CHAIR=David Ball
Clerk = Phil Wilmowski / MINUTES / Page 1 of 7

St Mary the VirginCE Primary School, High Street, Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4AA

Full Governing Body Meeting on 5 December 2012 at 7.30 pm

Part 1

References (Circulated prior to the Meeting)
a)The Headteacher’s Report
b)Minutes of the Business Committee Meeting held on 12 September 2012
c)Notes on the Executive Group Meeting held on 4 October 2012.
d)Minutes/Notes of the Academic Committee Meetings held on 14 November 2012.
e)Lead Governor Job Descriptions
f)Governor Mark – Current situation
g)Financial Value Standard – Current situation
h)Health and Safety Report 27 Nov 2012
i)New Governor Induction Policy
  1. Preliminaries
/ a)Attendance (Quorum= 5) ….. Attendance Sheet circulated and signed by Andrea McGlew (AMc) David Ball (DB) David Pound (DP) Hilary Rowberry (HR) Jenny Reich (JR) John Cope (JC) Judith Kearney (JK) Lorna Simm (LS) Martin Jenkins (MJ) and Carole Dawkins (Observer)
b)Apologies for Absence from Robert McGlew wereaccepted. No Apology had been received from Claire Green.
c)Declarations …. There were NoNotices of personal/prejudicial interest in specific Agenda items
d)Minutes for the Meeting held on the 17 October 2012were accepted as a True record & signed by Chair.
e)Matters Arising from Meetings …. please see Annex “A”
Item / Discussion, Challenges, Decisions, and Actions / Action
Achievement of Pupils
  1. Key Stage 1 SATs Targets for 2013 (cohort = 10 children)
/ Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Governors accepted the following Target proposals
Level 2+ / Level 2B+ / Level 3
Reading / 90 % / 90 % / 20 %
Writing / 90 % / 90 % / 10 %
Mathematics / 90 % / 90 % / 20 %
  1. Key Stage 2 SATs Targets for 2014 (cohort = 16 children)
/ a)Reading, Writing, English and Mathematics. Governors accepted the following Target proposals
Level 4+ / Level 5+
Reading / 88 % / 38 %
Writing / 81 % / 25 %
English / 88 % / 31 %
Mathematics / 88 % / 38 %
Combined English & Maths / 75 % / 25 %
b)It was NOTED that the school would aim for slightly more challenging targets and an external moderator would be visiting to advise ways in which the Senior Leadership Team could improve on existing Assessment Techniques and Protocols. The data for this cohort was likely to be used by Ofsted when it next visited.
  1. Pupil Premium
/ Pupil Revenue received was £4,800 and this was being spent on maintaining 5 classes, thus benefiting all pupils (with no class currently over 23 pupils) - and also maintaining 3 single year group classes and no cohort split. All classes have also maintained their current level of TA cover/support / Discharged
Quality of Teaching
  1. Classroom Observations
/ Please see Minutes of the 14 Nov 2012 Academic Committee Meeting. It was NOTED that the Classroom Observations undertaken to date showed pace of learning/teaching to be less of an issue. Work Scrutiny remained an outstanding action for the Senior Leadership Team and arrangements had been made for an external advisor (Kate Bull) to observe and moderate on at least 2 Lessons. Further Observations are planned for Term 3 and AMc will provide further data at the next FGB Meeting.
Behaviour and Safety
  1. SEN
/ SEN issues were brought before Governors by JR, HR and AMc.
a)Q & A: Governorsasked what could be done to help the existing Key Stage 2 (2014) cohort to achieve better results. It was suggested that, if 6 children with Special Educational Needs were base lined, then Strategies and Points of Intervention could be identified and each child targeted with an individual development plan (with teachers/teaching assistants being given appropriate advice and guidance by subject matter experts). Based on experiences elsewhere, Governors could then expect to see an improvement in the 2014 Key Stage 2 achievement and attainment results.
b)Governors NOTED that the ESCC Education Psychology group were overwhelmed and unlikely to be able to provide the full support required. The school was very inclusive and, to continue to provide this level of equality, funding would need to be found to help these children. Six days of Assessment Testing would cost approximately £800 per child (say £5,000 total) and then there would be the ongoing costs of any programme recommended in the subsequent Reports.
c)It was AGREED that JR, JK, and AMcwould present Recommendations, Benefit Outcomes, and a Cost Analysis for consideration at the next Business Committee Meeting. / JR. JK, and AMc
  1. Behaviour
/ There were noissues brought to the attention of Governors.
  1. Safeguarding Children
/ a)Clerk had supplied details of the Central Single Record (Recruitment and Vetting Checks) relating to Staff and Governors so that LS can monitor the record in Term 2. / Discharged
b)In Term 3, LSwill monitor the Central Single Record.
c)In Term 4, DPwill monitor the Central Single Record.
d)There wasNo Safeguardingissue brought before Governors.
Leadership & Management
  1. FGB FinancialUpdates
/ a)Budget Share. It was forecast that the school would out-turn within Budget and carry forward monies that would be within parameters acceptable to ESCC.
b)Capital Fund currently stood at approximately £4,600.
c)The Governors’ Fund was audited by Robert Jackson (external Chartered Accountant) on the 31 July 2012..
d)The Governors’ Fund currently stood at approximately £21,810 and Governors APPROVED payment of previously authorised expenditure totalling £1774 for Fisher Family Trust Subscription, Books, and Website.
  1. Health & Safety
/ The Health & Safety Report dated 27 Nov 2012 had highlighted an urgent need to replace certain windows in the Hall with Notice Boards, to fit Safety Film on some windows, and to secure the Fire Exit from Lilac Class. The total cost for these urgent items had been quoted at no more than £2,000. Governors AGREED/APPROVED that the Governors Fund would underwrite the cost of these necessary improvements.
  1. Premises Issues
/ A Premises Development Plan had been submitted to the Diocesan in the hope of procuring funds towards some of the essential H&S works that needed to be carried out. That Plan, along with issues brought to the attention of Governors through the Health and Safety Report would be prioritised at the next meeting of the Business Committee.
Leadership & Staffing
  1. Staffing Issues
/ a)It was NOTED that the Year 5/Year 6 Classroom Teacherhad been signed off sick until the start of the New Year. Anna Slack and Marissa Noble (two part-time members of staff) had increased their hours to cover the class in the interim period. The children hadremained focused, had adapted well, and the pace of learning did not appear to have been adversely affected. The Year 5/Year 6 Classroom Teacher’s phased return to work will benefit from a handover by staff who will be staying at the school and, therefore, in a position to provide additional support “after the event”.
b)The Headteacher’s Performance Management Review had been completed (with the assistance of an external adviser). AMc was congratulated on passing the review with flying colours – and for agreeing to undertake very challenging objectives for the forthcoming year.
c)It was NOTED that all the staff were working to capacity (planning lessons, training, incorporating new initiatives, and teaching). Whilst the staff felt under intense pressure, it was CONFIRMED that they felt Valued, Recognised, and Supported by both the Headteacher and the Governing Body. They appreciated that, in these difficult times, Governors were also under great pressure and that improvements (to avoid a Grade 3 Ofsted Assessment) needed to be put in place sooner rather than later.
  1. School Plan / SEF
/ Governors reviewed Section 1 of the School Plan/SEF (Shaping the Direction of the School).
  1. Year 5/Year 6 Parents Evening (Nov. 2012)
/ This evening had been positive and had gone well. Parents had asked searching questions aimed specifically at the progress of their children. Areas of dissatisfaction were all directed at historical issues which were being addressed by Governors and the school.
  1. FGB Consultation
/ Governors consideredTiming for Staff / Parents / PupilsSurveys.
a)A Parent Consultation would be made as part of the Parents Evening scheduled for the 30 Jan 2013 (which would include an Introduction to/by the Governors, Discussion on Homework, and end with Any Questions)..
b)Arrangements would be made for Governors to attend School Council meetings to facilitate Consultation with the Pupils.
c)A Staff Questionnaire would be put in place either at the Staff Inset Day on the 15 Feb 2013, or during March 2013.
  1. FGB Communication and Marketing
/ To maintain & enhance FGB’s profile in the community it was AGREED that DB would set up a Marketing Team to enhance the school’s profile in the community, work with the Press, encourage Parents to send their children to St Mary the Virgin (currently 100 children on the school roll), and establish partnerships and alliances with organisations and other schools. This Team would comprise DB, LS, DP, HR, AMc, and other appropriate Stakeholders who had specialist skills/contacts and would work as Associate Members of the Governing Body.
  1. FGB Training
  • 23 Jan 2013 at 7.30 pm = Governance in a Changing World.
  • Jenny Reich= Gov. Induction (Clerk has arranged 8 Feb 13)
  • Robert McGlew= Gov. Induction (Clerk has arranged 8 Feb 13)
  • Robert McGlew= Health & Safety (date tbc)
  • Martin Jenkins= Financial Management (new date reqd.)

