Academic Senate Meeting

March 3, 2014

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5241 North Maple Avenue, M/S Thomas 43

Fresno, California 93740-8027

Office of the Academic SenateFAX: 278-5745

Ext. 278-2743(AS-10)

March 3, 2014

Members Excused:B. DerMugrdechian, C. Egan, S. Fulop, L. Kensinger, J. Kwon, A. Nambiar, S. Ogunjemiyo, M. Schettler

Members Absent:C. Bernthal, L. Crask, K. Dyer, L. Herzig, K. Lee, H. Miltiades, O’Brien (ASI), L. Rios, J. Wang, J. Whiting

A meeting of the Academic Senate was called to order by Chair Williams at 4:05 p.m. in the Library Auditorium, Room 2206.

1.Approval of the Agenda.

MSC to approve the agenda.

2.Approval of the Minutes of 2/24/14.

MSC to postpone approval of the Minutes of 2/24/14 to the next meeting of the Academic Senate.

3.Communications and Announcements.

A.President’s Meeting with Political Leaders.

President Castro summarized his recent meeting with political leaders in Washington, D.C. He stated that he had several very positive meetings with representatives from Fresno and California in general, as well as others; they showed strong support for Fresno State as a Hispanic-serving institution.

B.Café Academy on March 6.

Provost Hoff announced that Café Academy will be held on March 6. He encouraged interested senators to rsvp, as the response rate to date has been only half of the norm.

C.WASC Update.

Associate Provost Zelezny announced that the university is in the process of third-draft revisions to the university’s self-study. The WASC committee would like the Senate to co-sponsor a forum on WASC in the near future to facilitate faculty, student, and staff input in the process.

The WASC communications subcommittee is developing materials for students to help them stay informed and involved with the WASC accreditation process.

D.Advocacy Day April 22.

Senator Benavides (State-wide) announced that Advocacy Day at the California State Legislature will be held on April 22, 2014. Senators interested in participating should contact Senator Benavides for more information.

E.Top Dog Alumni Selection Committee.

Vice Chair Ayotte announced that the Senate has received a request for a representative from the Senate to serve on the Top Dog Alumni Selection Committee.

Senator Jenkins (Mechanical Engineering) was nominated. Seconded.

Senator Jenkins was elected to serve on this committee by acclamation.

F.AP&P Reviewing APM 220 Policy on Outcomes-Based Program Review.

Senator Botwin (Chair, AP&P) announced that the Academic Policy & Planning Committee is reviewing proposed revisions to APM 220 Policy on Outcomes-Based Program Review in the light of concerns raised by senators. AP&P meets on Thursdays from 2:15-3:30pm; any interested senators are welcome to attend.

4.New Business.

No new business was introduced.

5.Reorganization of Departments and Name Change within Kremen School of Education and Human Development (KSOEHD).

Dean Beare (KSOEHD) summarized the proposal to move two faculty from the Department of Educational Research & Administration (ERA) to the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. The Department of ERA is also requesting it be renamed the Department of Educational Leadership.

Senator Akhavan (ERA) stated that “Leadership” in the title of the department would best reflect the mission of their work and expected student outcomes.

Senator Benavides motioned to approve the request. Seconded.

MSC to waive second reading. [1 Abstain]

MSC to approve the departmental reorganization and department name change.

The Senate adjourned at 4:23pm.

The next scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate will be announced.

An Agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Submitted by:Approved by:

Kevin AyotteLynn Williams

Vice ChairChair

Academic SenateAcademic Senate