Operating Committee
**Joint Session: Operating Committee (OC)/Planning Committee (PC)/ Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee (CIPC): December 13, 2016 | 10:00a.m. – Noon EST**
December 13, 2016 | 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. EST
December 14, 2016 | 8:00 a.m. – Noon EST
The Ritz-Carlton Buckhead
3434 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia
(404) 237-2700
Introductions and Chair’s Opening Remarks
NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement
- Administrative - Secretary
- Arrangements
- Safety Briefing and Identification of Exits (Ritz-Carlton Staff)
- Announcement of Quorum
- Background Information
- OC Membership 2016-2018*
- OC Roster*
- 30T32T32T30TUUOC Organizational ChartUU30T30T32T32T
- 30T32T32T30TOC Charter30T30T32T32T
- Parliamentary Procedures*
- 30T32T32T30TParticipant Conduct Policy30T30T32T32T
- Future Meetings
- Please note that Joint OC/PC/CIPC meetings will be scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to Noon on the first day of the Committee meetings.
2017 Meeting Dates / Time / Location / Hotel
March 7, 2017
March 8 2017 / 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to Noon / Atlanta, GA / Ritz-Carlton
June 6, 2017
June 7, 2017 / 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to Noon / TBD / TBD
September 12, 2017
September 13, 2017 / 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to Noon / TBD / TBD
December 12, 2017
December 13, 2017 / 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to Noon / TBD / TBD
- Consent Agenda – Chair Jim Case
- September 13-14, 2016 Draft OC Meeting Minutes*
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve consent agenda.
Background: None
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Items: September 13-14, 2016Draft OC Meeting Minutes
- Chair’s Remarks
- Report on November 1, 2016 Member Representatives Committee (MRC) Meeting and the November 2, 2016 Board of Trustees (Board) Meeting*
- Discussion of upcoming 2017 OC Work Plan development
- OC Action Items Review* – Vice Chair Lloyd Linke
Action: None / Objective: Review and discuss open action items from prior OC meetings.
OC Strategic Plan Goal: This is an administrative item.
Background: The OC Action Item list will be reviewed near the beginning of each OC meeting, with the intent to reach prompt resolution.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: Revised OC Action Item List
- Subcommittee Status Reports
- Operating Reliability Subcommittee (ORS) – Chair Eric Senkowicz
- Resources Subcommittee (RS) – Chair Troy Blalock
- Event Analysis Subcommittee (EAS)* – Chair Hassan Hamdar
- Revised ERO Event Analysis Process* – Chair Hassan Hamdar
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve the revisions to the ERO Event Analysis Process.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Continually strive for excellence in event analysis (EA), emerging cause code trending, and information sharing.
Action Item Number: None
Background: The EAS drafted a revised Event Analysis Process(EAP) redline and a justification letter for the suggested changes to Category 1g and 3a of the ERO EAP. The revisions were posted for a 45-day comment period which ended on November 14, 2016. The EAS has made final revisions to the ERO EAP and is seeking approval from the OCwith an effective date of January 1, 2017.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items:
Revised ERO Event Analysis Process (red-line)
- Personnel Subcommittee (PS)* – Chair Lauri Jones
- Reliability Assessment Subcommittee (RAS)
- 2016 Long-Term Reliability Assessment – David Calderon, Engineer
Action: None / Objective: Review and discuss the 2016LTRA
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain the structure, processes and relationships with other NERC standing committees, and foster relationships with other forums, to achieve high levels of reliability for the BES.
Action Item Number: None
Background: Mr. Calderon will provide an overview of the 2016 LTRA report, which focuses on:
- Resource Adequacy
- Single Fuel Dependency
- Nuclear Uncertainty
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Essential Reliability Services
- Distributed Energy Resources
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: None
- Essential Reliability Services Working Group (ERSWG) – Co-Chair Todd Lucas
- Distributed Energy Resources Task Force (DERTF) – Chair Rich Hydzik
- Reliability Issues Steering Committee (RISC) Status Report – Vice Chair Linke
- Past Chairs Roundtable
Action: Information / Objective: Share insights on the evolution and work of the OC.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: None
Background: Past OC Chairs Tom Bowe, Sam Holeman, and Jim Castle along with past OC Secretary Larry Kezele will share their insights regarding the evolution and work of the OC.
