Minutes of monthly meeting of Rothley Parish Council held on Monday 19th August 2013 in the Lecture Room of The Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR.
Parish Councillors attending: E Fothergill, S Greenwood-Brown, P Hartshorn, O Jones, S Mitchell, B Popple, B Simons, D Sutherland & H Wise.
Attendees: M Vincent (Heritage Warden)
13/63 Apologies for absence D Wise & C Collett
13/64 Minutes of meeting held Monday 8th July 2013 (as noted on PC Website www.leicestershireparishcouncils.org/rothley) proposed by BS seconded by OJ and agreed as a true record of the meeting..
13/65 Declarations of Interest by parish councillors to items on Agenda. E Fothergill, P Hartshorn, B Simons & B Popple declare an Interest as Trustees of the Rothley Centre Management Trust.
13/66 Police Report (Beacon Officer PC Richard Carruthers & PCSO Steve Quinn)
· July Police report as circulated to councillors by e-mail. NOTED
Crime Update
Thefts and burglaries have increased this month so if I could ask everyone to be vigilant and report anything you feel suspicious then would be a great help.
Reported crimes (not including domestics)
1. 02/07/13 – Coop Rothley. Theft of meat.
2. 04/07/13 – Rothley Court Hotel. Property stolen from hotel room
3. 04/07/13 – Rothley Court Hotel. Property stolen from hotel room.
4. 04/07/13 – Rothley Court Hotel. Property stolen from hotel room
5. 08/07/13 – Main Street Swithland. Potted plants stolen from the front of a property.
6. 11/07/13 – Hill Top Garage Rothley. Caravan broken into and blinds stolen.
7. 11/07/13 - Hill Top Garage Rothley. Caravan broken into and cooker stolen.
8. 12/07/13 – Morris Homes building site Rothley. Purse stolen from an office on site.
9. 15/07/13 – Fowke Street Rothley. Cushions stolen from a caravan.
10. 21/07/13 – Wyevale Garden Centre. Theft of a tree.
11. 24/07/13 – Coop Rothley. Theft of alcohol but suspect confronted by staff and returns the stolen item.
Theft from motor vehicle:
1. 04/07/13 – A6 Rothley. Fuel stolen from a lorry parked in a lay by.
1. 03/07/13 –Rothley Court Hotel. Property stolen from hotel room
2. 07/07/13 –The Ridgeway Rothley. Apple Ipad stolen. Suspects may have been disturbed.
3. 11/07/13 – Hill Top Garage Rothley. Caravan broken into.
4. 19/07/13 – Royal Anglian public house Rothley. cigarette machine and fruit machine attacked and items taken and cash taken
5. 21/07/13 – Hickling Close Rothley. Computers, jewellery and car keys stolen.
6. 31/07/13 – Knights Crescent Rothley. Suspects enter property and are disturbed by home owner. Nothing taken.
1. 10/07/13 – Damage to vehicle at the Royal Oak public house Rothley
2. 11/07/13 – Hill Top Garage Rothley. Caravan broken into and damage caused.
3. 18/07/13 – Hallfields Lane Rothley. Damage caused to dwelling
Good News
Vehicle crime is down again this month as well as thefts from the Coop in Rothley.
Burglaries have increased this month. This is partly down to properties being left insecure with windows and doors being left open in this hot weather. When you go out remember to close your windows to reduce the risk of being targeted. Also caravan crime is on the increase. If you have a caravan please can I ask that all security measures are in place and all items of value have been removed and that it is left in a secure location.
13/67 County Councillors Report (Cllr Peter Osborne) NO REPORT
13/68 Borough Councillors Report (Cllrs Peter Osborne & Diane Wise) NO REPORT
13/69 Public Participation
MV reports that the Diamond Jubilee Oak, planted 2012, is dead. Agreed that RPC ask nursery to replace & replant. Further agreed that the Village Heritage & Tree Wardens be directly involved in selecting the replacement tree & supervise planting and aftercare.
13/70 Matters Arising (from previous meetings & not covered elsewhere on Agenda)
· It was NOTED that Bottesford PC running a “dealing with dog fouling” training course 23rd Aug 2.30/4.30
· It was agreed to purchase the New Local Council Administration Guide @ £60 per copy.
· Meeting with CBC to clarify Sec 106 Monies availability & uses.(around £60K available from local development “levies” but expenditure for limited “community” schemes only)
· PH reported that notwithstanding a number of discussions with CBC regarding tenant missuse of 57 Woodfield Road there appeared no progress in resolving problems. Agreed to write formally to Rothley’s Borough Councillors requesting them to bring pressure on the Borough Officers or RPC would refer the matter to the appropriate Ombudsman. Diarised for October meeting.
13/71 Planning Committee Report (Chairman Brian Popple)
Result of Core Strategy leaflet drop – 462 objections from local residents to core strategy proposals affecting Rothley delivered on the due date to Charnwood BC..
Applications & approvals since last parish council meeting.
