of a meeting of Redenhall with HarlestonTown Council Finance Committee
held at the council offices, Harleston Leisure Centre
at 6.30pm on Tuesday 12th September 2017
In Attendance: Councillors: Barry Woods (Chairman) Mark Betts, Adrian Brownsea, Frances Bickley and Ian Broughton
Also present: Lynda Ling (Town Clerk)
1. Election of Chairman – Councillor Betts proposed Councillor Broughton which was seconded by Councillor Bickley
2.Election of Vice – Chairman –CouncillorBickley proposed Councillor Betts which was seconded by Councillor Broughton
3. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend - None
4. To receive any declarations of pecuniary or other interests in particular matters to be raised at this meeting –None
5.To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th August 2017 – Agreement proposed by Councillor Brownsea and seconded by Councillor Bickley
6. Monthly Finance Report –Members spoke about the summary for the income and expenditure and agreed that they were happy the summary every month with the full breakdown every quarter. Councillor Brownsea asked the following:-
- Why the Cemetery Digging Charge was listed in 101 – Administration (Town Council) and consideration should be given to changing it to 124 Cemetery.
- CIL receipts (101 – 1109) and why the budget showed £20,000,
- Insurance and the splits to other budget headings 101 – 4045).
- Maintenance contractors (101 – 4121) spend so far this year is £1295 however there is no budget for it.
- Business rates for car parks (123 – 4051) the clerk confirmed that this is paid monthly
- If South Norfolk Council has taken over car parks since 1st September are we paying the business rates and lease. The clerk was asked to call SNC to find out who has the responsibilities for the car parks and what is the payment (budgets to be worked out in the near future)
7. Matters arising –GDPR –Councillor Betts asked if the clerk had had time to make any arrangements which parishes for training for the GDPR. The clerk replied that due to the extra work load of the parish poll and the elections, she had not had the time to pursue this, however, once things have settled down, she will do so. Councillor Betts commented that GDPR for the running of the gym will be difficult to manage. The clerk informed members that the external auditors had asked additional questions relating to the Asset list which included replacement lanterns, the new flat roof and the new flooring in the men’s changing room downstairs. The merits of LED lighting and rolling lighting programmes were also discussed briefly.
8. Chairman’s report – No report this month due to it being a quiet month.
9. Update on the car parks and any agreed action –The Co-opwill be looking at having a survey done on the car park at Bullock Fair to ascertain what the market lease cost would be realistically against what SNC are asking (£37,000 for both Bullock Fair and Broad Street Car Parks). Councillor Broughton commented that the Co-op could possibly have more weight in negotiations with SNC and have the expertise like surveyors on hand.
10. Discussion on the external audit report and any agreed action – The clerk informed members that all was fine with the audit, however a couple of new requirements were included in this year’s audit, namely the letter of engagement for an internal auditorand exercise of elector’s rights. The clerk explained the following:-
- Letter of engagement – this was a verbal arrangement back up by an email, and despite the internal audit report being included in the annual return papers which gives the scope of the audit, the external auditor still commented that it hadn’t been done.
The clerk commented that the next time a formal letter would be sent to the internal auditor.
- The same situation applied for the exercise of elector’s rights – this was placed on two notice boards and on the previous NALC website, (Norfolk Parishes) however, as it couldn’t be proved it had been displayed on a website (NALC closed Redenhall with Harleston TC’s website when the council did not subscribe again to them), the external auditor did not accept that and commented that it had not been done.
The clerk commented that this situation should not occur again, unless the current website is shut down for some reason.
11. Date and time of next meeting – the next meeting will take place onTuesday 10th October 2017 at 6.30pm in the council offices.
Signed ……………………………………..
Meeting closed at 19.35pm Date………………………………………...