Dear STEAM Families,
It’s that time of year again: time to choose a science or engineering fair project! On October 16th, project topics will be due to all classroom teachers of students in grades 3 through 5. This date allows the teacher to give feedback, to make sure the topic will be testable. Final/revised ideas are due Oct. 23rd. Students may choose either a Science Project (test a variable in a topic where change can be measured) or an Engineering Project (build and test a device that solves a problem).
Good news! Your child will have the opportunity to complete all research, written work and graphing at school! You will only need to supervise: check their google drive to see if their work is complete, help conduct the experiment, monitor your student as they record data, and supervise construction of the triptych at home.
To help you get started, we have included a set of websites on the back of this document that can help students (and parents) choose a topic that will be feasible to test at home. The substitute computer lab teacher(Ms. Glover) will assist students with topic selection during their regularly scheduled computer lab class the week of October 9th-13th. Your approval is critical to your child’s success in this project, so please check your child’s Google Drive account to review the topics they have found (login info on reverse side).
This year, all helpful documents (topic ideas selected in lab, research conducted in school, and the Science or Engineering Fair informational packets) will be uploaded to your child’s Google Drive account. We are hoping this will save paper, save time, and prevent the loss of important documents as they are transported back and forth to school. Directions on how to log into this account from school can also be found on the back of this document.
Upcoming Timeline:
Now- choose a project type: science or engineering, select option below and return the bottom of this form
Oct.9-20th- students look up some possible ideas in computer lab, and save them to their Google Drive account
Oct. 16th- Topic due to classroom teacher for feedback
Oct. 23rd- revisions to topic (if necessary) due to classroom teacher
Oct. 30th-buy a ½ inch 3 ring binder, folder with prongs, or cheap notebook. Print all work and place in this ‘logbook’.
We are still willing to provide a paper copy of the Science or Engineering Fair informational packet to you at your request. Please check your 1 preference below and return to your classroom teacher:
-(Cut here)------
□ We would like to have a printed copy of the Science Fair Packet(this document is also available for download and printing at home from Heard’s website under the STEAM Tab
□ We would like to have a printed copy of the Engineering Fair Packet(this document is also available for download and printing at home from Heard’s website under the STEAM Tab
□ We will complete all of our work using Google Drive. Save paper, do not send us a packet. Parent Signature: ______Student Name: ______Teacher: ______
Elementary Science & Engineering Fair Project Ideas
Engineering Project Ideas:
Science Project Ideas:
This information is also posted on Heard’s school website under “STEAM.” ( and in your student’s google account that can be accessed at
Then click on the google drive/email link. Your student’s login credentials are as follows:
If you have a question pertaining to grading of this project, email your child’s classroom teacher.
If you have questions about the fair, email STEAM Lab Teacher Mrs. Willis @