Exercise Science- Pre-Professional Option 2011-2012
Course / Course name / Restrictions and/or PrerequisitesFall First Year
HHP 181 or HHP 226 / Foundations HHP or Basic Exer Prescrip / If last names starts with A-L take HHP 181, M-Z take HHP 226
CHMY 121 / Intro to General Chemistry / PreMed take CHMY 141 (see premed advisor for other course info)
COMM 111 or WRIT101 / Public Speaking or College Writing I / If last names starts with A-L take WRIT 101, M-Z take COMM 111
M 121 or M 151 / College Algebra or Precalculus / If PrePT, take M 151 or M 121 and M122 (M 161 not accepted)
BIOH112 / Human Form and Function I / Prereq for BIOH 365. Or take BIOH 113 or BIOB 160 spring semester
PrePT must take BIOH112 falland BIOH113 springor BIOB 160 spring
Spring First Year
HHP 181 or HHP226 / Foundations HHP or Personal Health / If last names starts with M-Z take HHP 181, A-L take HHP 226
BIOH 113 or BIOB 160 / Human Form & Func II or Diversity of Life / Only take if didn’t take BIOH 112 Fall or you are PrePT
NUTR 221N / Basic Human Nutrition / Prerequisite CHMY 121
M 122 or Gen Ed / College Trigonometry or Gen Ed / If took M 151 take Gen Ed select only from L, H, Y or X perspectives
CHMY 123 and CHMY 124 / Intro to Organic & Biochem and lab / CHMY 121
COMM111 or WRIT101 / Public Speaking or College Writing I / If last names starts with M-Z take WRIT 101, A-L take COMM 111
Fall Second Year
BIOH 201 and 202 or
BIOH 365 / Human Anat and Phys I/Lecture & Lab
Human AP I for Health Profsns / (held off campus at the College of Technology)
BIOH 365 prereqs BIOH112 or BIOH113 or BIOB 160 and CHMY 121
PSYX 100 / Intro to Psychology
WRIT 222 / Tech Approach to Writ
Gen Ed– take two Gen Ed classes / Select only from L, H, Y or X General Education perspectives
Spring Second Year
BIOH 211 and 212 or
BIOH 370 / Human Anat and Phys II/Lecture & Lab
Human AP II for Health Profsns / Must take Human Anat and Phys I/Lecture & Lab before II
Must take Human AP I for Health Profsns before II
STAT 216, PSYX 222, or HHP 486 / Statistics course
HHP 384 / Motor Control & Learning / Prerequisite Anatomy and Physiology
Gen Ed– take two Gen Ed classes / Select only from L, H, Y or X General Education perspectives
Fall Third Year
PHSX 205 and 206 / College Physics I and lab / Prerequisite M 122 or M 151
HHP 377 and HHP 378 / Physiology of Exercise and lab / Prerequisite Anatomy and Physiology, HHP 226
HHP 368 and HHP 369 / App Anat & Kinesiology lecture and lab / Prerequisite Anatomy and Physiology
Gen Ed– take one Gen Ed classes / Select only from L, H, Y or X General Education perspectives
Spring Third Year
PHSX 207 and 208 / College Physics II and lab / Prerequisite PHSX 205
HHP 288 and 289 / 1st Respond/Emer Care/CPR and lab
HHP 475E / Leg Eth Issues Hlth Ex Pro / Prerequisite junior standing
HHP 460 / Biomechanics
Fall Fourth Year
NUTR 411 / Nutrition For Sports & Exercise / Prerequisite HHP 377/378 and junior standing
HHP 450 / Analytical & Comm Tech / Prerequisite WRIT 101
HHP 498 or 499 / Internship or Senior Project / Prerequisite junior standing
Lower Division Elective / Lower Division Math or Science
Spring Fourth Year
HHP 483 and 484 and 482 / Exer Disease & Aging, ECG lab, EDA lab / Prerequisite HHP 377 and HHP 378
Lower Division Elective / Lower Division Math or Science
Upper Division Elective / Upper Division Math or Science
Upper Division Elective / Upper Division Math or Science
Note: Additional classes required for those planning on PT School, PA School, Med School – see advisor!
Required Classes for Exercise Science Pre-Professional
Note: Additional classes required for those planning on PT School, PA School, Med School – see advisor!
