FALL 2016
ATTENTION: It is highly recommended to take this class with section 8722
Instructor: Lilit V. Davoyan, M.A., Associate Professor
Time and Location: Monday and Wednesday, 11:20 – 2:30, CC 208
Office Hours and Location: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 – 11:00, Bungalow 13
Phone: (818) 778-5665
Textbooks and Materials: NorthStar Listening and Speaking 2 (in the bookstore)
Notebook and pen/pencil
Description: Welcome to noncredit ESL Speech 2 class! This is an open-entry/open-exit class, and there are no formal grades for your work. However, students with regular attendance and participation learn faster and make greater progress. In this class you will continue to develop your skills in English vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking. The focus of the course is on developing conversation skills necessary in social and academic life.
By the end of this class, students will be able to:
1. Practice and distinguish vowel sounds and
2. Practice and distinguish consonant
sounds and patterns
3. Evaluate and use stress patterns.
4. Use correct rhythm, and intonation
pattern in word and sentence patterns.
5. Select and use appropriate grammatical
6. Organize information to assist in
developing good listening and notetaking
7. Analyze information for relevance,
arguments, and inferences.
8. Prepare and deliver impromptu talks and
oral presentations.
If you are a student with a disability and require classroom accommodations, please meet with me to discuss arrangements. If you have not yet contacted DSPS, do so in a timely manner by calling DSPS at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680, to meet with a DSPS counselor.
Classroom Rules: 1. Be on time. If you are late, do not interrupt the class
2. Turn off your cell phones and other devices
3. Respect your classmates. You will meet people from different countries and cultures – be polite and respectful to everyone.
4. English is the only language used in class and other languages should be used only in emergencies!
Important Dates to Remember: 1. August 29 – First Day of Class
2. September 5 – Labor Day, Campus Closed
3. November 11 – Veteran’s Day, Campus Closed
4. November 24-27 – Thanksgiving, Campus Closed
5. December 8 – Last Day of Noncredit Classes