Honorary Group Counsellor Role Description

Solace Women’s Aid is an independent charity providing services to women and children who have been victims of domestic and /or sexual violence.

Expenses policy: We reimburse travel costs and cover out of pocket expenses i.e lunch costs.

Role Title: / Female Honorary Group Counsellors:
1 Creative Therapeutic Group Counsellor (Mondays, 1:30-3pm)
1 Therapeutic Group Counsellor (Tuesdays, 10-12pm)
1 Therapeutic Group Counsellor for Lesbian, Bisexual & Trans Women (2nd & 4th Wednesday, 6-7:30pm)
Service: / North London Rape Crisis
Work Place Supervisor: / Rape Crisis Counselling Coordinator
Location: / Islington
Commitment: / ·  1 ½ - 2 hours per week group co-facilitation
·  1.5 clinical supervision per month (provided)
·  Induction and CPD training
·  Completion of CORE forms
Duration: / At least 12 months
Role Description: / You will assist the main group facilitator with group facilitation.
Benefits to the volunteer: / You will gain experience in a specialist sexual violence service set with a broader Violence Against Women and Girls organisation. You will have access to a range of in-house training and support including Clinical Supervision with a focus on working with trauma within a relational approach.
Skills and Qualifications Required: / ·  Qualified or working towards a qualification in individual or group counselling/psychotherapy with at least 100 supervised client hours within the BACP/ UKCP framework
·  An understanding of group facilitation
·  An understanding of working with trauma
·  An excellent understanding of the issues faced by Lesbian, bisexual and trans women survivors of sexual abuse for the LBT group
·  Admin and PC skills
·  Excellent communication skills
Training Opportunities: / North London Rape Crisis runs an interesting and varied CPD programme. It is also possible to attend some Solace Women’s Aid Training.
For more information, contact: / Ammarah Ahmad - Volunteer Coordinator
Email: a.ahmad@solacewomensaid.org
Call: 020 76191350
Address: Unit 5-7 Blenheim Court
62 Brewery Road
N7 9NY