Child Protection/Safeguarding Training Programme 2009/2010

Child Protection/Safeguarding training Programme 2009/2010



1) Introduction

2) The Aim

3) Explanation of Levels of Training

4) Update

5) E-Learning

6) Quality Assurance

7) Personal Development Plans

8) Certificates

9) Database

10) Training Reports

11) Supplementary Details

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Cornwall Partnership Trust (CPT)

12) Explanation of Levels of Training

13) E-Learning

14) Notification

15) Booking Details

16) DNAs

17) Evaluations

18) Database

RoyalCornwallHospital Trust (RCHT)

19) Explanation of Levels of Training

20) Booking Details

21) DNAs

22) Database

23) Evaluations

Child Abuse Multi- Agency Training (CAMAT)

24) Introduction

25) Safeguarding Children (Tier 3 Part 2) 2 Day Course (previously

the 4-day CAMAT)

26) Specialist Modules

27) Booking Details

28) Evaluations

29) E-learning package for Serious Case Reviews

1) Introduction

This Programme should be read in conjunction with the Child Protection training strategy (available on the document library or health intranet child protection website), which will enable staff and managers to identify which level or levels of training practitioners need to achieve depending on their roles and responsibilities.

The Programme is divided into sections. The practitioner should refer to the section which relates to their Health Trust.

The aims and objectives are the same for all the courses across the three Health Trusts and the course content is similar with some variations in case studies and group work depending on the professions in the classroom. Further details concerning individual course aims and objectives can be found in the child protection training strategy.

2) The Aim

To provide health professionals with details of the Child Protection training Programme, how to book a session, what happens if a health professional does not attend and evaluation and audit processes for all the courses.

3) Explanation of Levels of Training

Level 1- 45 minutes

This level of training is mandatory for all employees and is incorporated into induction. It should be undertaken within a maximum of three months of joining a Health Trust to ensure that new staff meet this basic competence. This is available through classroom learning or e-learning.

Level 2 – 1/2 day

It is mandatory for staff working regularly with children and young people. This is also available through classroom learning or e-learning. Managers should identify with staff whether they need to undertake this level of training (see Child Protection Training Strategy available on the health intranet – Child Protection/Training section)

Level 1 and 2 Update

Staff are required to update levels 1 and 2 every 3 years.This can alternate between classroom base and e-learning however every sixth year health practitioners are required to attend a classroom session.

Level 3 – full day course

Level 3 is mandatory for all staff that work predominately with children and young people.

This course enables practitioners from all three Trusts to meet and exchange ideas and practices concerning child protection issues. The course is designed to accommodate 10 practitioners from each Trust although there is some flexibility dependant on demand.

Before undertaking Level 3 training, staff should have completed Level 1 and 2 either as a class session or via e-learning.

Staff are not expected to drop to a lower level of the training once they have attained their required level of training.

Managers should attain the equivalent level of training as the most experienced staff member in their team.

4) Update

Practitioners are required to update Level 3 annuallyand can evidence this attendance by undertaking-:

  • A half-day classroom update provided by the Designated and Named professionals.
  • One of the Child Abuse Multi- Agency Training (CAMAT) specialist courses, however the practitioner will need to complete the two day –Tier 3 part 2 first (see CAMAT Programme).
  • An external course/module on a safeguarding/child protection related topic.
  • An LSCB conference/study day or workshop on a safeguarding/child protection related topic.
  • Or evidence reviewing a safeguarding/child protection related topic, which the practitioner has critically analyzed through private study.
  • E-learning Serious Case Review package see LSCB website

5) E-learning

Level 1

For members of staff who have not completed this as part of their induction, Level 1 training is available online in the form of a presentation and short test. This is also suitable for members of staff who require a Level 1 Update.

Level 2

For those staff required to undertake Level 2 or the Level 2 update, or as a stepping-stone to progress to Level 3 and CAMAT, there is an online version of the course available which includes a short test. Managers should identify with staff whether they need to undertake this level of training. (see Child Protection Training Strategy).

6) Quality Assurance

The course contents for all the sessions are reviewed annually to ensure that the information provided incorporates any new legislation, guidance, policy or procedures both nationally and locally.

An independent trainer at the request of the Designated Nurse can observe a training session.

Health and interagency learning outcomes from Serious Case Reviews and/ or Sudden Untoward Incidents are incorporated into the training Programme.

Training is undertaken by the Designated or Named Professionals for the health Trusts.

The Training and Development Group, which is a Sub group of the LSCB, provides a scrutiny and quality assurance role for all agencies undertaking single agency training.

Master copies of past and current training packages provided at all levels of including e learning are centrally held with Mel Brobin, Programme Administrator. These can be accessed if a trainer, manager or practitioner wishes to verify the information provided at a specific time related to a practice issue.

