Sutter Middle School * Go Cougars!

Mr. Jones * 6th Grade World History Ancient Civilizations * Room A22 * Homework: See Teacher Webpage


Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

The following provides information concerning course work for 6th grade World History Ancient Civilizations, as well as class policies, rules, and expectations for the 2015-2016 school year. I invite you to contact me, through email, with questions or concerns. I ask for your help supporting academic success by reviewing the agenda/planner daily for assignments and homework, checking my teacher webpage daily, requesting assignments during absences, and informing me of any learning needs. I set high expectations for my students and require them to set high expectations for themselves and their learning goals. When you have read and reviewed the following, please sign, date, and return the attached contract while keeping this letter/information for reference.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The major areas of study for this year are Early Humans and Societies, The Stone Ages and Early Cultures, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, India, China, Greece, and Rome.The information in these units correlates with the California State Standards.

TEXTBOOK: Holt World History Ancient Civilizations

CLASS SUPPLIES: An important item that students will always be required to have is the agenda. Organization and time management are two very important skills for middle school students to learn. Also, please make sure that your child has the supplies from my supply list (see attached list). These are the materials that each student is expected to have with them every day. Please save this list and replenish supplies as needed. These supplies will not be provided by the classroom teacher, nor is it the responsibility of other students to share with those who do not have the necessary materials.

ASSESSMENT: Students earn letter grades. Grades are based upon the number scores from homework, class work, projects, quizzes, and tests. Homework and classwork are Formative Assessments and they will make up 30% of the overall grade. Projects, quizzes, and tests are Summative Assignments and they will make up 70% of the overall grade. The scores are totaled and weighted according to the type of assessment and a letter grade will be assigned.

HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK: Homework is designed to reinforce class work and to provide an opportunity for individual practice. There will be homework assigned regularly, but not assigned daily. Completed assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missing assignments due to an absence.

ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS: Throughout the school year students will need access to a home computer, email, printer, and internet. If a student is unable to print an assignment from home, it should be emailed to me at in the proper format. I expect all student work to reflect the student’s best effort. All written work must be neat and legible, which includes being free of excessive grammatical and spelling errors. Student work should be neat. I reserve the right to return any assignment that does not meet the above standards to the student with the expectation that the product will be reworked.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is a vital component of student success in this course. Students are expected to attend class daily and participate in the assigned activities. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, that assignment must be turned in on the day that they return to school. For all other assignments, students will receive 2 days for every one day they are absent (as per school policy) to complete assignments. Students and parents should check my teacher webpage for class work or email me for information. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to make up work and tests that are missed due to an absence.

TARDIES:Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. Students that come in late to class must have a note. Tardiness will be dealt with as outlined in the school discipline policy and can affect a student’s citizenship grade.

CLASSROOM RULES/POLICIES/EXPECTATIONS:Students are expected to exhibit behavior which exemplifies the Seven Pillars of Cougar Character. In order to provide an environment in which students are able to learn, it is important to maintain an orderly classroom. For this reason students are expected to abide by the following rules:

  • Come to class prepared to work and bring all materials daily
  • Class participation is required of students each day and is necessary for learning
  • Raise your hand and get permission to speak aloud or leave your seat
  • Be seated and prepared to work when the bell rings
  • No gum, candy, food, or drinks of any kind (with the exception of water)
  • No writing on or destruction of school property
  • Treat all guests and students with respect and courtesy
  • No cheating, academic dishonesty, or plagiarism
  • Absolutely no electronic devices including phones and I-pods

DISCIPLINE POLICY:If a student chooses to violate any of these rules or exhibits behavior that causes a disruption to my ability to teach and/or other students’ ability to learn, the discipline policy will be initiated.

  • A Warning
  • A reduction in the citizenship grade
  • Initiation of Due Process Form
  1. Step 1: Official warning; parent notification
  2. Step 2: Intervention; parent notification
  3. Step 3: Class suspension; parent notification
  4. Step 4: Referral to Vice Principal; parent notification
  • Instances of severe misbehavior may result in an immediate classroom suspension and/or referral to the Vice Principal
  • Students can increase a citizenship grade by volunteering in the classroom

CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship grades will be assigned one of the following citizenship grades:

  • O- Outstanding: Student regularly participates in class, always follows classroom rules, and exhibits outstanding citizenship
  • S- Satisfactory: Student participates in class when asked, follows classroom rules, and exhibits good citizenship
  • N- Needs Improvement: Student has two or three discipline checks
  • U- Unsatisfactory: Student has four or more discipline checks and has received at least one Due Process

After reading my course expectations, please print and sign your name on the following page and return the last page only with your child. Please keep the rest of this document for future reference.


STUDENT NAME (PRINTED):______Period:______