Illinois Extension Agricultural Association
President’s Report - Dennis Epplin
There is a lot going on in your association and I hope that you are an active member interested in the many opportunities that are available!
Like your previous presidents, I now have the chance to sit as an advisory member to the Illinois Farm Bureau Board. The three day per month investment is well worth the time. I usually attend the Member Services and Public Relations Committee meeting prior to the Board meeting. It is indeed a pleasure to report to the IL Farm Bureau Board on IEAA and University of Illinois Extension. This is a great example of an opportunity for our association to network with a major farm organization.
My copy of the Special Edition of the County Agent magazine arrived last week. Just a quick reminder that award applications and instructions are found in the publication. The application form indicates that entries are due by March 15.
NACAA nominations for national/regional council and committee appointments are now available. Positions to be filled include:
Professional Improvement Council
Council Chair
North CentralAgronomyVice-Chair
North CentralAgricultural EconomicsVice-Chair
North Central ForestryVice-Chair
Extension Development Council
North CentralPublic Relations & Agr. IssuesVice-Chair
North CentralTeaching & CommunicationsVice-Chair
Program Recognition Council Professional Excellence National Chair
Public RelationsNational Chair
Recognition & AwardsNational Chair
North Central Extension ProgramsVice-Chair
North CentralPublic RelationsVice-Chair
North CentralRecognition & AwardsVice-Chair
North CentralScholarshipVice-Chair
Nominations for all these open positions are due by March 6. Contact me for the forms and visit the web site for more information.
Please remember to make IEAA Friend of Agriculture and Hall of Fame nominations to be selected at the Spring Meeting.
Speaking of the Spring Meeting, have you marked your calendar for March 16 & 17? IEAA will be joining other associations (Illinois Joint Council of Extension Professionals) in sponsoring the meeting to be held at Jumer’s in Bloomington.
Violet Malone will make two presentations and Denny Campion is scheduled to address the group. Tom Hampton, NACAA NCR Director, has confirmed that he will attend our meeting. In addition to our IEAA meeting on Friday morning, we are attempting to schedule a professional improvement tour. The full Spring Meeting details and registration form can be found in another section of this newsletter. Please remember the March 6 registration deadline.
Thanks to everyone that takes an active part in the Illinois Extension Agricultural Association—it can be as good as we are willing to make it!
Vice-Presidents’ Report - Jim Morrison & Pete Fandel
Pete Fandel and Jim Morrison represented IEAA at the North Central Region Leadership Workshop in Cedar Rapids, IA on February 6-8. They were joined by representatives from ESP, NAE4-HA, and NEAFCS from the 12 states in the central region.
Tom Hampton, NACAA Regional Director, chaired the NACAA meeting sessions. Curtis Grissom, NACAA President, was in attendance for the entire workshop. He indicated that membership is relatively stable at approximately 4100 members, as are donors for various programs/awards.
There was discussion on the NACAA AM/PIC bidding process. Should the selection process first begin within a Region? In other words, have the Region that is in rotation to host the AM/PIC decide what state will host the meeting. This topic will be discussed further at Jackson, MS, August 6-10.
Frank FitzSimons, NACAA Secretary, indicated that it would be preferred to have each state’s new officers and committee chairs take effect immediately following the NACAA AM/PIC. This would help keep the database current, and help with the communication process.
Scott Hawbaker, NACAA Executive Assistant, demonstrated the NACAA membership database. Effective February 14 the new address of the NACAA National Headquarters will be: NACAA, Attn. Scott Hawbaker, 252 N. Park St., Decatur, IL 62523. Phone (217) 876-1220 and FAX (217) 877-5382 do not change. Email is
Numerous leadership positions on various councils and committees in the North Central Region are available and need to be filled by early March.
The NC Region may have 2-3 candidates for the office of NACAA treasurer. State reports were given and Pete and Jim will have a copy of each at the Spring Meeting in Bloomington.
Addendum:Jim Morrison needs to know the members by district serving on our five standing committees. Perhaps either the Sr. or Jr. director from each district could forward such a list to him. Thanks!
Epsilon Sigma Phi
Thursday, March 1611:00 am
Illinois Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Friday, March 178:00 am
Illinois Extension Agricultural Association
Friday, March 178:00 am
Illinois Extension Professionals for Youth Education
Friday, March 1710:00 am
Many of us in Illinois experienced Dr. Violet Malone as the dynamic and funny instructor of AGR/HRFS 369 Educational Programs in Cooperative Extension. In fact, she was the head of the Extension Education Unit in the College of Agriculture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign before she moved to Western Washington University in 1991.
