Objective 6.01


1. Only 27% of all children eat yogurt. The marketing challenge for yogurt makers is how to increase that percentage. Yoplait has Trix yogurt for children and Dannon has Sprinkl’ins. Describe the marketing mix you would use for a new yogurt for children. Remember to develop an appeal for both the consumers and customers of your new product.

2. People are drinking all types of cold beverages today, soft drinks, bottled waters, fruit juices, and sports drinks to name a few. Evaluate the positioning of three brands of similar beverages in the marketplace. For example, compare the positioning of Nestea iced tea in a bottle, Arizona iced tea, and Snapple iced teas. If possible bring sample ads to class to demonstrate the respective marketing strategies of the three products.

3. Visa’s positioning of “It’s everywhere you want to be” was used to counter American Express’s positioning of “Don’t leave home without it.” Research what these two credit card companies and others are presently doing to position their cards in this competitive market. Cut out magazine ads and recount television commercials to support you findings. What trends and conclusions can you draw from your findings about the marketing strategies used in the credit card market?

Activities taken from Marketing Essentials, 2nd edition, Glencoe-McGraw Hill, page 27.

Small Business Entrepreneurship
