SOP Outline

Job: (Drill OIC) Section 1


·  As the Drill OIC, you ensure that the teams are ready for upcoming competitions. You need to assign OIC of each event and monitor their ability to execute the SOP of their event. It is also your responsibility to prepare the cadets to the best of your ability. The drill team is as strong as its weakest link. As the Drill OIC, enforce discipline and give morale to the team. We are a family, a team, and a corps. For objectives, refer to Section 4.

Quick Tips:

Become accustomed to using Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You will have to produce documents quite often. Also, it will be beneficial to have the numbers of everyone on the drill team so you can contact them and vice versa. You should have NCO’s who will help you with your job. When necessary, delegate jobs you deem are appropriate such as: attendance, making schedules, contracts, etc. It will be up to your discretion.

Requirements: Section 2

Required classes: Any AFJROTC class.

Required skill/experience: Sufficient in drill.

Grade requirements/recommendations: Standard policy for any officer, not failing more than two classes.

Make sure each event is video recorded, reviewed, and briefed with all participants for errors.

(list any other requirements necessary): (pg. 1, etc.)

Rules of Job: Section 3

1.  Be organized- You are only making more trouble for yourself If you are unorganized and leave documents around. Have designated folders or binders for documents.

2.  Be fair- Listen to your cadets. If there are any discrepancies, listen to the complaints and judge objectively.

3.  Have respect- Everyone will respect each other. Anything else will not be tolerated. We treat others the way we would like to be treated—with respect. This means that no one has the right to berate other cadets. We are a corps, we will give constructive criticism, not anything else.

4.  Be responsible- You are the Drill OIC, you are responsible for the drill team. Take care of your cadets. Make sure to take the necessary steps to ensure success.

5.  Be tolerant- Know when you need to enforce an issue and when to sit back and take a breather. Reprimanding your troops every practice will do nothing but cause a lack of respect and morale.

6.  Have fun- We are here as a family. We help each other out. Sure winning trophies is nice but it is not worth degrading our relationships with each other. Have fun with everything you do, make sure everyone is having fun. Drill can be stressful and you need to toughen up sometimes, but it is not the end-all-be-all.

Must Knows: Section 4

Important objectives: (pg. 1)

1.  Schedule – Make Schedules for practice for each competition.

2.  Rosters – Make an Attendance roster to keep track of who has been coming to practice and who has not. Depending on your contract, the cadets will have consequences for missing however many practices. You need to get all participants phone numbers and email addresses.

3.  Contracts – Make contracts for cadets to inform them of the commitment that goes into being a part of Unit PA-20062’s Drill. The Drill Contract needs at minimal to include expectations for academics, footwear at practice, and mandatory practice. Non-compliant cadets will need to know what retribution there will be for noncompliance.

4.  Competition – Make Alpha Rosters to give to Chief, Major, and the Bus driver. The roster should include everyone who is going to the competition. For example team members, managers, and photographers. An emergency bin should also be made for competition. It should contain things that people usually forget or need an extra of. So objects like cords, covers, froggy pins, ranks, berets -- things of that nature should be included.

5.  Sop – Build the six part folders for each team. Tab one consist of the event sequence, Tab two has their event schematic, Tab three has correct placement of their cadets, Tab four shows the JV members, Tab five is a tally chart of who was absent, when , who they called and why they were absent, and Tab six is the SOP / MQB as needed. The MQB will need to be updated two months prior to the competition. Make sure that each sequence is correct, if not notify Chief.

6.  Inspection- Make an Alpha Inspection Question Bank for the inspection teams and update them after each competition.

Important suspenses: (pg. 2)

1.  Ribbons – Issue ribbons to cadets

2.  Schedules- Chief and Top Leadership will want schedules of practice times.

3.  Anything pertaining to Competition

4.  War Reports

5.  Confirm drill participant rosters and award recommendations sent to personnel NLT two weeks prior to the promotions and review board

(list any other must knows necessary): (pg. 3, etc.)

Competition- When its Comp time, and everyone is on the bus, make sure there is an Alpha roster given to the bus driver. Once on the bus, take attendance and make sure everyone and all the supplies we need is there. The Group Commander and/or Chief will usually brief you on the game plan on the bus. Once at a competition, the Group Commander, Maj/Chief, Drill OIC, and whoever else the commander asks, will go down to Commanders Call. At Commanders Call, the judges will brief the schools on how they judge and any questions we have will be asked then. From that point on, it is the Drill OICs job to make sure that every team is ready to leave to their practice time 5-10 minute early. The competition should run smoothly if you’re doing your job well. Enforce discipline when necessary. If you are unsure of anything, ask. Chief, our Group Commander, and Vice Commander will be more than happy to help.

Documentation: (enter documentation below) Section 5

Past/Future events (if job involves events): After action reports must be filed after each drill competition as well as any ribbons earned.

You will need to confirm completion and validity of equipment and special duty item sign out logs.

Copies of required sheets (sign-in/out sheets, event sheets, etc.): Activity sign in sheets are necessary for every practice, After Action Reports, Scheduling, Contracts, and any other documents you make.

Completed suspense’s: After action reports per competition, Attendance Rosters, Change of Command Slides (Ribbons), Contracts, War Reports.

Job chart of squadron and section: (pg.4 & 5)

Ops Squadron Commander

Drill OIC

Senior NCO

Armed NCO New Cadet NCO Armed NCO

(list any other needed documentation that’s necessary): (pg. 5, etc.)

Miscellaneous: (enter miscellaneous below) Section 6

Be tolerant.

Have Fun.

Ask for Help.

Delegate work when necessary.