7) Personal Development Plans

Managers should ensure that their staff are update with their child protection training. This can be achieved at the practitioner’s annual personal development plan.

If a practitioner is not compliant with the training strategy the manager should ensure that the practitioner is available to undertake the next available course listed on the Programme planner.

8) Certificates

Certificates are not supplied for the induction child protection course but are available for all subsequent courses.

9) Database

Details of all health practitioners who attend either classroom sessions or undertake an e-learning package are entered onto a database, which will record the level of course attained and date of which it was attained.

The database is updated monthly with information of ‘starters and leavers’ from HR departments. This should ensure that the information produced by the training reports are accurate and reflect the health Trusts training status of its employees.

If a trainer provides training to practitioners outside the planned Programme (training strategy) they should ensure that the practitioners’ names are entered onto the main training database (via TREAD or Programme administrator for PCT and CPT) to enable evidence of compliance to the training strategy. Databases recording training needs and attainment for staff should mirror the databases kept by TREAD or Programme administrator for PCT and CPT.

10) Training reports

Detailed reports on staff compliance to the various levels of training (including CAMAT) are submitted to the Executive Safeguarding Children Committee on a four monthly basis. These are analyzed and any identified risks to health Trusts are feed back the Chief Executives and Local Safeguarding Child Board members.

The Local Safeguarding Children Board is required by statue (Children Act 2004- Section 11) to collect annual details from health Trusts on the provision of child protection training Programme. The information is collated and analyzed and a report complied for member agencies of the LSCB. A brief anonymised paper of the ‘Section11’ returns is provided for the public and promoted on the LSCB website.

The Training and Development sub group of the Local Safeguarding Child Board undertakes a scrutiny role of all member agencies that undertake child protection training. They provide a quality assurance service for agencies on the training they provide and group members are available as an expert resource for agencies developing a training Programme.

11) Supplementary details


Tea and coffee is provided free in all venues expect Post Graduate Centre and Knowledge Spa on the RCHT site. Other refreshments in all venues will need to be purchased by the participant; venues are chosen where refreshments can be easily accessed.

Directions to venues and car parking.

If practitioners are required to attend RCHT site for training they will be asked to pay a fee for parking. Parking is limited on site therefore it is recommended that practitioners use the local ‘Park and Ride’ Scheme which transport health care staff regularly to and from the site. At other venues car parking is generally free although there may be some local restrictions.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Cornwall Partnership Trust (CPT)

12) Explanation of Levels of Training

Level 1 (45 minutes)

Level 1 is part of the induction Programme and the employee’s manager automatically books a place for the employee at the time of appointment.

The induction Programme is evaluated and comments are feed back to the trainer to inform future courses.

The course is delivered at two venues across the County. Certificates are issued to confirm attendance.

If an employee does not attend their manager will be informed by phone.

Level 2 – (1/2 day)

The Named or specialist child protection professionals provide training for this course. The course is delivered at different venues across the County.

Level 1 and 2 Update- every three years

Level 1 and 2 can be updated on line via e-learning packages; they can be accessed through

Every sixth year health practitioners are required to attend a classroom session. The classroom course is delivered at different venues across the County. For levels 1 and 2 CPT and PCT have specialist nurses with additional knowledge in child protection matters who provide training.

13) E learning

The e-learning packages can be accessed on any computer providing they have logged an interest with the Programme administrator.

Level 3- (full day Programme)

PCT and CPT are provided with 10 places each Trust on this course. The course is delivered at different venues across the County.

Level 3 update- annual requirement

See section 4

14) Notification for all the above Programmes

CPT notify staff of their staff of the course Programme and availability via the ‘development diary’ to Professional Development’, team brief and the safeguarding children leaflet.

PCT staff are notified of the Programme/vacancies via an all user email

15) Booking details for the above courses

Staff can book a place through Mel Brobin, Programme Administrator who will confirm acceptance onto the course by email and send out remainders two weeks before the course start date. For some courses there may be special instructions concerning parking refreshments etc.

16) DNA’s

If a CPT or PCT employee does not attend a course they will be contacted by phone.


Level 2 and 3 are evaluated by Programme Administrator and feedback provided to the trainers. A report is compiled quarterly and submitted with the training reports to the Executive Safeguarding Children Committee.

18) Database

(see section 9)

The Programme Administrator will remind staff via email of outstanding child protection training requirements. Staff are then expected to book onto the next available course depending on availability and the level of training they need to attain.

RoyalCornwallHospital Trust (RCHT)

19)Explanation of Levels of Training

Level 1 and 2

Level 1 and 2 are part of the Induction Programme and places for all new employees are automatically booked by ‘Jobs for Cornwall’ before an employee starts with the Trust.

Letter issues dates and venues and depending on the employees’ role and responsibility they will either attend level 1 only or levels 1 and 2 this decision will be based upon the employees role and responsibilities.