Within Health and Human Performance DepartmentCourse Name / Dept / Course / Cr / Term / Year / Grade / Sub or Transfer Course # and Name / approved by
Foundations HHP / HHP / 181 / 3
Exercise Prescription / HHP / 226 / 3
Nutrition / NUTR / 221N / 3
First Responder/ CPR / HHP / 288 / 2
First Responder/CPR lab / HHP / 289 / 1
Applied Anat & Kines / HHP / 368 / 3
Appl Anat & Kines. Lab / HHP / 369 / 1
Exer Physiology / HHP / 377 / 3
Ex Phys Lab / HHP / 378 / 1
Motor Control Learning / HHP / 384 / 3
Nutrition for Sport / NUTR / 411 / 3
Analytical & Comm Tech / HHP / 450 / 3
Biomechanics / HHP / 460 / 3
Legal/Ethical Issues / HHP / 475 / 3
ECG lab / HHP / 482 / 1
Exercise, Disease, & Age / HHP / 483 / 3
Ex & Age lab / HHP / 484 / 1
Internship or Senior Project / HHP / 498 or 499 / 3
Out of Department Requirements
Course Name / Dept / Course / Cr / Term / Year / Grade / Sub or Transfer Course # and Name / approved by
BIOH 365 or 201/202* / 4
BIOH 370 or 211/212* / 4
College Writing I / WRIT / 101 / 3
Public Speaking / COMM / 111A / 3
Intro General Chemistry / CHMY / 121 / 3
Organic and Biochem / CHMY / 123 / 3
Organic & Biochem lab / CHMY / 124 / 2
Human Form & Function
(BIOH 112 or 113) or Prin Living Sys BIOB 160
Tech Writing / WRIT / 222 / 2
Algebra & Trig (M 121 & 122)or Precalc (M 151) / M
Statistics Course
Fundamental Physics I / PHSX / 205 / 3
Physics I Lab / PHSX / 206 / 2
Fundamental Physics II / PHSX / 207 / 3
Physics II lab / PHSX / 208 / 2
Intro to Psychology / PSYX / 100 / 4
Elective Requirements (12 credits)- Science, Math and HHP. Selectfrom Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Psychology, or other as agreed upon with your advisor before taking. At least 6 credits must be upper division and at least 3 credits of these must be HHP.
1st Aid / CRP requirement met (or to be met) by:
* If students take BIOH 201/202, 211/212 or another 200 level Anatomy and Physiology Sequence they may need to take at least 1 additional credit of upper division courses to meet the University requirement of 39 upper division credits for graduation.
First Responder/ Emergency Care/ CPR Exit Competency
(Certification must be current and valid for graduation)
CURRENT 1st Aid Certification Earned Date (must have one)CURRENT CPR Certification Earned Date (must have one)
___National Safety Council Level III (or AAOS)___American Heart Association- BLS- Healthcare Provider
___First Responder___American Red Cross- Professional Rescuer
___Wilderness First Responder
___ CURRENT Emergency Medical Technician (covers CPR and 1st Aid)
___ HHP 228/229 First Responder/ CPR
Beginning Autumn 2004, all UM general education courses must be taken for a traditional letter grade.
Beginning Autumn 2009, only UM and transfer courses graded C- or above in all Groups count toward GER requirements. See UM Catalog.
Contact your major department for verification on major grade requirements.
NOTE: Transfer students may elect an earlier catalog they have been enrolled under.
Course Name / Dept / Course / Cr / Term / Year / Grade / Sub Transfer Course # and Name / approved byWriting Skills
Composition / WRIT / 101 / 3
Tech Writing / WRIT / 222 / 2
Upper Div Writ Proficiency Exam / Fill in the term/year you plan to take the UDWPE.
Analytical & Comm Tech / HHP / 450 / 3
College Algebra or Precalculus / M / 121/151 / 3
Foreign Languages/Symbolic Systems
College Algebra or Precalculus / M / 121/151 / 3
Statistics Course
Expressive Arts Perspective (A)
Public Speaking / COMM / 111 / 3
Literary and Artistic Perspective (L)
Historic and Cultural Perspective (H)
Social Sciences Perspective (S)
Intro to Psych / PSYX / 100 / 4
Ethical & Human Values Perspective (E)
Legal/Ethical / HHP / 475 / 3
Natural Science Perspective (N) - Need 6 credits, 1 NL course
Inorganic Chem / CHMY / 121 / 3
Organic & Biochem with lab / CHMY / 123/124 / 5
Indigenous and Global (X)
American and European Perspectives (Y)
HHP Undergraduate General Competencies
Students completing a Bachelor’s Degree in Health and Human Performance will:
- Be well prepared for their first position in the field and/or post-graduate study.
- Be able to articulate the scope of Health and Human Performance through written and spoken communication skills.
- Display confidence in their abilities and conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the professions in Health and Human Performance.
- Possess higher order thinking skills and exhibit a commitment to life-long learning.
- Possess knowledge of the human body and its interaction with the environment.
HHP Undergraduate General Requirements
First Aid Exit Competency
All Health and Human Performance students are required to demonstrate competency in first aid, emergency care, and CPR upon submission of their application for degrees. Presentation of the following certifications will meet this competency:
Any one of the following current first aid/emergency care certification:
National Safety Council Level III or AAOS
First Responder
Wilderness First Responder
PLUS one of the following CPR certifications:
American Heart Association (BLS-Healthcare Provider)
American Red Cross (Professional Rescuer)
Emergency Medical Techniciancertification
Health and Human Performance students may use available elective courses to take HHP 288 & 289, First Responder, Emergency Care, and CPR, to meet this competency, of they may elect to fulfill the competency through another agency. Credit for HHP 288 & 289 will not be awarded for certifications earned at agencies other than the Health and Human Performance Department at the University Montana-Missoula.
Exercise Science- Pre-Professional Option
The Exercise Science- Pre-Professional Optionis designed to provide students with an in-depth biological and social science background. This option prepares students for graduate study in exercise science and related medical fields (physical therapy, chiropractics, occupational therapy, medicine, etc)
Students will be prepared with a thorough understanding of human physiology, metabolism, and movement as well as understand basic principles of exercise training, disease reduction, and other components of health.