P/13/0853/2 Blue Bell Inn – amendments to original application
P/13/1185/2 36 North Street Plot 2 single storey extension to rear NO OBJECTION
P/13/1305/2 36 The Ridgeway two storey extension to rear, detached garage to side & single storey extension to front. NO OBJECTION
P/13/1310/2 67 Swithland Lane Revision of P/12/1295/2 to which RPC objected.
There appeared no material changes to address either RPC’s initial objection or Charnwood’s earlier refusal & so RPC object again on the same grounds.
P/13/1402/2 Red Lion PH Display of various signs INFO ONLY
P/13/1499/2 67 Swithland Lane Various tree works INFO ONLY
LCC 2011/1856/2 Loughborough Road -Variation to extend period to infill Borrow Pit to 27/7/15 NO OBJECTION
P/13/1385/2 & P/13/1418/2 Rothley Court Hotel, Westfield Lane
Various works to listed building & single storey extension (Listed Building Consent) NO OBJECTION
P/13/1546/2 13 Swithland Lane Fell plum tree, cut back Holly & Lilac plus crown thinning cherry. (Conservation Area) NO OBJECTION
Confirmation of naming of Thoroughfares on allotment area.
P/12/1740/2 Rothley C of E School Site Demolish School & erect 16 dwellings.
P/12/1741/2 Brookfield Farm Erect 180 dwellings, school with assoc sports pitches etc.
P/13/0821/2 35 Westfield Lane Boundary wall with railings & automatic gate
P/13/0886/2 Six Acres 17 The Ridgeway Change of use from agriculture to residential
P{/13/0994/2 158 Swithland Lane single & two storey ext to side & rear.
PLANNING APPEAL by William Davis re Mountsorrel Lane development to be heard by Planning Inspectorate on Tuesday 10th December. NOTED
MOUNTSORREL PC write re Local Plan & Service Centres.
Whilst agreeing with parts of the letter it was considered inappropriate to support as RPC had formally objected to Charnwood’s Core Strategy Document which Mountsorrel’s letter was looking to change although supporting the local proposals.
13/72 Playing Fields Committee Report (Chairman Percy Hartshorn)
· The Fowke Street PF picnic bench has been destroyed by vandals. As this is the third time this has happened it was agreed by all present NOT to replace it.
· 2 Quotes for raising the canopy of the trees on Fowke Street PF – backing onto Greenway Close & Hornecroft obtained. It was agreed to accept that from UK Treework Ltd although costlier in view of past work in the village and their quote including remedial work in the canopies – once CBC approval is obtained. It was also agreed to consider a formal Parish tree survey once work completed..
· Play Equipment Inspected by CBC – nothing material- mainly items to keep an eye on. It was agreed to instruct specialists to undertake the work now rather than wait until essential.
· Committee to consider ways of limiting access to playing fields to stop them being used for “feepaying” activities and also to stop dog fouling and report back to council.
13/73 Village Hall Committee Report (Chair Elizabeth Fothergill)
· New Heating System installed & controls explained to staff & user. There was a problem with key access to adjoining property – since resolved.
· Following the installation of the new system cosmetic work has been done to improve the appearance of the facilities.
13/74 Rothley Centre Management Trust (Chair Percy Hartshorn)
· Financial Update
RCMT Financial Budget Comparison
Comparison between 01/04/13 and 13/08/13 inclusive. Includes due and unpaid transactions.
Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/13
2013/2014 Actual Net Balance
Rothley Centre Management Trust
2 Room Hire £20,000.00 £8,398.00 -£11,602.00
3 RPC Rent £3,000.00 £0.00 -£3,000.00
5 Flat Rent £5,700.00 £1,900.00 -£3,800.00
10 Bar Rental £500.00 £125.00 -£375.00
15 RPC Support £10,000.00 £0.00 -£10,000.00
100 Reserve account - INTEREST £5.00 £1.10 -£3.90
Total Income £39,205.00 £10,424.10 -£28,780.90
Rothley Centre Management Trust
100 FIXED OVERHEADS(Rent Etc) £8,700.00 £1,373.75 £7,326.25
110 RUNNING COSTS £10,700.00 £548.17 £10,151.83
115 ADMINISTRATION (Wages etc) £18,260.00 £3,767.39 £14,492.61
120 MAINTENANCE £5,000.00 £1,016.04 £3,983.96
125 PROFESSIONAL FEES £380.00 £0.00 £380.00
Total Rothley Centre Management Trust £43,040.00 £6,705.35 £36,334.65
Total Expenditure £43,040.00 £6,705.35 £36,334.65
· It was agreed to upgrade the electics in the Centre to accommodate recent additions within the circuits at a cost of £ 2000
13/75 Rothley Cemetery Committee Report (Chairman Doug Sutherland)
Local painter instructed to paint entry gates to cemetery.
13/76 Highways & Street Lighting matters.
· Westfield Lane light being installed and should be operating within next 6 weeks.
· EF concerned about the safety of trees along the Ridings and as these are bordering the highway Clerk instructed to ask LCC Highways for a copy of their tree survey covering these trees.
