Township of Georgian Bluffs

Council Minutes

July 5, 2017

Township of Georgian Bluffs

Council Minutes

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July 5, 2017, 7:00 pm, Council Chambers

Members Present:
Mayor Alan Barfoot
Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Councillor Carol Barfoot
Councillor Sue Carleton
Councillor Paul Sutherland

Councillor Tom Wiley

Members Absent:

Councillor Ryan Thompson
Staff Present:
Jenn Burnett, Planner
Brittany Drury, Legislative Assistant (Recording Secretary)
Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services
Kassandra Rocca, Treasurer / Director of Financial Services

  1. Call to Order
  2. Motion to waive Procedural By-law 14-2016 for the duration of this meeting, regarding order of consideration of items, consent agenda, and introduction of by-laws.


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
  2. Additions to the Agenda (if required)
    The Clerk advised Council that By-law 2017-065 had been added to the Agenda in error and should be deleted.
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. June 21, 2017 Council Minutes

Moved By: Councillor Paul Sutherland
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on June 21, 2017.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-186

  1. Public Meetings
  2. Delegations or Deputations (if required)
  3. Tracy Smith and Robyn Strangway-Calder, BDO – 2016 Financial Statements

The delegates explained the error uncovered in the previous version of the draft. The financial statements are strictly drafts until Council approves the information. Once the information is approved, the statements will be made available on the Township website.
The delegates explained the auditing processes and provided a detailed summation of the financial statements.
Mayor Barfoot offered his congratulations to both Council and staff members regarding the accuracy of the 2016 budget and inquired regarding possible areas of financial concern to the auditors. The delegates explained that the Township is in a strong financial position, however a letter will be provided to Council outlining minor suggestions for improvement.

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the 2016 Financial Statements.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-187

  1. Scott Catto – Conflict of Interest Inquiry
    Mr. Catto raised questions regarding Conflict of Interest relating to a Zoning By-law Amendment application. Both the Clerk and the Mayor explained the Conflict of Interest legislation and the declaration of Pecuniary Interest.
  1. Public Question Period
    Mr. Bill Wilson raised questions regarding:

–Additions to the Agenda

–Township policies regarding Auditor turnover

  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Accounts

a)Accounts to be approved for the period of June 15, 2017 to June 29, 2017 in the amount of $319,745.99

  1. Correspondence for Council Information

a)Press Release - Thames River Phosphorus Reduction Collaborative

b)Public Health – Grey Bruce Opioid Crisis

c)Grey Sauble Conservation - Phragmites Trimmers

d)Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce Coming Events

e)State of the Great Lakes – 2017 Highlights Report

  1. Resolutions from Other Municipalities

a)Ontario Carbon Tax – Town of New Tecumseth, May 29, 2017

  1. Minutes Listing

There was a brief discussion regarding the State of the Great Lakes Conference recently attended by Mayor Barfoot. The discussion included:

-City of Mississauga: motion to designate the St. Lawrence River basin as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

-The State of Great Lakes and the government of the United States.

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Councillor Paul Sutherland
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the Consent Agenda as circulated, less any items requested for separate review and discussion, and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-188

  1. Consideration of Items requiring Separate Discussion
  2. Correspondence
    1. Exceptional Canadians Nominations
    The information was received as information by Council. Council directed staff to inquire with MP Larry Miller regarding the timeline of the nomination program.
  3. Committee Reports
  1. Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee

a)Adoption of Minutes from previous meeting

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee meeting held on June 19, 2017, including RecommendationsCFSB2017-016 to CFSB2017-017.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-189

1. Report OPS2017-53 - Ice Resurfacer Tender
Recommendation:That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committeerecommend that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve awarding RFT 2017-12 Supply of One (1) New Ice Resurfacer to Resurfice Corp. for $81,990.00, and further, waive the Township’s Disposal of Surplus Equipment Policy and sell the Township’s resurfacer to the Chippewas of Nawash for $5,000.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-016

2. Report OPS2017-55 – Desktop and Laptop Computer Upgrades
Recommendation:That the Corporate Services Committee recommends to Council the purchase of eight (8) new laptop computers at a maximum upset price of $16,883.36, as well as ten (10) new desktop computers at an upset cost of $13,835.00, and further authorizes Infinity Network Solutions to configure, update and install the computers complete with applications at price of $5,130.00 plus tax to be funded from the 2017 operating budget.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-017

  1. Staff Reports
  1. PL.2017.16 – Addendum Report: Zoning By-law Amendment – Murray
    Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
    Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
    This application is consistent with the PPS, conforms to the County Official Plan and the general intent of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 6-2003 and By-law 70-2009. No written or verbal objections were noted at the Public Meeting. It is recommended that application Z-05-17 to permit 3 additional detached 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom bed and breakfast units, be approved.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-190

  1. LEG2017- 07 – Union Gas Expansion: Presquile
    Deputy Mayor Burley asked for further clarification. The Clerk offered additional details, including potential financial contributions by the municipality and clarified that the municipality would not experience negative fiscal impact. The Clerk explained that the Township does not commit to an agreement through adopting the recommendation. If the Grant application is successful, Union Gas will present an agreement for Council’s consideration.
    Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
    Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Burley

