National Baccalaureate for England. Case Study Template.

Please add the details required under each heading bearing in mind that Case Studies are written as a guide to schools and colleges considering adopting the NBfE framework. Each Case Study will be featured on the NBT website. Please write in succinct prose in an FAQs style. If possible, link to more extended documents on your website. Please supply one photograph representing learning at your institution to be the featured image with your case study.

Basic Details.
Name of School/College / Trinity Catholic School
School/College website address /
Type of Institution: eg FE, 11-18 Comp; Special School, etc. / Co-educational Comprehensive Secondary with a faith character
Age-Range / 11-18
Number of students on Roll / 834
Number of students in pilot cohort for NBfE / 350
Projected Date for first award of NBfE Certificates. / May 2017
Core Learning
Typical curriculum:
KS5: 3 A Levels, L3 Diploma
KS4: GCSE (Eng Lang/Lit, DoubleSci, Maths, RE CORE, plus four options) and L2 BTEC
KS3: NC / KS5- A mix of A Level and L3 programmes
KS4- min 8 GCSE passes
KS3- + ave progress
Additional/Optional qualifications typically offered as part of the extended NBfE framework: eg Fifth A level, Pre-U GPR, Critical Thinking. / Additional A Levels
Additional GCSEs for more able
Sports Leadership award
Personal Project
EPQ, AQA, Level 3 / AQA EPQ Level 3 and 2
Method of delivery: eg individual mentoring; taught programme 1 hour per week; a combination. / Taught one hour (blocked) per week for a specified timeframe plus one to one time with a supervisor.
Personal Development Programme
Typical Volume in hours over the course of the programme; eg 150 hours in Y12/13 / 100-150 over years 12 and 13
85 hours over years 7-11
Compulsory components: eg 20 hours physical activity; 15 hours creative activity; a language course or GCSE; 20 hours community service / Hours divided under the headings Stewardship, Leadership, Cultural, Creative. A minimum of 15 hours in any one area but otherwise flexible.
Optional components: An explanation of the flexibility within the programme. / Additional Stewardship offered
Exchange visits
Components delivered through other recognised programmes and qualifications eg DofE, NCS, CSLA, Outward Bound, ABRSM / DofE
World Challenge
Outward Bound a
The mechanism for logging and tracking activities: eg online log; personal reflection diary. Specify any software used. / Online tracking
Self assessed and moderated by HoY