Presentation: No / Duration: 60 minutes / Background Items: None
- Committee Matters
- PAS request for OC reviewers of State of Reliability report– Paul Kure, PAS chair
Action: None / Objective: Solicit volunteers to review various report chapters as they are being developed,
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: None
Background: Mr. Kure, Chair of the Performance Analysis Subcommittee, will solicit volunteers to review various chapters of the State of Reliability Report as they are being developed by the subcommittee to facilitate timely development of the report.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: None
- Reliability Guideline: Inadvertent Interchange* – Jerry Rust
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve aReliability Guideline: Inadvertent Interchange.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: 1512-04
Background: At its September 2016 meeting, the OC authorized posting the guidance document for a 45-day comment periodwhich was jointly developed by the Project 2010-14.2.1 Standard Drafting Team and the Resources Subcommittee. Mr. Rust will provide an overview of the team’s final draft Reliability Guideline: Inadvertent Interchange for the OC’s approval.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: 1) Reliability Guideline: Inadvertent Interchange (clean) 2) Reliability Guideline: Inadvertent Interchange (redline) 3) Comment Responses
- Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standards* – Jerry Rust
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve a Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standards.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: 1512-05
Background: At its September 2016 meeting, the OC authorized posting the guidance document for a 45-day comment period which was jointly developed by the Project 2010-14.2.1 Standard Drafting Team and the RS. Mr. Rust will provide an overview of the team’s final draft Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standardsfor the OC’s approval.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: 1) Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standards (clean) 2) Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standards (redline) 3) Comment Responses
- Reliability Guideline: Area Control Error Diversity Interchange (ADI) Process*– Don Badley
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve posting the Reliability Guideline: Area Control Error Diversity Interchange (ADI) Process for a 45-day comment period.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: None
Background: The RS has made revisions to the Reliability Guideline: Area Control Error Diversity Interchange (ADI) Process. The RS is requesting that the OC authorize posting the revised guideline for a 45-day comment period.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: Reliability Guideline: Area Control Error Diversity Interchange (ADI) Process.
- System Operator Certification and Continuing Education Database (SOCCED) – Trion King, Manager of Personnel Certification
Action: None / Objective: Review and discuss SOCCED.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain high levels of expertise to provide sound conclusions and opinions on operational issues.
Action Item Number: None
Background: The OC will be briefed on the revisions and updates to SOCCED.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: None
- NERC Standards Development Update – Mark Olson, Senior Standards Developer
Action: None / Objective: Review and discuss the development of Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD) standard.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain high levels of expertise to provide sound conclusions and opinions on operational issues.
Action Item Number: None
Background: The OC will be briefed on the development of GMD standards under Project 2013-03. On September 22, 2016, FERC issuedOrder No. 830approving Reliability Standard TPL-007-1 - Transmission System Planned Performance for GMD Events. In the Order, FERC directed NERC to develop certain modifications to the standard, or to develop other new or revised standards. The revisions include:
- Modify the benchmark GMD event definition used for GMD Vulnerability Assessments;
- Make related modifications to requirements pertaining to transformer thermal impact assessments;
- Require collection of GMD-related data. NERC is directed to make data available; and
- Require deadlines for Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) and GMD mitigating actions.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: None
- NERC Standards Development Update and Request for SOL/IROL Assistance* – Ryan Quint, Senior Engineer/Lacey Ourso, Standards Developer
Action: Authorize / Objective: Review and discuss the development of SOL/IROL standards and authorize assistance.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain high levels of expertise to provide sound conclusions and opinions on operational issues.
Action Item Number: None
Background: The OC will be briefed on the development of IROL/SOL standards and the request for assistance from the NERC Standards Committee (SC). In order to facilitate the development of a team of technical experts to assess the issue and develop technical materials regarding the IROL issues outlined herein, the SC is requesting technical assistance from the OC and PC. Specifically, the SC is seeking the formation of a joint task force, comprised of both operating and planning subject matter experts, for the purpose of developing technical material for the IROL-related issues identified above. The technical material developed by the joint task force can be used by industry as a resource to enhance the manner in which certain interconnection limits are established, and also, by the SDT (or other future standard drafting team addressing the IROL issue) as revisions are developed to the related Reliability Standards.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items:Request for Assistance from the OC and PC for Development of Technical Materials related to the Establishment of IROL
- 2015Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) Task Team Recommendation 1 (DER Planning, Forecasting, Visibility, Lessons Learned) and Recommendation 4 (Dynamic and Static System Modelling Accuracy).– Amir Najafzadeh, Senior Engineer
Action: Approve / Objective: Close OC action item associated with 2015 LTRA Task Team Recommendation 1 (DER Planning, Forecasting, Visibility, LessonsLearned) and Recommendation 4 (Dynamic and Static System Modeling Accuracy).
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: 1603-13
Background: At the March 2016 OC meeting, Recommendations 1 and 4 from the 2015 LTRA were assigned to the DERTF. An update will be provided on the disposition of these two recommendations.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: LTRA Task Team Recommendation 1 (DER Planning, Forecasting, Visibility, Lessons Learned) and Recommendation 4 (Dynamic and Static System Modeling Accuracy).
- Determine the continued need for Reliability Coordinator reliability plans. Consider standards IRO-001 and IRO-014. – James Merlo, Vice President, Reliability Risk Management
Action: Endorse / Objective: Discuss proposal regarding the continued need for reliability coordinator reliability plans.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain high levels of expertise to provide sound conclusions and opinions on operational issues.
