Project: Create Your Own Experiment
Use this template to record your responses. Save this document to your computer and upload it for your teacher’s review. This project is worth 55 points.
Part 1: What Types of Questions can be answered by Science?
For this lesson you need to create three scientific testable questions. Think about the information in this lesson that discussed what can be directly observed and what makes a good scientific question.
Example – Which wattage of GE light bulbs has a longer life; 50 watt bulb, 60 watt bulb, or a 70 watt bulb?
Create and typethree questions that are testable below (3 points each). Be sure to use correct spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and grammar.
Question 1-
Question 2-
Question 3-
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Project: Create Your Own Experiment
Part 2: Development of a Hypothesis
Review the testable scientific questions that you wrote for Part 1 of this lesson.Part 2 of the lesson requires you to provide a hypothesis for each of the three questions you wrote above. Remember what you have learned about writing a hypothesis in this lesson.
Make sure that your hypothesis should be: testable, written in the “if” (What is the cause?) and “then” (What is the result?) format, and a clear prediction.Most importantly, don’t worry that “your hypothesis may not be correct”. Remember that most are rewritten and revised several times. If you see an opportunity to write multiple working hypotheses for some of your questions, please include these.
Example – If three different wattages of GE light bulbs are continuously lit, then the 70 watt GE light bulb will remain lit for a longer period of time than the 50 watt bulb and the 60 watt bulb.
Create and type threehypothesis below that match your questions from Part 1. Be sure they are in if-then form, complete sentences using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (3 points each).
If-then Testable Hypothesis for Question 1-
If-then Testable Hypothesis for Question 2-
If-then Testable Hypothesis for Question 3-
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Project: Create Your Own Experiment
Part 3: Preparing to Design an Experiment
Use the threescientific questions (Part 1) and proposed hypothesis (Part 2) to identify what your independentvariable (cause/if), dependent variable (result/then), and control(s)are for each question you wrote based on what you learned during lesson 4.
Hypothesis Example - If three different wattages of GE light bulbs are continuously lit, then the 70 watt GE light bulb will remain lit for a longer period of time than the 50 watt bulb and the 60 watt bulb?
Independent Variable Example- wattage of light bulb (the factor you are controlling)
Dependent Variable Example– life of the light bulb (the factor that is a result of your test)
Control Example- GE light bulb and continuously lit (factors that remain the same)
Complete each item below to match your workfrom Part 1 and Part 2 (3 points for each set).
Question 1
Independent Variable-
Dependent Variable -
Control -
Question 2
Independent Variable-
Dependent Variable -
Question 3
Independent Variable-
Dependent Variable -
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Project: Create Your Own Experiment
Part 4: Writing Instructions for Your Experiment
Choose ONE of the threequestions you created to design an experiment and complete thematerials list and experiment procedure report. Be sure that you write descriptive instructions based on the information learned in this lesson. They should be written in complete sentences with no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors and as a numbered vertical list.
Scientific Experiment Procedure Report
Materials: Make a complete vertical list of needed supplies and specific numbers of each (words like some, a few, etc. are not acceptable). (5 points)
Procedure (Write down every DETAILEDstep for your experiment so that anyone else would be able to duplicate your experiment in the exact same way!) Go back after you design the procedural steps to make sure everything you need is on the materials list.(10 points)
(Adjust the number of steps as needed to correctly list your procedures as you design your experiment.)
Safety: In a complete sentence, indicate what safety precautions are necessary in the performance of this experiment.(2 points)
Repetitions: In a complete sentence, indicate how many times will you repeat your experiment to ensure results as accurate as possible.1 point
Insert the graphing assignment from lesson 5 here (10 points):