Title: EMG Biofeedback Device
Brent Geiger – Team leader
Jason Ethington – Communicator
Tom Chia – BSAC
Tim Rand – BWIG
Kim Treml – BSAC
Arleigh Birchler, MDiv, BSN
Bram's Addition Life&Choice
Phone: 251-4437
John G. Webster
2148 Engineering Centers Building
1550 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI53706-1609
Tel: 608/263-1574
Fax: 608/265-9239
Date: 11-18-2003 – 11-25-2003 – Progress Report #10
Problem Statement: The goal of this project is to design a closed loop EMG biofeedback device to allow a small child with Lissencephaly to exhibit some physical control over his life.
Restatement of Team Goals: Meet with Paul Victorey and work out problems with the circuit. Once circuit is functional test each stage and record exact specs of circuit design. Upon arrival of massage pad, begin pad modification to fit the dimensions of the child’s chair.
Individual Goals:
Brent Geiger: Call chair maintenance contact person and try to obtain foam chair padding. Finish entire breadboard circuit. Upon arrival of massage pad, begin modifications. Continue with design/construction of printed circuit board with surface mount components (3).
Tom Chia: Finish entire breadboard circuit. Test various EMG input signals to determine ideal placement of the electrodes and the proper reference voltage for the comparator. Upon arrival of massage pad, begin modifications (3).
Jason Ethington: Keep in contact with client. Finish entire breadboard circuit. Await arrival of surface mount components. Continue with design/construction of printed circuit board for surface mount components (3).
Tim Rand: Keep working on project website. Create printed circuit board schematic using Express PCH (3).
Kim Treml: Await arrival of the massage pad, finish design of the electrode attachment strap. Upon arrival of massage pad, begin modifications (3).
Total Team Hours: 127
Summary of Accomplishments: (11-13-03): Finished building preliminary circuit on breadboard. Tested each stage using a waveform generator to simulate the EMG signal. All stages of the circuit were functional up to the 555 timer. (11-14-03): Began testing circuit with EMG signals taken from various muscle groups. Tested for the best and most consistent EMG signal, while varying the comparator reference voltage to find the best possible combination. Tested the 555 timer circuit apart for the whole circuit to make sure the design was correct. Minor variations were necessary; however the 555 timer circuit design was functional. A schottkey barrier component was added and the time constant was reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. The overall circuit schematic was finalized and the design should be completely functional up to the high voltage stage (SSR device). Ordered printed circuit board surface mount components for entire circuit from digikey.com. Components should arrive middle of this week.
Statement of Future Team Goals: Once massage pad arrives, begin modifications to fit the child’s chair. Obtain foam back padding of child’s chair to serve as design outline for modified pad. When possible test the existing SSR with the massage pad. Finish printed circuit board schematic and order from ExpressPCB.com. Obtain/order a surface mountSSR device to incorporate into the printed circuit board design.
Project Schedule:
11-20-03–Group meeting in 2043 ECBto finish and order printed circuit board
11-21-03 – Class meeting in 2043 ECB to begin modifications of the massage pad.
Difficulties: The quad op-amp component in the original circuit shorted out and broke. It was replaced with two LCM343 dual op-amps and circuit functioned properly. The contact information for the person who is responsible for the maintenance of the child’s chair, Mrs. Rose Ebner, can not be reached. A fax describing the project and requesting the foam chair backing was sent, but failed to go through properly. Phone contact was attempted however neither Mrs. Ebner nor an answering service was reached.
11-13-03 –Met with Paul Victorey in 2043 ECB for circuit testing.
11-14-03 – Met in class with Paul Victorey in 2043 ECB for further circuit testing and aid in ordering printed circuit board.