Action Item Number: 1606-01
Background: At the September 2016 OC meeting, the OC tabled a second recommendation from the ORS and asked NERC Staff to further evaluate the ORS proposal, since it involves a Rules of Procedure change. NERC staff is not supportive of reverting to the old standard language and is working on an alternative solution to the second motion. NERC is supportive of the OC endorsing the continued voluntary submission of reliability plans and welcomes the feedback from review of same. These plans and the OC endorsement of these plans could be considered in the registration and certification process.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: None
- ORS Recommendation Related to the Disposition of the Data Exchange Working Group (DEWG) – Eric Senkowicz, ORS Chair
Action: Approve / Objective: Review, discuss and approve the ORS recommendation related to the disposition of the DEWG and the Telecommunications Working Group (TWG).
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain high levels of expertise to provide sound conclusions and opinions on operational issues.
Action Item Number: None
Background: At its February 2016 meeting, ORS Chair Senkowicz tasked reliability coordinator subcommittee members with contacting their DEWG members to determine the continued need for the DEWG and the TWG. If the DEWG should remain in existence, should it continue to report to the ORS or should it report to another organization such as the Eastern Interconnection Data Sharing Network?
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: None
- OC Charter Revisions* – Jerry Rust
Action: Approve / Objective: Review, discuss and approve proposed revisions to the OC Charter.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: This is an administrative item.
Action Item Number: 1603-01
Background: At its March 2016 meeting, Chair Case tasked Jerry Rust (chair), Keith Carman, Lloyd Linke and Todd Lucas with reviewing and updating the OC strategic plan and Charter. The revised charter was presented at the September 2016 OC meeting for review.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items:
Revised Draft of the OC Charter (Red-line)
- Electric System Restoration Reference Document | Archive/Retire – Erik Senkowicz, ORS Chair
Action: Archive / Objective: Archive Electric System Restoration Reference Document
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number:
Background: The ORS has completed its review of the Electric System Restoration Reference Document. The ORS does not believe that this reference document provides significant reliability benefit and is requesting that the OC archive/retire the reference document.
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Item: None
- Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Report | Acceptance* - Rich Hydzik, DERTF Chair
Action: Approve / Objective: Approve the DER Report
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number:
Background: The DERTF deliverables for 2016 include: 1) identifying and assessing distributed energy resource impacts and 2) developing a DERTF final report by year end. The DERTF final report is being presented to the OC for approval.
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Item: DER Report
- Essential Reliability Services Sufficiency Guidelines White Paper – Brian Evans-Mongeon
Action: Accept / Objective: Accept theEssential Reliability Services Sufficiency Guidelines White Paper.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number:
Background: The ERSWG deliverables for 2016 include: 1) assisting in the development of approved measures and 2) developing a whitepaper on the methodology for Essential Reliability Services measures sufficiency guidelines. The Sufficiency Guideline whitepaper is being presented to the OC for acceptance.
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Item: Essential Reliability Services Sufficiency Guidelines White Paper
- Overview of Entergy project to operate with two primary control centers – Jim Case
Action: None / Objective: Provide overview of Entergy project to operate with two primary control centers
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Continually strive for excellence in event analysis (EA), emerging cause code trending, and information sharing.
Action Item Number: None
Background: Entergy has developed two primary control centers which share responsibility for the operation of the Balancing Authority (BA) and Transmission Operator (TOP) functions for Entergy. Chair Case will discuss the development of this control approach and its features.
Presentation: No / Duration: 30 minutes / Background Item: None
- Update of Reliability Guideline: Generating Unit Winter Weather Readiness– Jim Case
Action: Assign / Objective: Assign the EAS to review and, if necessary, update the Reliability Guideline: Generating Unit Winter Weather Readiness.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number:
Background: Per the OC Charter, Reliability Guidelines are to be reviewed every three years. The Reliability Guideline: Generating Unit Winter Weather Readiness was last approved by the OC in March 2012 and is due for review. Chair Case will request that the review of this guideline be assigned to the EAS.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: None
- Update from Idaho National Laboratory - Jake Gentle
Action: None / Objective: Update the OC on the latest activities of the Idaho National Laboratory.
OC Strategic Plan Guiding Principle: Maintain and enhance reliability through the pursuit of clear NERC Reliability Standards, reliability guidelines, NERC Alerts, interpretations, lessons learned, and other operational compliance clarifications.
Action Item Number: None
Background: Mr. Gentle will present an overview of current research at Idaho National Laboratory, including Dynamic Line Rating and Human Performance work for overhead transmission lines with System Planning and Operations; solar, microgrid, dynamic and transient studies;and full scale test and R&D efforts.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 20 minutes / Background Item: None
*Background materials included.