Edinbane Community Company
Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Thursday 30th January2014, 7.30pm, Edinbane Pottery
Alistair Danter, Peter MacRae, Stuart Whatley, Roddy Gillies, Lisa Lamont, Ian Brown, Issi Nelson, Roxanne Nelson & Bob Paul (for part of the meeting).
1. Apologies
Mary MacRae, Roddy MacFarlane, Billy Shanks & John MacRae.
2. Approval of Minutes
Proposed SW, seconded PM
3. Matters Arising from Minutes
It was confirmed that £15,000 has been transferred to the Hall Association’s account, as a bridging loan.
4. Treasurer’s Report
A summary of accounts was circulated.
A bill has been received for the mole control costs at the play-park.
5. Website page on school / link to hall
Bob Paul discussed concerns about the lack of community consultation on the future of Edinbane Primary – despite consultants, Caledonian Economics, claiming that ‘fully engaging with parents and communities…has been central to the process’. To enable the local community to view the proposals and have their say, Bob proposed adding a page to the ECC website with relevant information and links, along with a feedback form / discussion forum.
It was suggested that Highland Council should also be asked to link to this page from their own site and that it be publicised in the West Highland Free Press, along with the results of the community referendum currently being carried out by the community council.
All present agreed that this action would meet the objects of the ECC and approved the new webpage.
It was also agreed that the referendum results should be received before any further discussion on next steps involving the ECC. It was clarified that the ECC cannot spend funds on any statutory expenditure (i.e. paying for the school / a teacher).
A link to the hall’s new Facebook page was discussed. ECC board members had previously agreed not to use social media.
6. Hall Project Update
IB confirmed that work on the hall is progressing as scheduled and a steering group has been established.
Filling the funding gap for the heat pump is not progressing as swiftly as hoped – with the outcome of funding applications to the Trusthouse Charitable Foundation and Cooperative Communities Fund awaited. An application to the People’s Postcode Trust was unsuccessful.
There is a funding shortfall for the heat pump and wiring of between £2,143 and £9,143, depending on what funding is secured.
The board agreed in principle that an application should be submitted to the ECC from the Hall Association for a grant towards the heat pump costs, with the potential for repayment (in part or full), depending on other funding secured.
(Bob Paul left the meeting.)
7. Footpaths
The revised licence agreement for the Coisletter footpath has been circulated for approval. There has been no response from Scottish Woodlands, on behalf of the German landowners, which is delaying the process.
It was agreed that a direct letter be sent to the landowners, copied to Scottish Woodlands, outlining the wider footpath project and explaining that all other landowners on the route have agreed to the licence. The official documents need to be signed – providing the landowners with further protection. The relevant legal documents (which should have already been received) to be attached with the letter. It will be circulated for comment. ACTION: AD
AD has emailed solicitor, Ros James (Ferguson Stewart). Vattenfall have acknowledged their receipt of the document and have passed it on to their legal dept.; the Grazings Committee has approved the document informally; Ruairidh Hilleary has replied on behalf of his brother, Alasdair.
This hold-up could result in costs for the project having to be revised.
8. New Members & Membership Activities
Five new membership applications have been received. A number of members are now helping out with the hall project. It was agreed that it would be good to periodically mention various projects in which the membership can get involved.
9. Newsletter
It was agreed that there was nothing urgent to report via a newsletter. There are likely to be regular hall updates.
10. Grant Applications received by ECC
A letter of acceptance has been received from the Skye & Lochalsh Meat Supply Group, for the grant requested for their micro-abbatoir development project. It was agreed to issue payment.
11. Correspondence
12. AOCB
13. DONM
Thursday, 27th February at 7.30pm. Venue TBC.