Years 7 & 8
Main Topics/Content Covered / How is the course assessed?
Y7 / Autumn Term
Students record nature by collecting and sketching from the Nature Garden. They develop their recording skills through a range of ‘drawing’ methods.
Students look at the work of Henri Matisse and in particular his ‘Cut outs’. Students develop their own response to his work.
Students explore the ‘Green Man’ and develop their own self portrait adorned with natural forms. / KS3 work is assessed throughout the project. The four areas covered are:
  • Critical analysis
  • Control
  • Cultural awareness
  • Creativity
As part of the assessment process we recognise the technical skills that have been learnt, the creativity that has been demonstrated and the reflection of themselves or of others. These areas may be assessed in isolation or as part of a bigger project.
Students are offered feedback and next steps and opportunities are built in for students to improve their work in lessons. ‘Green pen action’ is the process of allowing students to complete their next step and review this progression alongside their teacher assessment.
Opportunities for self and peer assessment is a valuable tool in Art to develop analytical skills.
Spring Term
Colour and Architecture
Students develop their imaginative skills in this project and create architecture inspired by a range of artists such as Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Antoni Gaudi and David Hepher.
Students explore a range of media and learn about colour theory, blending and saturation.
Summer Term
Students explore the movement of Pop Art and develop a clay tile inspired by the artist Robert Indiana. They explore layering, typography and practical clay skills.
Y8 / Autumn Term
Students develop their formal drawing skills working from a still life. They develop an understanding of the formal elements. These drawings develop into a two layer lino print.
Spring Term
Students explore the theme of identity and respond to this using a range of media and look at variety of artists who use the theme of ‘self’ in their work.
Summer Term
Students develop their identity into a negotiated, self-directed project drawing upon the skills and knowledge they have learnt throughout KS3.
Helpful Revision Websites & Publications

How can you help your child at home?
Through art children learn self-discipline, creativity, and confidence. It can help them learn about the world and appreciate what is around them. It provides a way to express thoughts and feelings and Art can also help children become better learners by helping them analyse, interpret, and persevere.
You can help by:
  • Encouraging drawing. Even little doodles can build confidence.
  • Encourage them to take photographs; explore different subject matter, lighting and compositions.
  • Keep a small selection of art resources at home, even a selection of pencils, pens, glue, scissors and colours can help with homework.
  • Explore your local library. There should be sections of books on art and artists.
  • Visit museums and galleries if possible.
  • Talk to your children about their art work.