
Purpose: Recent graduate with readiness to learn more, seeking to apply skills to assist company in achieving goals, benefit surrounding community, and support fellow professional engineers through active teamwork.


Colorado School of Mines May 2016

B.S.: Chemical Engineering

Minor: Literature, Society, and the Environment Cumulative GPA: 3.013

Certifications August 2016

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE): Passed Chemical specialty

SAChE Certificate Program: Minimizing & Identifying Process Safety Hazards


Engineering:Process design, process control, kinetics, natural gas hydrates, fluid mechanics, mass transfer, heat transfer, material and energy balances, thermodynamics, process flow diagrams, P&IDs

Chemistry:Organic chemistry, physical chemistry, botany, cell biology and physiology

Computer:ASPEN, COMSOL, PolyMath, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, SOLIDWORKS 3D-CAD

Professional:Technical writing, organization, leadership, teamwork, interpersonal communication, planning and strategy, analytical reporting, detail and goal-oriented, oral presentation


Chemical Engineering Senior Design Project: Process Design and Engineering

  • Designed and optimized waste gas absorbing/stripping process with heat integration, process flow diagrams, scale-up designs, and cost-effective energy consumptionusing Aspen Plus.
  • Performedsizing/costing and mass balance analyses to optimize economic profitability over 20-year project life.Improved absorber column capacity, and heat exchanger capacity.
  • Incorporated HAZOP analysis and equipment selection to meet project and OSHA specifications. Responsible for compiling data, calculations, and editing/writing all memos and reports.

Chemical Engineering Field Session Projects: Unit Operations Projects

  • Analyzed counter-flow heat exchanger operation for water and glycol cooling fluids and created heat coefficient parity plots. Responsible for technical reporting and graphical analysis.
  • Improved performance of a staged distillation column and constructed McCabe-Thiele diagrams.
  • Tested and calculated gas absorber compositions, performed literature comparisons, and constructed process flow diagrams. Responsible for analytical reporting and oral presentation.

Oil Shale Extraction Design Project: Heat Transfer Project

  • Modeled2D steady-state and transient shale oil field heating in COMSOL and Excel.
  • Compiled results and data for technical reporting and edited final report.

CSM EPICS II: Satellite Team Project

  • Researched and constructed atmospheric satellite for Colorado Space Grant Consortium.
  • Performed analysis of environmental insulation for freezing temperatures below -20 °C.
  • Responsible for satellite design, team organization, scheduling, and technical editing for final report.


Colorado School of Mines Arthur Lakes LibraryAdministration Assistant 2010 – 2016

  • Assisted Executive Assistant with inventory, vendor communication, accounts payable processing; special projects including updating outreach materials, displays, logo artwork; customer service, general tasks.


Society of Women Engineers- Rocky Mountain Section 2011 – 2015

American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2014 – present

National Association of Professional Women 2015 – present