  1. Capacity Audit Tool
/ The Clerk is awaiting returns from …
  • AMc
  • DP
  • JR
  • MJ

  1. Policies & Documents
/ a)The following Policies/Documents were Adopted …
  • New Governor Induction Policy(revisit every 3 years)
b)It was Agreedwhich Governors will Review which Document.
  • Community Cohesion Policy(not a Statutory Document)
/ Marketing Team
  • Freedom of Information Publication … Statutory Document
/ MJ
Check that Website Documentation includes ….
  • 1. The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed.
  • 2. Admissions arrangements
  • 3. Where and how parents may access the most recent reports about the school published by Ofsted etc..
  • 4. Most recent Key Stage 2 results published for (a) % achieving Level 4 or above in English and Maths (b) % making expected progress in relation to English “% achieving Level 5 or above” and in relation to Maths, “% achieving Level 5 or above”. ....
  • 5. Secondary Schools = Key Stage 4 results
  • 6. Where and how parents may access the School Performance Tables published on the Department for Education’s website.
  • 7. School curriculum details for each Academic Year and how additional information may be obtained for Key Stage 1 Phonics and Reading schemes in operation ....
  • 8. Behaviour policy
  • 9. The school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year; details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent; details of how the previous academic year’s allocation was spent, and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school in respect of whom grant funding was allocated. ....
  • 10. Special Educational Needs Report
  • 11. Charging and Remissions Policy
  • 12. A statement of the school’s Ethos and Values.”
/ LS
  1. Meeting Finish
/ 9.15 pm
  1. Action Summary
/ Annex “B”to the Minutes
  1. Next Meeting(s)

