In order to protect yourself against charges of “tampering” you must send the notice below to your power company and allow some time for their compliance BEFORE you replace your meter!

IMPORTANT: The printed copy of the notice below is for quick reference and backup. The Notice must be edited before printing. Your editable digital file has been delivered to you by email and you may have received a copy on disc with your meter replacement kit. This is the “a2” file with your instructions and a sample template for reference only. Load the “a4” file in your computer for editing and printing.


1.  There is a sample NOTICE below these instructions with shaded italic highlights. The shaded highlights are visible on the digital file on the enclosed CD (filename “a2” or “AAA”). DON’T EDIT THAT FILE. Just use that for visual reference so you’ll know where the edits go. Save the other file (without the shaded highlights) (filename “a4” or “AAB”) in your word processor and do your edits on that file. The two files are the same except for the highlights and italics. When you edit your notice you will convert the italics to normal type.

2.  Go through that entire file (filename: “a4”) and, using the highlighted version below for reference. Edit the parts of that file that match the highlighted text below in this file. Also, add, edit or delete any content you feel is appropriate. Then save and backup your edited file with a new file name in a place where you can find it easily. Do not address it to anyone in “Customer Service”. You need to correspond with someone authorized to MAKE POLICY. Address it a top officer such as the CEO, President, General Manager or Chairman of the Board of the power company. You may need to call them or go online to find the name and mailing address for a top officer.

3.  Double check that the entire notice has been edited properly. You can decide how much time to give your power company to remove the meter. If you give them 30 days you are being generous and fair. If you give them 21 days (three weeks) that is still reasonable. You may want to give them MUCH LESS TIME if someone at the location is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, became ill or adversely effected when the digital meter was installed, or if they have medical devices that will be adversely affected by the digital meter’s electromagnetic radiation. You may have a case for only giving the power company a few days or hours to remove the digital meter, for instance, if someone onsite has a Pacemaker. If there is a medical or other urgent issue caused by the meter, be sure to add a written account of those problems to your notice with date, time and a full description of the problems believed to have been caused or potentially caused by the digital meter. There is a place on the notice indicated for that. Do not make it long or emotional, make it concise and factual with dates and times of health and safety related incidents, as much as you can remember or estimate accurately.

4.  Make several photocopies of the edited, printed and signed Notice.

5.  KEEP THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT in a file in your records where you can find it later. Make plenty of photocopies because you will want to shove one in the hand of ANYONE who challenges your right to health, safety and privacy with the threat of installing a digital electric meter on your property. If you get any correspondence from the power company or if someone comes to your property ALWAYS give them a copy of the notice and TELL THEM that they are bound to all terms and conditions in that notice unless it was rebutted timely with fact and law by an authorized and identified party (it is not possible to rebut because it is unlawful to emit radiation and conduct surveillance on private property without consent of the occupants).

6.  Mail a photocopy of your notice by Certified Mail to your power company’s top officer. The certified mail cards are available at every Post Office. You will get a signed confirmation of delivery. Save the signature card and certified mail receipt slip in your file with the original notarized notice. Make copies of the certified mail receipt and attach one to each extra copy of the Notice. Have at least 5 sets of copies handy for any problems that may suddenly arise.

7.  When the signed green card comes back confirming the delivery, save the card and file it with the original notice and the mailing receipt. If you don’t get the card back in the mail you can track the delivery online (, “Track and Confirm”) or at a Post Office. That is why it is important to save the green and white receipt slip. The tracking number is on that slip.

8.  Mark your calendar for the amount of time you allowed for removal. It is customary to allow a few extra days to allow for mail delivery of any response from the power company.

9.  Your Power Company is very unlikely to install an analog meter or send a satisfactory answer to your Notice, sworn by a responsible and liable person. They have demonstrated that they are interested in making money and spying on you, not obeying the law or respecting your health and rights. To swear to the safety and legality of digital meters they would have to prove that the meter does not violate their prior easement when it absolutely does violate the easement and the law by emitting radiation and collecting data on private activities inside your home without your consent. So it is virtually certain that your power company will fail to rebut the points in your notice. After getting your notice, to lawfully maintain a digital meter on your home, they must rebut each point in your notice with fact and law by a responsible party with first-hand knowledge in a sworn statement (virtually impossible), or immediately replace the digital meter with a safe analog meter that does not collect and store data other than overall energy consumption and does not emit or cause any radiation emission at all for any reason.

