REQUIRED TEXTS:NOTE:The texts listed below are included in the cost of the course.

Friend, M. and Kohn, J. (2001). Fundamentals of Occupational Health and Safety (4th ed.). RockvilleMd: Government Institutes.

Carron, Reinholtz and Avadek. (Ed’s). (2006) OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry: 29 CFR1926 (with amendments). Chicago: CCH Inc

Carron, Reinholtz and Avadek. (Ed’s). (2006). OSHA Standards for General Industry: 29 CFR1910 (with amendments). Chicago: CCH Inc.

COSS Student Workbook. (2006).Baton Rouge: Moran Printing.

INSTRUCTOR:Safety Council instructors are experts in the field of safety and work closely with the Safety Council presenting classes and promoting safety in an effort to “Keep you and your family safe”. The instructors are authorized OSHA Outreach instructors

TELEPHONE NUMBERS:Voice Mail(225 766-0955

FAX(225) 766-1099 Att: Beth


AVAILABILITY:Please contact the Safety Council via phone or e-mail with any questions or concerns you may have. Your call will be returned within 24 hours.

CLASS SCHEDULE:Five, eight hour days, 8:00 am -5:00 pm


  • This course is designed to build core competencies in the field of safety for adult learners. It examines safety theory and the application of these principles to safety related knowledge, skills, and competencies.
  • Homework is an integral and important part of the course. Readings and exercises are assigned after each class session.
  • Daily quizzes will be given each morning that apply to assignments from the night before.
  • Students will develop strategies for achieving safety related goals in business environments. They will also be introduced to key internet links via the COSS Links Disk and will learn how to access and utilize these resources.
  • Students will perform analyses of hazardous conditions.
  • Additionally, students will complete a project that will be delivered and presented on the final day of class.
  • Expert speakers will give talks specific to their field.



Daily Quizzes 20%

Final Exam (70% minimum score)75%

Ten Minute Safety Talk (P/F)

Final Compliance Moment (P/F)



GRADING SCALE:The course is graded on a pass/fail basis

An overall grade of at least 70% and atleast 70% on the final examis required to pass.

*Student grades will be sent to students upon email request only. All email requests should be sent to Beth Gordon at .

COURSE STANDARDS:The COSS Adult Teaching/Learning Model specifies that students achieve certain specified learning outcomes. All performance assessment depends upon the accomplishment of these outcomes. Students are graded on achievement of the objectives of the course, rather than on effort. It is the responsibility of the student to come to class prepared for each workshop.

The Safety Council requires each student to maintain high standards of honesty and ethical behavior. All assignments submitted in fulfillment of course requirements must be the student’s own work.

It is assumed that students will perform professionally in preparing work required for this class.

If there is a grievance, there are procedures to address it. Please ask your instructor to provide a copy of the grievance procedure or call the following number: 225-766-0955 x131.


  • Attendance at each workshop is expected and required due to the concentrated nature of the work requirements for this course.
  • There will be several class activities; therefore, your attendance at all five workshops are imperative.
  • Class participation is required to successfully complete the class and grading is based in part on this element. Breaks will be provided for you to follow-up on messages if that is necessary. Leaving class while learning is to be taking place is discouraged.
  • If you miss a workshop, you will be dropped from the course. The instructor must be informed prior to the workshop of tardiness for any workshop.


  • We will safeguard confidentiality of all information provided by students, including theresults of examinations. These arrangements shall beextended to include organizations or individuals acting on itsbehalf, and representatives of the Safety Council.
  • Except as required by law, informationabout a student shall not be disclosed to a third party (i.e. student’s employer) without the written consent of the student.