Violet is a woman who considers learning to be a lifelong process. She is an active participant in the world around her. And she tells wonderful stories about herself!
Dr. Malone has spent most of her career working with adults in some phase of transition. Since she knows U of I Extension so well, she is designing a workshop especially for us that will move us from 369 to 2000. The focus will be on the Extension Professional in the new millenium. Don’t expect to sit quietly and take notes.
Violet is a native of Chicago but has conducted experiential learning sessions with men and women in many corners of the world. She currently resides in Ferndale WA and heads the Department of Education Administration and Foundations at Woodring College of Education , WWU, in Bellingham.
After many years of spring meetings in Springfield with a legislative theme, Illinois JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) has moved the 2000 meetings to Bloomington. The focus will be professional rather than organizational.
Jumer’s Chateau was chosen as the site because of its central Illinois location and easy access via several interstate highways. This Four Diamond hotel is designed in the style of a French country chateau, and has always been known as the premier hotel and conference center of the Bloomington-Normal area. Check
A block of rooms has been reserved under U of I Extension. Cost for a double room (2 queen beds) is $78 for one, $88 for two. For reservations, call Toll Free 1-800-AT-JUMER (1-800-285-8637) or 309-662-2020.
Jumer’s is located on the corner of Veteran’s Parkway and Jumer Drive, across from the College Hills Mall. (Jumer’s Chateau, 1601 Jumer Drive, Bloomington, Illinois 61704.
There are many dining, shopping, and recreational opportunities nearby for the evening on your own.
ILJCEP encourages membership in an Extension professionalassociation for all who qualify. Please invite a prospective member to join you at this exciting professional opportunity. BE A MENTOR!
Life Member Report:
Both Active and Life members of IEAA are encouraged to write to their state legislators, thanking them for their support in passing the spouses’ insurance bill. Passage of this bill has finally addressed a long-standing inequity between the old and new retirement systems.
Retiree’s Get Togethers:
Thursday, August 24th - 11:00 a.m.Thursday, October 19th - 11:00 a.m.
Ryan’s SteakhouseGiant City State Park
Springfield, ILMakonda, IL
Contact: Bob Edgar217-344-9108Contact: Hazel Clark
Larry Casey618-783-2534 Bob Edgar217-344-9108
The life member have two favors to ask of the active membership. Information can be sent to Bob Edgar 217-344-9108, or Larry Casey 618-783-2534.
- Do you know of a change in status of life members or their spouses within your districts? This can include changing residences, illness, death, etc. This information will be used to keep the personnel office informed of life member status.
- Is your IEAA District holding a meeting? If so, many life members would enjoy being invited. This gives them the opportunity to visit with old friends, and meet and get to know new staff.
Unity through Coordination and Cooperation
Announces a special Professional Development Opportunity
For Members and Potential Members of Illinois’ Extension Associations
Dr. Violet Malone’sWorkshop:
Moving from 369 to 2000--The Extension Professional in the New Millenium
March 16-17, 2000 Jumer’s in Bloomington
Please register by March 6 Make room reservations directly with Jumer’s
Schedule of Events
11:00Epsilon Sigma Phi meeting8:00Breakfast Buffet
12:30Lunch BuffetIEAFCS and IEAA meetings
1:45Workshop Begins10:00IEYPE meeting/IEAA Tour
3:00BreakInteractive Session with Violet
4:30A word from your sponsors12:00Lunch
5:00 Dinner and Evening on your own 1:00 Workshop Finale
______Member of ______
___ Thursday only, $29.00____ Thursday only, $19.00
____ Friday only, $36.00____ Friday only, $26.00
____ Full registration, $55.00____ Full registration, $45.00
Please write checks accordingly and make payable to ESP.
Mail registration to Nann Armstrong, 7775 B IL Rt. 47, Yorkville IL 60560, before March 6.
IEAA Action Award
The IEAA Action Award is for outstanding paid IEAA member(s) with one to five years Extension service by March 15, 2000. Up to five awards given annually.
Please complete the following information in three pages or less. You are welcome to submit the information via e-mail or regular mail. Send your application to: Janeen Emory, Henry-Stark Extension Unit, PO Box 74, Galva, IL 61434 or by March 17, 2000. (Applications need to be in hand by beginning of the March 17 meeting in Bloomington – don’t e-mail on the 16th.)