10.  By granting your power company a period for compliance you have demonstrated “good faith” and protected yourself legally from accusations of unauthorized “tampering” with the Smart Meter. The Notice, if not properly answered by the power company within the waiting period, confirms your authority as property owner to replace the meter without assistance, support or permission from your power company because they failed to correct their legal violations in a timely manner and failed to send you a sworn statement of rebuttal declaring the meters are safe and compliant with all laws (that is impossible). Most power company employees would rather not risk a lawsuit or imprisonment by falsely swearing to a rebuttal of your fact, truth and law, so your paperwork will certainly be legally superior to theirs. If your power company sends you a letter of denial, threat or claim of right, SAVE THAT LETTER. Make some photocopies. You then send another copy of your notice and the delivery receipts and tell them in a cover letter that, by failing to rebut your points, have agreed to them. If you wish, you may contact and ask for our NOTICE OF DEFAULT which is the legal way to say “You didn’t properly rebut and now it’s too late”. Keep a file of ALL correspondence. Letters of denial, threat and intimidation are good evidence that the power company is not denying your allegations and they are simply trying to bully you into accepting the harm they are committing. Make notes of EVERY encounter with your power company and any health effects your occupants may suffer. By recording the names, the dates, and the details of the encounter you will be creating a critical “trail of evidence” in case you need to present a case later.

11.  After the response period that you allowed in your Notice, if the power company has not complied with the law by replacing your EMR/Surveillance meter with an analog meter you may replace your meter. You may wish to send the power company our NOTICE OF DEFAULT for additional legal protection. It is available at no charge on request, or may be included in your package. Please watch the installation video again (at and/or read the instructions in the meter kit for meter replacement. If you are not completely confident in your ability, knowledge, experience and skills to perform a safe meter replacement we recommend hiring an electrician to do that for you.

12.  The video demonstrating the installation is embedded from YouTube at (scroll down and you will see the video player).

13.  Below is the highlighted sample form. Don’t edit the text below, edit the other file (“a4.doc”) we provided. This file is just to help you see the points to be edited:

Energy Customer's Name
Street Address
City State Zip

Name of Power Company CEO pr President
Street Address
City State Zip

(Date of Notice)
To POWER COMPANY and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties:

1)  This Notice and Demand pertains and applies to POWER COMPANY herein “UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER” and it’s electric service provided to the address: (address of property affected by digital meter/s).

2)  It has come to our attention that a digital electric meter, possibly a “Smart Meter” or a similar device has been installed by you on our property or place of occupancy/residence without full disclosure to us, without our informed consent and without compliance with various laws.

3)  We hereby revoke and deny any and all implied, expressed and/or recorded consent, if any exists, for the placement and operation of a “Smart Meter” and all other utility metering devices which emit electromagnetic radiation (herein “EMR”) by either transmission or “dirty electricity”, or which “monitor” or conduct surveillance, or make recordings of any events and activities within private property that we may occupy, or that may be upgraded to do those things.

4)  “Smart Meters” and digital utility meters meet the statutory definition of unlawful surveillance devices put forth as “Wiretapping” in United States Code (USC) Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 119, Sec 2511 and other State and Federal laws, and those meters are designed and intended to record personal and private events and activities within private structures and properties which constitutes violation of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, 4th Amendment guaranteeing all people to be “…secure in their persons, houses…” and to be free of “search”. No search of private property may be lawfully done without a valid, timely and ratified court order (warrant) based on probable cause or by full informed consent of the occupants. Also, because electromagnetic radiation is known to cause cancer and other diseases and injuries installation of any meter with either an EMR transmitter, a switching mode power supply, a transformer or similar devices on a private residence without consent of the occupants and property owner constitutes Assault under United States Code Title 18, Section 113. To attempt the installation of such devices on virtually every private structure is quite clearly criminal misconduct on the part of all those associated and complicit with that attempt. That criminal misconduct causes nullification of all contracts, easements and policy that may be claimed by UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER and entitles any property owner, tenant and occupant, in lawful self defense, to remove all such devices immediately without notice, application or administrative process. That criminal misconduct also eliminates any and all right of UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER to charge any fee or penalty or prescribe any terms or conditions in relation to the property owner’s rights and actions to mitigate UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER’s violations and to protect all occupants’ health, safety and privacy. That criminal misconduct is committed by UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER and therefore, UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDER has no grounds to deny utility service in retaliation for any action a utility customer deems necessary for self defense. As we innocently act in our own self defense against your unlawful radiation and surveillance, any act to deny or threaten to deny electric service to us is seen as a hostile,malicious and harmful act. Because we have committed no violation and no act besides self defense against your wrongdoing, any interruption of our electric service is unjustified and will cause an obligation by you, your company and it's policy-makers separately and individually of $100,000.00 to us in addition to $10,000.00 per day of denied or failed service.

5)  “Smart Meters” and digital wireless utility meters emit “packetized” and/or “pulsed” electromagnetic radiation in power densities, timings and volumes known to be harmful and unsafe for exposure to humans, animals and plants, shown to be damaging and dangerous in countless published peer-reviewed scientific studies, and known to be particularly harmful to individuals classified as “Sensitive Receptors” who may visit or occupy the above property. This radiation is known to cause cancer, neurological illnesses and injuries, birth defects, childhood leukemia, childhood behavioral disorders and a wide variety of other physical symptoms in any person who may be exposed. In fact, exposure to EMR can exacerbate any vulnerability and provoke injury in any biological organism. The widespread installation of digital electric meters represents reckless and inexcusable endangerment of the public and violation of rights.