The Western North Carolina Ambulatory Care Task Force
Megan Hughes, Kristen Abbott
A subset of NCAP’s Health-Systems Forum, the Western North Carolina (WNC) Ambulatory Care Task Force, is a group that has been newly reinstated to develop innovative clinical pharmacy services in the outpatient setting. This task force will provide opportunities for ambulatory care and community pharmacists in western North Carolina to collaborate, communicate, and standardize care across settings. The charge of this task force for the upcoming year is to disseminate information about various ambulatory care pharmacy organizations and projects within the region, provide networking and collaboration opportunities for WNC ambulatory care pharmacists, and to share ideas about how to prepare our profession for a changing health care climate.
The WNC Ambulatory Care Task Force is currently recruiting new members. As a member, you will be invited to participate in quarterly events dedicated to achieving the aforementioned goals.The first event will take place on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 6:00pmin Blue Ridge-A at the Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) in Asheville.The purpose of this event will be to introduce task force membersto various organizations and projects in which WNC ambulatory care and community pharmacists are involved to stimulate collaboration between various groups. Each quarterly meeting will also have a brief, interactive presentation on a current hot topic and a spot light on one pharmacist providing innovative pharmacy services in the WNC region. Mollie Scott, PharmD, BCACP, CPP will be providing an update on the hot topic of provider status at our first event. Our spotlight pharmacist will be Andria Eker, PharmD, BCACP, CDE, who is director of the Blue Ridge Access program with Blue Ridge Pharmacy in Asheville, NC. There will be light refreshments for participants to enjoy during this event.
Please complete the following survey if you are interested in learning more about the WNC Ambulatory Care Task Force, becoming a member, and/or attending events held by the task force: We sincerely hope that you will consider joining us in this effort to lead Western North Carolina in the expansion of innovative ambulatory care pharmacy services that are patient-centered, quality-focused, reimbursable, and nationally-recognized. Please contact either of the task force co-chairs, Megan Hughes or Kristen Abbott, with further inquiries. Thank you for all that you do!
Megan Hughes, PharmD, CPP
PGY2 Pharmacy Resident – Ambulatory Care/Academia, MAHEC/UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Kristen Abbott, PharmD, CPP
PGY2 Pharmacy Resident – Ambulatory Care/Academia, MAHEC/UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy