was agreed unanimously. It was further noted that the equipment would be returned to the club when Mackenzie had grown out of it.
Action: JL
Island Primary Games: These would be held on Saturday, 2 July 2016 and it was planned to hold a separate ‘hockey’ day
Island Primary ‘Quick Sticks’ Festival: This would be held again this year at a date to be announced (around April 2016)
It was noted that hockey in Island primary schools was well catered for. The issue was following this up at Secondary level.
9 Any Other Business
- It was confirmed that the team captains were the Smallbrook key-holders (ie keys to pitch, gates, cabin and lights). CJ agreed to get a duplicate of his cabin keys cut to pass on to TY
Action: CJ
- There was some discussion about the state of the dug-outs as they still had no covers. It was agreed to ask NR to mention this to Ryde School when she communicated with them re the potential cost of the floodlight replacement
Action: NR
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.0 pm
10 Date & Venue of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 7.00 pm at the Hare and Hounds, Downend, Newport