13/77 Rothley Christmas Lighting (Harold Wise)
· Quote for 2013 Christmas Lights & recommendations for more lights. The price to reinstall the lights on both Cross Green & Woodgate remains the same as the past 3 years and was accepted. The contractor recommends replacing the festoon cabling along the front of the Woodgate shops (£1350) as they are 14 years old, replacing the bulbs with LED ones (unknown cost) 2 trees for the Rothley Centre with LED lights (£444), and external control panel & timer (£235) ALL Agreed subject to costs of bulbs. Offers additional 5ft trees with inbuilt LED lights & new bracket at £244 each fitted.
Comment was made that for the past 2 or 3 years the organizational work for the Christmas Lights and Late Night Shopping event had fallen upon Ann Harmer – who has now retired. Whilst RPC is prepared to use local rate monies to fund the actual lights it was agreed that there needed to be local input into arranging street closure, policing and charity stalls. To this end it was agreed to ask for local commercial and charity involvement in organizing. A provisional date of Thursday 28th November was proposed with an offer from the Joe Humphries Trust for Martin Johnson to switch on to be taken up. RPC to contact local commercial & charities to assist..
13/78 Finance Committee Report (Chairman Percy Hartshorn)
(a) Schedule of payments due for month totalling £ 23845.18 proposed by BP seconded by HW and approved on payment date 22 Aug 2013..
Expenditure transactions - approval list Start of year 01/04/13
Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoiced Details Cheque
Date Total
25942 Apay200813 £1,373.75 210/2 01/07/13 Boro.Of Charnwood - CENTRE Rent for qtr
commencing 1/7
25962 Apay200813 £243.00 09/08/13 Boro.Of Charnwood - 3 Play area Inspections £1,616.75
25958 Apay200813 £5,053.15 31/07/13 Brian Mee & Associates - Various £5,053.15 1 £793.15 170/1 July Grass cutting
2 £4,260.00 170/9/1 Bunneys Field work
25961 DD220813 £103.32 110/1/1 08/08/13 British Telecom - Qtrs phone bill on 2374544 £103.32
25959 Apay200813 £155.01 27/07/13 Corts Hardware - May to July costs £155.01
25943 Apay200813 £185.92 210/2 22/07/13 Dowding & Plummer Ltd - Machines Service £185.92
25944 Apay200813 £107.32 220/2 28/06/13 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote
Plumbers - HAMES 5 School Street new taps and
attend to ficticious leak
25956 Apay200813 £38.40 170/5/1 31/07/13 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote £145.72
Plumbers - Unblock gulley to rear of G Wood
25952 Apay200813 £37.09 23/07/13 E-on (formerly Powergern) - Sundry bills £37.09 25940 Apay200813 £258.70 09/07/13 ESPO - June estimated gas usage
25968 Apay200813 £221.45 13/08/13 ESPO - July gas
25945 Apay300813 £165.00 210/2 02/07/13 ESPO - CENTRE Paint , materials & cleaner £645.15
25946 Apay200813 £455.00 220/2 29/07/13 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - HAMES 33
Woodgate reform steps to rear yard
25963 Apay200813 £825.00 180/3 09/08/13 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - Village Hall - new
skirting boards & repairs to removed radiators
25969 Apay200813 £437.00 180/3 16/08/13 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - Village Hall repairs £1,717.00
& renewals (tidy up after major works)
25949 Apay200813 £570.00 170/12 18/07/13 Goscote Nurseries - Planters to front of Office £570.00
25955 Apay200813 £50.00 120/1/3 31/07/13 K B Accounting Services - June VAT return £50.00
25954 DD150813 £13.51 120/1/4 15/08/13 Nat.West.Bank - Jul Bankline £13.51
25965 DD300813 £11.70 120/1/4 14/08/13 Nat.West.Bank - Bank Charges for July £11.70
25957 Apay200813 £360.00 170/12 01/08/13 Premier 1 (UK) Ltd - July watering £360.00
25967 Apay200813 £210.00 180/3 14/08/13 Premier Services Countrywide Limited - V Hall £210.00
floor cleaning June & 1 week July
25970 Apay200813 £30.00 110/1/3 13/08/13 Ricoh - Photocopier rental 1 Aug to 31 Oct £30. 25964 Apay200813 £355.68 205 12/08/13 Rudkin & Herbert Ltd - Call out & repairs
ROTHLEY Sports & Social
25971 Apay200813 £11,091.00 180/4 16/08/13 Rudkin & Herbert Ltd - Village Hall heating & Air £11,446.68
Conditioning installation
25947 Apay200813 £1,318.09 18/07/13 Severn Trent Water - Half years water bills £1,318.09
1 £591.57 170/5/4 Pavilion water - actual
2 £486.36 210/2 CENTRE & flat water used
3 £15.85 200/8 Cemetery water Standing charge
4 £224.31 180/1/4 Village Hall Water
25941 Apay200813 £30.96 210/2 30/06/13 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd (formerly Onyx) - CENTRE
Waste bin hire & service June
25960 Apay200813 £31.13 210/2 31/07/13 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd (formerly Onyx) - July Bin £62.09
hire & Service
25951 Apay200813 £114.00 120/3 24/07/13 Zurich Municipal Insurance - Local Council £114.00
Advisory Service annual sub