To: Jim McElroy, NEMI
Richard Charbonneau, StorageTek
From: Bob Pfahl, Director of International and Environmental Technology R&D
Motorola Advanced Technology Center
Date: October 14, 2002
RE: DfE and Green Electronics Conferences, Short Courses and Textbooks
Thank you both for planning and hosting a very successful workshop. Bringing together a diverse group of speakers and attendees led to a very stimulating experience. At the workshop, I agreed to provide you a list of conferences, short courses and textbooks on DfE and Green Electronics. This information follows.
“Electronics Goes Green” Conferences
There are three major conferences for electronics and the environment (Europe, United States, Japan). Each year, one is designated as the international conference or "Electronics Goes Green-2002". This year the international conference is in Europe; next year it will be in Boston. The three Electronics Goes Green conferences are:
Europe: CARE Electronics (Comprehensive Approach for the Recycling and Eco-efficiency of Electronics). The next conference will be November 25-28, 2002 in Austria Center, Vienna, Austria. The web address for more information is: <>. There will be five parallel tracks, keynote speeches, and exhibits. Much of the focus will be on European research. The previous European international conference was in Berlin in 2000 and conference proceedings are available. Even though it is short notice, I would recommend attending the 2002 meeting for networking in Europe.
Japan: Eco Design 2001. Every third year the conference is the International Conference and is given in English with an immense trade show of Environmentally Preferred Products and also short courses on a number of subjects. Conference Proceedings are again available. The listing of the last conference is at <>. I have attached my keynote presentation and paper from this conference. The attachments summarize some of Motorola's activities.
United States: International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit. This conference will be held on May 1`9-22, 2003 in Boston, MA and will be the Electronics Goes Green 2003 conference. The web site for this conference is <>. Abstracts are due by November 1, 2002.
The pioneering text on DfE and Industrial Ecology was Industrial Ecology by Tom Graedel and Brad Allenby, published by Prentice Hall in 1995 when they were both still at AT&T. I believe that they have published one or two books since that time. David Allen at the University of Texas is working to gather teaching materials for university courses on DfE. Ab Stevels, from TU Delft and Philips Consumer Products, periodically gives short courses either at conferences or at schools such as Stanford and Georgia Tech.
Academic Conferences
There are also academic conferences in related fields such as Green Chemistry and Industrial Ecology. The newly formed International Society of Industrial Ecology will be sponsoring a conference in Ann Arbor next spring. <> The Society publishes through MIT the International Journal of Industrial Ecology. I serve on the steering committee of the society and the editorial boards. Bill Hoffman outlined Motorola's DfE program in the first issue of the Journal.