Date of Application ______Date Employed by Extension ______
Name ______
Phone ______Fax______e-mail ______
Position in Unit or Center ______
- Significant Programs Coordinated (Any programs, activities or events coordinated)
- Innovating Methods Used (As applied to ongoing or new programs, activities or events)
- Use of communications (describe the use made of mass media available within the county/unit/center)
- Professional Improvement (Credit or non-credit courses or inservice)
- Participation in IEAA/NACAA Association
District:Attendance, Participation and Committees
State:Attendance, Participation and Committees
National:Attendance, Participation and Committees
6. List two IEAA members who have knowledge of and could support the above information.
Eligibility Requirements
Achievement Awards
Purpose: The purpose of the Achievement Award Program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with less than ten years of service.
Selection: Each year, each State Recognition and Awards Committee may submit the names of 1% or fraction thereof of the state's membership based on each state's membership as of March 15 of the previous year, with a minimum of one agent per state. A nomination form is available from the National Recognition and Awards Committee Chair. All winners must be approved by the State Director. Winners will be submitted at the same time as DSA nominees. Recipient must be a member of NACAA when selected and must attend Annual Meeting to receive award, unless exempted by Committee Chair because of extenuating circumstances. (Established by Board action, August, 1993.)
Members AA's
1 - 100 1
101 - 200 2
201 - 300 3
301 - 400 4
401 - 500 5
Recognition: A Certificate of Achievement will be presented by NACAA to each state winner during the Regional Meetings and the Annual Meeting of NACAA. All names will also be listed in the DSA Brochure.
Note: NACAA urges State Association to recognize their state winners at the State Annual meeting and encourage winner (financially, if possible) to attend the National Meeting. Please forward winner's nomination sheet to the National Chair Recognition and Awards Committee along with DSA nominee.
Form #9 (97)
National Association of County
Agricultural Agents
Recognition and Awards Committee
Nomination Sheet For NACAA Achievement Award
Nominee ______Phonetic Spelling: ______
Spouse's Name ______Phonetic Spelling ______
Years Of Service: ______(As Of 3/15, Year Of The Award)
Address ______
Street City State Zip
Home Phone ______Work Phone ______
(Area Code) (Area Code)
Fax Number: ______Email Address ______
County Or Area ______
Print Name Of Nominee As He/She Wishes It To Appear On Certificate
Is Nominee Able To Attend The Am/Pic If Selected? ___Yes ___No This Means He/She Must Attend The Recognition Breakfast Held Tuesday Morning Of The Am/Pic.
Citation Statement And Photos
This statement can be prepared by the nominee, the State Awards Chairman or the Extension Editor.
Only typed citations will be accepted. The nominee's name should be used in the citation. Use Form #13 (97).
Recommendation from the nominee's State Extension Director. A statement by the director may be made in this space or Form #5, blanket approval of all state nominees may also be used.
Certification - I certify that ______is a member of the Cooperative Extension Service in the state of ______with less than 10 years service (as of March 15, year of the award) and is a member of our state association and that his NACAA dues will be paid by the deadline for the coming year.
State Chair or Officer Address
Attach two 4" x 5" glossy photos of the nominee with the head measuring about 2" from the top of the head to the bottom of chin. This should be one done by a professional photographer to have the quality that is needed.
These pictures will be reduced and printed in the Breakfast Brochure.
A good picture of you will help us get a good picture in the brochure.
Put a mailing label on the back of the picture listing the nominee's name, state and award.
Use scotch tape to lightly attach picture to application.
AA form
Note: The following items are to be used only by individual states. This information is NOT needed by regional vice chair or the national chair, nor should it be sent with this form.
List of publicity outlets to which nominee wishes release of his/her award to be sent. (The responsibility for sending these releases goes to the State Chairman, usually through the State Extension Editor.) They should be released during the week of the NACAA Annual Meeting.
1. List nominee's major project, size and scope or the nominee may elect to discuss their entire program.
2. Purpose of the major project or the nature of their programs.
3. Planning method used and who was involved.
4. Length of time from planning to completion of the project.
5. Extension methods used in carrying out the project.
6. Results or evaluation of the above project as seen at the county level or beyond.
7. What influence did this project have on the image of Extension?
8. Nominee's contribution to the success of this major project.
9. Other comments about the Agent's total program.
10. If nominee had a well rounded program, rather than one major project of note, describe his total program and its scope as best you can.