Academic / Business / FGB / Academic / FGB / Business / Academic / FGB / Academic / FGB
22-Jan-13 / tbc / 06-Feb-13 / 06-Mar-13 / 20-Mar-13 / 24-Apr-13 / 30-Apr-12 / 15-May-13 / 12-Jun-13 / 03-Jul-13
1.15 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 1.15 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm

Part 2

Annex “A”… Action Summary from Last Meeting (Matters Arising)


Heading / Action / Owner
Quality of Teaching / Was discussed at the Academic Committee Meeting / HR /  Discharged
School Plan / Was reviewed by the Academic Committee / HR /  Discharged


Heading / Action / Owner
Governors Mark / The Governors Mark Accreditation spreadsheet had been distributed and, by using the Red/Amber/Green (RAG) system of reporting, had highlighted areas that needed to be addressed. The Executive Committee would review the situation and AGREE on “The Way Forward” - which would then be presented at the next FGB Meeting. It was NOTED that attaining the accreditation would be a useful tool along the road to improvement – and would result in the school having a Good Governing Body. / DB
Lead Governors / Job Descriptions for Lead Governors had been circulated. Amendments requested by LS would be incorporated. HR would send details on the Science Lead Governor to the Clerk, and MJ would do the same for the Equalities Lead Governor. / HR and MJ
Quality of Teaching / Executive Committee to review providing more “wrap around” support for the Teachers. / DB
Health and Safety Report / TheHealth & Safety Report dated 27 November 2012was presented and its recommendations would be prioritised at the next meeting of the Business Committee. / RMc
Benchmarking / Ahigh level Benchmarking Report focusing on a few particular topics would be presented by DP at the next FGB meeting. / DP
Financial Value Standard / Many questions in the Financial Value Standard return had been addressed by DB. The remaining aspects would be completed and presented for consideration at the next FGB Meeting. It was NOTED that the Return needed to be submitted in March 2013. / DB
Chairman’s Address / DB would write to Parents before the end of Term 2 and highlight the school’s achievements/plans. / DB
Diocesan Inspection Report. / It was AGREED that, at the next FGB Meeting, Governorswould discuss the assessment of RE at the school. / FGB

Annex “B”… Action Summary from this Meeting

Heading / Action / Owner
  1. Governors Mark
/ The Executive Committee would review progress on attaining the Governors Mark Accreditation and AGREE on “The Way Forward” - which would then be presented at the next FGB Meeting. / DB
6 Feb 13
  1. Lead Governors
/ HR would send details on the Science Lead Governor to the Clerk, and MJ would do the same for the Equalities Lead Governor. / HR and MJ
6 Feb 13
  1. Quality of Teaching
/ Executive Committee to review providing more “wrap around” support for the Teachers. / DB
6 Feb 13
  1. Benchmarking
/ A high level Benchmarking Report focusing on particular topics would be presented by DP at the next FGB meeting. / DP
6 Feb 13
  1. Health and Safety
/ Premises Development Plan and Health & Safety Report recommendations to be prioritised at the next meeting of the Business Committee. / DB
13 Jan 13
  1. Financial Value Standard
/ Many questions in the Financial Value Standard return had been addressed by DB. The remaining aspects would be completed and presented for consideration at the next FGB Meeting. It was NOTED that the Return needed to be submitted in March 2013. / DB
6 Feb 13
  1. Chairman’s Address
/ DB would write to Parents before the end of Term 2 and highlight the school’s achievements/plans. The letter would also go on the School Website. / DB
21 Dec 12
  1. Diocesan Inspection Report.
/ At the next FGB Meeting, Governorswould discuss the assessment of RE at the school. / JC
6 Feb 13
  1. SEN Assessments
/ To present Recommendations, Benefit Outcomes, and a Cost Analysis for consideration at the next Business Committee Meeting. / JR. JK, and AMc
  1. Marketing Team
/ To meet, agree the Way Forward, and decide action on Community Cohesion Policy. / DB, LS, DP, HR, AMc,
  1. Capacity Audit Tool.
/ AMc, DP, JR, and MJto complete and return to Clerk. / AMc, DP, JR, and MJ
  1. Freedom of Information
/ Review the Publication / MJ
  1. Website
/ Check Website Documentation / LS
Committee Minutes, Headteacher’s Reports, Budget Reports, and Other Sensitive Documents (e.g. CEA) are circulated to Governors.
These (IN CONFIDENCE) documents are not included in the Full Governing Body Meeting Minutes File held in School.
They are held in the Clerk’s Historical Archive.