Advent and Christmas 2015-2016 Calendar for Families
November December
29 1st Sunday of AdventBless the Advent wreath and light the first purple candle.
Get or make a religious-themed Advent calendar and open up one “door” each day of Advent. / 30
Make simple ornaments for the Jesse Tree. Talk about what each ornament represents and how it points to Jesus. / 1
Check out books from the library about how people celebrate Christmas in other countries. / 2
Moms: Prepare a simple soup-and-bread meal for your family. Eat dinner by candlelight. / 3
Take a photo of your family in “ugly” Christmas sweaters. Post to Facebook. Then talk with each other about preparing for Christmas—not just your home, but your hearts. / 4
Family dinner. Prepare Christmas cards as a family. Make extras and bring them to folks in a local nursing home sometime in the next week. / 5
Family Service Project: Wear Santa hats while cleaning up litter around your neighborhood.
Read the story of St Nicholas. Put your shoes outside your bedroom doors tonight for a visit from St. Nicholas.
6 2nd Sunday of Advent
Light the first and second purple candles of the Advent wreath.
St. Nicholas’ Day—What gift did he leave for you in your shoes? / 7
Family Service Project: Gather gently used toys and books and bring them to a local redistribution center. / 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
Attend Mass together. / 9
Teens: Help your younger siblings prepare a simple soup-and-bread meal for your family. Eat dinner by candlelight. / 10
Send a small Christmas care package to a priest, religious brother or sister from our diocese who is a missionary in another country. Include a photo of your family in “ugly” Christmas sweaters! / 11
Family dinner. Games or Christmas movies afterwards. / 12
Dad and Teen Day: Dad, hang out with your teenager today—go Christmas shopping or some other fun activity.
13 3rd Sunday of Advent
Light the first two purple candles and the pink/rose candle of the Advent wreath.
Bring your gifts to Mass for your parish’s Advent Giving Tree. / 14
Teens: Make a holiday playlist on Spotify to play on Christmas day. / 15
Drive to a store that has a Salvation Army bell ringer just to donate (without going into the store to buy anything!) / 16
Dads: Prepare a simple soup-and-bread meal for your family. Eat dinner by candlelight. / 17 “O” Antiphons begin: O Wisdom
Write notes to each family member telling them how special they are & put it in their stockings to open Christmas morning. / 18 O Lord and Ruler
Family dinner. Hop in the car in your jammies and drive around to look at the Christmas lights. / 19 O Root of Jesse
Decorate your Christmas tree and nativity set (leave out the baby Jesus). Bless both using the prayers found in “Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers.”
20 4th Sunday of Advent O Key of David
Light all the candles of the Advent wreath.
Visit a “live” nativity scene. / 21 O Rising Sun (or Morning Star)
Get up a little earlier than normal. Dress warmly, go outside and watch the sun rise. Drink hot cocoa while watching. / 22 O King of the Nations
Help clean your church for Christmas. / 23 O Emmanuel (“God-with-us”)
Teens: Prepare a simple soup-and-bread meal for your family. Eat dinner by candlelight. / 24 Christmas Eve
After family dinner, place the statue of the baby Jesus in your nativity set. Ask Christ to be born anew in your hearts tonight. Sing “Silent Night.” / 25 Christmas Day
Christ our Savior is born!
Joy to the world! / 26
Family Service Project
27 Feast of the Holy
Family / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
Make some personal and family New Year’s goals. / JANUARY 1
Feast of Mary, Mother of God
Attend Mass together. / 2
3 Feast of the Epiphany
Pick up from your parish and use the Epiphany home blessing kit today. / 4 / 5 / 6 Traditional Epiphany Day
Celebrate by serving a “Three Kings” cake after dinner. / 7 / 8 / 9/10 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Traditional end of the Christmas season) Take down Christmas tree and decorations.
Editable and Customizable Advent and Christmas Calendar 2015/16
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry