Silverwood Theme ParkTrip Early Summer 2016

*Proposed Dates: Saturday June 18th-Tuesday June 21st2016
(*dates dependent on snow days. One more snow day and the trip will be June 21st-24th)

Groups/Ensembles traveling for this trip: SHHS Basketball Pep Band and SHHS Jazz Band

Location: Silverwood Theme Park in Coeru d’Alene, ID
We have been offered a performance opportunity to entertain the guests in their theme park. It is a great way for people from all over the US/World to hear our band program perform! By performing we also receive a reduction in cost for each student’s park admission.

Day 1: Travel to Coeru d’Alene, ID (7 hours if not more to get there by bus)
Day 2: Rehearsal followed by performance in the park (Pep Band) and Park Day
Day 3: Rehearsal followed by performance in the park (Jazz Band) and Park Day
Day 4: Travel to St. Helens

Cost Per Students: $350 per person max
This includes:
Theme Park Admission for 2 days
Hotel for 3 nights
Food money or meals for the 4 days (Per-diem of $10 for lunches and $15 for dinners given out at the start of every day for individually purchased meals)
Bus transportation

Costs for Chaperones: $300 but responsible for all individually purchased meals yourself.

Student Requirement for Trip:
The full Jazz Band needs to go on this trip if at all possible as we cannot perform our music unless we have close to 100% attendance in that group. The Jazz Band is the backbone of the pep band, so regardless of other students joining we can perform any and all “pep band music” if they are all of the Jazz members with us.

Any member of the pep band other than Jazz Band members are not required to go on the trip and can do so if they choose, or not.

Paying for the Trip:
Students would pay for this trip the following ways.
1. Pay fully out of pocket if you choose.
2. Pay with a combination of out of pocket and fundraised money from individual account earning fundraisers offered throughout the year.
3. Pay completely using fundraised money from individual account earning fundraisers offered throughout the year, if you have the funds raised to do so.

Payment Schedule: Payments are to be made to?????
$100 due by Spring Break (non-refundable deposit)
$100 due by the end of April
*$100 due by the end of May
*$50 due by June 10th
*Payment subject to be lower if additional fundraisers cover transportation costs.

We have many throughout the year. Can Drives, Popcorn Sales, Christmas Wreaths, Burgerville Nights, Donut sales, sponsorship letters, etc… that students and their family members can participate in to earn money to be used for band fees and trips like this. We have many students who already have this raised and sitting in their band accounts. See my website for can drive dates.

We can even hold a few more fundraisers if parents and students would like to organize them and have the profits earmarked for individuals attending this trip. Just contact me if you have an idea and we can coordinate more opportunities!

If unable to pay: As said above, we will be, and have been, offering many fundraising opportunities and students and their families. They will need to participate in them between now and the trip in June if they cannot pay out of pocket. We can also increase the amount of fundraising, and specific students and parents can hold more to make money for this trip.

We are fundraising to save transportation costs: Around $100 of the trip fee is for transportation. The Band Patrons are doing a few fundraisers specifically to help with this cost and bring the overall cost down per student. That cost savings will be reflected in the amount due with the final payment. This line item will also come down depending on the amount of people who come with us on the trip. If we have more than 31 people the cost starts to decline per person!