ISS 2016
Strategic Crisis Communication: Cases in Korea and Asia
“The symbol in Chinese for crisis is made up of two ideographs: Danger (危) & Opportunity (機). This symbol is a reminder that we can choose to turn a crisis into an opportunity or into a negative experience.”--- Virginia Satir
TJ Jung, Associate Professor, State University of New York at Oswego
Email: ,
Concept of Course:
This course will provide students with a seminar environment for examining crisis communication strategies, tactics, and crisis management case studies with emphasis on Korean Asian perspectives.
Learning Outcomes:
1. To examine and understand the process of conflict/crisis management.
2. To apply critical thinking methods when solving conflict/crisis management problems.
3. To demonstrate effective writing/speaking skills appropriate in various conflict/crisis situations.
4. To understand crisis communication process and crisis communication theories and their applicability on the conflict management.
5. To discover how to work with news media (e.g., media training) during and after a conflict/crisis event.
6. Understand and use media, technology, or other tools to provide public information.
Course Materials:
▪ Main reading: Coombs, W. T. (2012). Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding 3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
▪ Additional Supplemental readings.
Assignments & Responsibilities:
The various learning activities and weights in determining your final grade are as follows:
Project / Percentage of final grade (100%)Chapter Discussions
Exams (2 times)
Module Assignment / 40%
▪ Chapter Discussions
Read the assigned textbook chapter(s) and supplemental reading(s) in a timely manner and submit the “chapter discussion” corresponding to the discussion topics.
▪ Exams
You will take two exams over the session. Each exam will be composed of multiple choice questions and open ended questions.
Each exam will be composed of 40 multiple choices or true/false questions (4 points * 20= 80 points) and 2 open ended questions (10 points * 2 = 20 points).
▪ Module assignment
Module assignment is a short paper assignment (3~7 pages, Times New Roman, 12 font, double space) which take about 3~7 hours of contribution. I will assign one module assignments over the session. I provide detailed guidelines on how to prepare the assignment.
Make-up Opportunities
- There is no make-up opportunity for any assignment.
Syllabus Change Policy: This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.
[Course calendar]
Class 1 & 2
/ To define conflict/crisisTo define conflict/crisis management / Syllabus Introduction
Importance of Crisis Management/Crisis Defined / Chapter 1
Class 3 / Effect of the online world on conflict/crisis comm and management / The online environment and effect on the crisis comm. / Chapter 2
Class 4 / Proactive management / Issue/reputation/risk management / Chapter 3
Class 5 / The conflict/crisis prevention process / Basic conflict/crisis preventive measures / Chapter 4
Class 6 / Crisis Preparation: Part 1 / Diagnosing vulnerabilities/assessing crisis types/selecting and training a conflict management team/
Selecting and training a spokesperson / Chapter 5
Class 7 / Crisis Preparation: Part 2 / Developing a CMP/Reviewing the conflict/crisis management system
Exam #1 / Chapter 6
Class 8 / Crisis Management Plan / Best Practices in Crisis Communication: An Expert Panel: Seeger (2006)
Module #1 Assignment
Class 9 / Crisis Recognition / Crisis Framing & Informational Needs
Managing Crisis Ambiguity/Uncertainty / Chapter 7
Class 10 / Crisis Response_Part 1 / Conflict management strategies / Chapter 8
Class 11 / Crisis Response_Part 2 / Conflict management strategies / Chapter 8
Class 12 & 13 / Lessons and challenge for crisis communication / The new world of conflict/crisis management
Class 14 & 15 / Media Concerns / Responding to the Media: Adams (2000)
*Media Training / Chapter 5 (pp.86-96)
Class 16 / Final Exam / Exam #2