On Graduation Survey of UndergraduateProgrammes
Student Profile Details:
Faculty, Programme of Studies, AreaFull-Time or Part-Time
Classification of Award
Do you have a disability?
Entry with Matriculation Certificate/ other qualifications (specify) / Maturity Clause.
For each statement show the extent of your agreement or disagreement by ticking one of the boxes and referring to the grid below.
StronglyAgree / Agree / Neither Agree Nor Disagree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
ProgrammeContent and Delivery
I found the programme to be intellectually stimulating.The programme content met the expectations I formed from the course overview and programme documentation available through the Course Finder.
I believe that the combination of the teaching and learning methods employed (lectures, tutorials, group projects etc) were key to helping me reach the aims of the programme.
In general, lecturers made extensive and effective use of the VLE.
I actively participated in VLE discussion groups.
I believe that my programme kept pace with recent developments in the field.
Organization and Management
The programme is well organized and the study-units form a cohesive whole.I found the programme workload manageable.
I usually had a clear idea of what was expected of me in the programme and how I was doing.
There was opportunity to give feedback on how the programme was proceeding.
I was able to maintain a good work-life balance throughout my studies.
Academic Support
Advice and support were available when I needed to make decisions related to my studies.I was able to contact staff when I needed to.
I felt that the methods of assessment used in the course were collectively fit for the purpose and allowed me to demonstrate knowledge, skills and competences learnt from the course.The amount of work involved in assessment activities was generally appropriate.
Dissertation or Final Project (IF APPLICABLE)
I am satisfied with the support I received for planning my dissertation/final project (topic selection, project outline etc.)My supervisor provided helpful feedback on my progress and provided advice that was timely and useful.
The opportunity to participate in Degree Plus enriched my student experience.
Generic Skills Acquisition
As a result of this programme:
I have developed academic writing skills;my oral communication skills have improved; I am able to communicate ideas and present arguments effectively to different specialist and non-specialist audiences;
I have developed additionalIT skills which are useful generally;
my ability to work in a team has improved;
I feel prepared for further higher studies;
I feel suitably prepared for my future career.
Learning Resources
The library resources and services were adequate for my needs.I was able to access specialized equipment, facilities or rooms when I needed to
Overall, I am satisfied with my experience of the programme.
Please include any comments that could help improve the quality of the programme.
Please mention one or more aspects of the programme that you found to be most interesting or useful:
Personal Growth
I feel that as a result of my experience as a University of Malta student I have:
Built self-confidence.Developed integrity and a strong appreciated for ethical conduct when dealing with others.
Developed a keen sense of my social responsibilities.
Developed sensitivity and tolerance towards different views, cultures and ways of life.
Student Support and Representation
I was aware of the following student support services offered by the University and felt I could have made use of them had I required to:
Counseling servicesCareer services
Pastoral Services
I was aware of student representation and participation on various university bodies[Yes/No question]
Do you feel students are well represented at the university? [Yes/No question]
During your studies, did you know who represented the students on the Faculty Board? [Yes/No question]
Did you feel you could approach student representatives with your concerns in case of need? [Yes/No question]