WHEREAS access to natural gas infrastructure is limited in parts of the Township of Georgian Bluffs and increased access will provided more affordable and reliable energy;
AND WHEREAS expanding access to natural gas within the Township of Georgian Bluffs is a key strategic priority supported by council;
AND WHEREAS access to natural gas for residents, farms and business will provide an economic advantage;

AND WHEREAS natural gas access can provide residents on higher-emitting fuels with a lower carbon energy source that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs formally support an application submitted by a natural gas distributor or supplier to the Government of Ontario, for a grant from the provincial Natural Gas Grant Program, to expand the natural gas system to service the Presquile area; and
THAT Council supports making a financial contribution towards the proposed project in an amount equivalent to the property tax that would be recovered on the new natural gas infrastructure for a period of ten (10) years as per the natural gas grant program requirements;
THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded along with the application to Ontario’s Natural Gas Grant Program.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-191

  1. LEG2017- 08 – 2017 / 2018 R.I.D.E. Grant Program
    Mayor Barfoot offered a brief explanation of the program for Council
    Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
    Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
    1.That a by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the 2017/2018 R.I.D.E. Grant Program.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-192

  1. LEG2017- 09 – Charlton Municipal Drain: Establishment of Court of Revision
    The Clerk explained that 3-5 members of Council are required to form the Court of Revision to consider the Charlton Municipal Drain.
    The following resolution was brought forth, establishing the Court of Revision:

Moved By:Councillor Paul Sutherland
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
That the Court of Revision be established for the Charlton Municipal Drain, to meet at 6:00 pm, on Wednesday, August 2, 2017, and;
That the following members of Council be appointed to said Court:
Paul Sutherland
Carol Barfoot
Dwight Burley
Sue Carleton
Tom Wiley

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-193

  1. LEG2017- 10 – Acceptance of conveyance of lands and dedication as part of Municipal Highway System
    Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
    Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley
    That a by-law be passed to:
  • accept conveyance of Parts 1 and 2, on Reference Plan 16R-10838 being Part of Lot 41, Concession 19, in the geographic Township of Keppel now in the Township of Georgian Bluffs, from Ryan Allen Heipel, to the Township of Georgian Bluffs, and
  • authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign an Acknowledgement and Direction, and
  • establish those lands as part of the municipal highway system.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-194

  1. OPS2017- 59 - Hanger #5 Land Lease Agreement
    There was a brief discussion regarding the By-law, specifically if the agreement is a renewal of a past lease.
    Moved By: Deputy Mayor Burley
    Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
    That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves By-law 2017-60 to authorize a lease agreement with Southern Ontario Water Conditioning Inc. for land at the Wiarton Keppel International Airport.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-195

  1. FIN2017- 10 - Tax Arrears Extension Agreement
    Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
    Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley
    That a by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a Tax Arrears Extension agreement with landowners of 462357 Concession 24.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-196

  1. By-laws
  1. Zoning By-laws

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley
Whereas, Council has given consideration to the written comments submitted by the agencies in the decision on proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applications Z-05-17 and Z-06-17; and

Whereas Council has considered oral submissions made at the Public Meeting;

Therefore be it resolved that Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is satisfied that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 and other governing regulations; and

That By-laws 2017-061 to 2017-062 be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-197

a)By-law 2017-061, being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
(Further to report PL.2017.12 – presentedto Committee of the Whole, June 14, 2017)

b)By-law 2017-062, being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
(Further to report PL.2017.13 – presented to Committee of the Whole, June 14, 2017)

  1. Other By-laws

The motion was amended to remove By-law 2017-065, added to the Agenda in error.
Moved By: Councillor Paul Sutherland
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
That By-laws 2017-060 and 2017-063 to 2017-064, and 2017-066 be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-198

a)By-law 2017-060, Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with South Water Conditioning Inc. for land at Wiarton Keppel International Airport.
(See item 2.6)

b)By-law 2017-063, Being a By-law to authorize an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
(See item 2.3)

c)By-law 2017-064, Being a By-law to accept a conveyance and dedicate those lands as part of the Municipal Public Highway system.
(See Item 2.5)

d)By-law 2017-065, DELETED

e)By-law 2017-066, Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a tax arrears extension agreement pursuant to Section 378 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
(See item 2.7)

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. New Business
  3. Discussion at the request of Mayor Barfoot regarding a grand reopening of the municipal office
    The Mayor opened a discussion regarding the grand reopening of the municipal office. Council discussed the format of the event, deciding to host an open house. Council members will lead the tours in groups of 6 or 7. The event was scheduled for Tuesday September 26, 2017 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Staff was directed to post information regarding the event on the Township website and include it in the tax bill newsletter.
  4. In Camera
  1. Confirming By-law

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Councillor Paul Sutherland
That By-law No. 2017-067being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on July 5, 2017, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution Number RES2017-199

  1. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm on a motion moved by Councillor Wiley and seconded by Councillor Sutherland.

Alan Barfoot, Mayor

Wendi Hunter, Clerk

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