If employees do not attend either one or both of these sessions the administrator will email the employees manager and the employee is booked onto the next corporate training day. The employee should not start work until they have completed their induction Programme.

The induction Programme is evaluated and comments are feed back to the trainer to inform future courses.

Update- every three years

Level 1 and 2 can be updated on line via e-learning packages; booking details are available through Training Education and Development (TREAD).

Every sixth year health practitioners are required to attend a classroom session, which means re joining the induction Programme. Level I and 2 training is delivered on site.

Level 3

RCHT are provided with 10 places on this course. The course is delivered at different venues across the County including venues on the RCHT site.

Level 3 update- annual requirement

(See section 4)

20) Booking details for the above courses

Booking details for level 2 updates and level 3, level 3 updates and e learning are available via TREAD and child protection intranet website.

21) DNA’s

Practitioners are accountable for their professional development. Managers should ensure that their staff are update with their child protection training. This can be achieved at the practitioners annual personal development plan. If a practitioner is not compliant with the training strategy the manager should ensure that the practitioner is available to undertake the next available course listed on the Programme planner. There is no formal system to follow up on DNA’s.

22) Database (see section 9)

23) Evaluations

The evaluation forms from levels 2, 3 and update courses are randomly audited by the Named Professionals. A report is compiled quarterly and submitted with the training reports to the Executive Safeguarding Children Committee.

Child Abuse Multi- Agency Training (CAMAT)

24) Introduction

The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) is committed to providing child abuse multi agency training (CAMAT) in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006) states that ‘Individual agencies are responsible for ensuring that their staff are confident and competent in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare’.

‘This is best achieved by a combination of single-agency and interagency training’. It is with this in mind that the LSCB has agreed significant changes to the CAMAT Programme.

CAMAT provide health practitioners with 6 places per course, priority of need can be discussed with the designated nurse if the health practitioner is required by their manager to complete a particular course as matter of urgency.

25) Safeguarding Children (Tier 3 Part 2) 2 Day Course

(Previously the 4-day CAMAT)

This course follows on from the 1day level 3 ‘in house’ training and should be attended by all those who have the designated role for safeguarding within their organisation or who have been identified as key personnel by their managers (see Child Protection Training Strategy).

Tier 3 Part 2 (or equivalent out of county) should be completed before attending any specialist modules. Please note, if you work in a specific area of work, e.g. Mental Health/Substance Misuse, consideration will be given to you accessing the specialist modules after completing the 1-day level 3-day course.

The course will look in more detail at the issues involved in safeguarding children and young people, and will focus on:

  • The importance of working together
  • South West Child Protection Procedures
  • Assessment and information sharing
  • Thresholds
  • The challenges involved in safeguarding children, young people and their families

If you applied before 2005, please reapply.

26) Specialist modules

Specialist modules are for those staff who have completed the Tier 3 part 2day and consist of:-

Safeguarding Disabled Children (2 Days)

Parental Substance Misuse & Its Impact on Children (2 Days)

Domestic Abuse and Its Impact on Children (2 Days)

Parental Mental Health & Its Impact on Children (2 Days)

27) To book a place

To book a place see the CAMAT Programmeme which is available on the health intranet – Child Protection/Training section.

All applications have to be signed by your manager to ensure the funding for the course is agreed.

Due to budget constraints, CAMAT no longer provides lunches on any of their courses. Therefore delegates are advised to bring their own refreshments

There will be a cost of £35.00 per day for all courses if a staff member accepts a place on the training course and does not attend, or withdraw with less than 5 working days notice. Managers will be invoiced for the full cost of the training.

Managers are only informed of those staff who do not attend or withdraw 5 working or less days from the course by receipt of an invoice

28) Evaluation of Course

All participants are asked to complete a standard evaluation form, which is compiled at the end of every course and annually submitted to the Training and Development sub group of the LSCB.

The CAMAT administrator provides statically information for health managers on attendance rates for the CAMAT course, which feeds into the quarterly Trusts training reports submitted, to the Executive Safeguarding Health Group.

General Practitioners wishing to attend please link into CAMAT via CPD Forum

The full CAMAT training Programme and application form are available on the health intranet – Child Protection/Training section

Any enquiries in relation to this should be made via the Named Professionals for your Trust.

29) E-learning package for Serious Case Reviews

The LSCB has commissioner a Peninsular- wide e-learning package on this topic for practitioners who have attained level 3 training and/or CAMAT.

The package is designed to be delivered with a group of practitioners or individually. A practitioner undertaking the package on their own will require a mentor due to the sensitive nature of some aspects of the package.

The E learning package is administered by the LSCB secretariat and details on how to book and contact your mentor can be located on the LSCB website or on the health intranet.