Form #4 (97)
Eligibility Requirements for
Distinguished Service Awards
The Nominee:
- To be eligible for the Distinguished Service Award, the nominee shall have served a total of at least 10 years with outstanding service as a member of the Cooperative Extension Service. Must be a member of the NACAA when selected. The cut-off date for determining years of service is March 15 of the current year. Exception: Specialists or others who have only recently been accepted by their State Association must have 10 years or more Extension work experience and been a state member since membership became available in this persons' state.
- Should have worked out and put into effect an effective Extension program which includes carrying to completion some constructive and outstanding work. Be specific. Military duties, church work, and civic activities do not apply.
- Shall be actively interested in the improvement of the Cooperative Extension profession. Should participate in the affairs of the State Association and constructively support its program.
- Should have studied some specific Extension subject by group study, correspondence, university residence study, or should have pursued some other means to improve his abilities.
- Must have the recommendation of the State Extension Director.
- Recipient MUST attend Annual Meeting to receive award, unless exempted by Committee Chair because of extenuating circumstances. (Established by Board action, August, 1993.)
General Requirements:
- Nominations are limited to 2% and/or major fraction thereof, of the membership of each state. This will be based on the membership paid the NACAA Treasurer on March 15 of the previous year.
1 - 75 1
76 - 125 2
126 - 175 3
176 - 225 4
226 - 275 5
276 - 325 6
326 - 375 7
376 - 425 8
426 - 475 9
- Each State Association may nominate one nominee, irrespective of the number of Agents.
- A State Association is not required to make a nomination.
- Recognition and Awards Committee of the NACAA must give the final approval on all nominees for awards to be made at the Annual meeting each year. No publicity should be given until this approval is given to state Extension Directors.
- All information should be in the hands of the National Chair Recognition and Awards Committee not later than the deadline date set by National Committee Chair each year.
Form #7 (97) NACAA
Recognition And Awards Committee
Instructions For Filling Out Forms #8 & 9 (97)
For Submitting Data On NACAA Nominees
- Name of nominee, phonetic spelling, and spouse's name.
- Address (present business address)
- The name of county or area now serving. In case nominee is promoted after being selected for nomination, list name of county or area in which he/she was serving before promotion - this also applies if retirement occurred.
- Length of service as a Cooperative Extension Service employee. Length of service may have been performed in one or more counties, as an assistant, an agent, and in some cases an associate or subject matter specialist if state associations include the latter in their membership.
- Print name of nominee as he wishes the name to appear on the Certificate. Often a nominee is presented as J.E. Smith, when the nominee would prefer for the name to appear James Elliott Smith, Jr. Engraving certificates is expensive and when reprints are requested it adds to the costs.
Items # 6-8 Are To Be Used Only By The State In The Selection Process
- Give a brief description of education, college, or university attended. List specific subjects studied, correspondence, university resident study or other work to prove ability.
- List State Association activities such as offices held and committee service.
- Description of achievements and accomplishments as an Extension worker. Be objective, avoid subjective statements of personality except when necessary to illustrate good relationships. Elaborate on Extension achievements, emphasizing the particular constitution on which the nomination is based.
- The Directors/Deans recommendation can be handled in one of three ways: 1- By having the State Director/Dean write in the allotted space.2- By the use of Form #5 which would give a blanket approval of all nominees from the state. 3- By an attached letter or statement from the State Director/Dean. In many states the Awards Chairman handles this part of the form for the nominees.
- Nominee should not hesitate to list his/her influential leaders and friends. He/she will not be embarrassed. These should be contacted by the state chairman or state president, not by the regional or national chairman.
- List all publicity outlets. Releases will be sent to them by the state chairman, usually through your Extension Editor.
- A citation of not more than 75 words is needed for each nominee. This can be written by the nominee, the state chairman or by an Extension Editor. It should stress your Extension accomplishments and include your name. If it more than 75 words it will be edited. The nominees will be given a chance to review the citation before it goes to the printers.
- The state chairman, president or membership chairman must certify that the candidate has been employed by the Cooperative Extension Service the right number of years to be eligible for the award.
- The state chairman, president or membership chairman must certify that the candidate has paid his state dues and is a member in good standing in the State Association and that the national dues will be paid prior to the NACAA deadline.
Final approval will be given by the NACAA Recognition and Awards Committee. Withhold all publicity until the selection is released to your State Extension Director and your State Awards Chairman.