Karl G. Maeser was, at one time, president of Brigham Young University and was very much concerned about the future of his students. He knew that one of the most important aspects of the success of his students' careers was the principle of integrity. He wanted to instill within them this vital principle and how important integrity was to him. He gave this analogy.
"If you place me in a room with walls ever so thick and every so high and ever so deep into the ground, I would find a way to escape. But if I am standing on flat ground and you draw a circle around my feet with chalk and have me give my word that I will not step outside of the circle, I can never escape."
All success is based on integrity. No business, industry, or institution can operate efficiently for very long without it. No student will be prepared for any successful career without it. It is much more helpful than any grade that you will get.