Law and Government

Getting to Know the Major Parties

The following assignment is due on Tuesday, Oct.14th. Responses must be typed.

You may choose to do the work individually or with a partner (no more than 2 people working together.) If you choose to work with a partner you will submit one copy. Be advised that partners will receive the same score.


Students will become familiar with the core principles of each of the major parties as well as the parties’ stances on the issues.

Students will find examples of the role of parties.

Students will describe political ideology and begin to identify their own political ideologies.


  1. Become familiar with the core principles of each party.
  2. Using the links provided on the class website visit the Democratic National Committee (DNC.)
  3. Follow the “about” link in the drop down menu at the top of the page. Follow the link to “Our Party” and “Our History”. Read the information under the “issues” menu.
  4. Read the information under these links and summarize the basic principles/philosophy of the Democratic party.
  5. Using the link provided on the class website visit the Republican National Committee (RNC.)
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and read the information under “Our GOP.” Read the summary on policy positions. Click on “our History”and read the information provided. Click on “our platform” and read the information provided.
  7. Summarize the basic principles/philosophy of the Republican party.
  1. Using the same links as above in #1 (DNC and RNC links) and/or other sources (be sure to document these,) compare and contrast the parties’ positions on the following issues:
  2. National Security/Defense
  3. Health Care
  4. Energy
  5. Education
  6. The Economy/jobs
  1. Using any of the links provided on the class website(and/or other documented resources) identify specific examples of the parties fulfilling the “roles of parties” that we identified earlier (ch 5 sec. 1 of your text):
  2. Getting behind/promoting candidates (nomination and bonding agent)
  3. Informing, educating and activating supporters
  4. Governing…pushing the party agenda through legislation
  5. Acting as a watchdog
  1. Personal political ideology (this portion of the project must be done individually)
  2. Before you take the ideology quiz(s) identify which party you believe you are more closely aligned with and explain why.
  3. Take at least two of the political ideology quizzes (follow the links provided.)
  4. According to these instruments what is your political ideology?
  5. Does it match what you thought it would be? Explain