St. Mary Pastoral Council Minutes, August 28, 2017

Present: Mary Lou Hahn Setta, Fr. Bill, Kathie Day, Anne Green, Marita Martin, Patrice Marner, Andrew Houle, Renee Doster, Shelley Wheaton, Virginia Krueger, Tom Turek,

Scott Staelgraeve, Pat Rohrer

Prayer: Scott led us in a prayer for those suffering the after effects of Hurricane Harvey.

Formation: Back to School- a six point lesson for helping us find God to reflect on during the year.

Old Business:

  1. Witness to Hope- The parish surpassed its financial goal, pledges totaled 109% of the amount set for our parish. Marita suggested that we try to meet the second goal of involving a given number of families. Shelley stated that because this is a 5 year program, we may have new families in the parish or families that within 5 years who are better able to participate.
  2. Alpha- Scott stated that the program begins on January 8 with an introductory meal and meeting. There will not be a January of February Parish Council meeting- this will allow Parish Council members time to be a part of Alpha.
  3. Logo Update- Virginia said that the work with the logo was put on hold during the Witness to Hope Campaign. We agreed that there had been approval by the Parish Council on the last presentation of the logo. Father will look into finalizing the logo so it can be used.

New Business:

  1. Parish Picnic- The Parish Picnic will be held on September 10. Marita sent a sign up sheet around for Parish Council members who will be at picnic to volunteer to set up or clean up after the picnic.
  2. Holy Land benefit concert and dinner- The concert was set for April 15. It was decided to have the Spring dinner this day also. The concert will begin at 2 and the dinner will follow at 4.


  1. Religious Education- The Flint project was a great success. Sarah Salow will no longer be able to be a part of Parish Council. VBS was a wonderful success. This program is growing not only in volunteers but in the fabulous number of adult volunteers. Marita also asked for prayers for the coming year especially for RCIA.
  2. Youth Ministry- The Youth Ministry program begins on September 10. The summer Habitat for Humanity was a true success with our youth proving their total commitment to service.
  3. Finance- Father Bill said that our financial status is very good. The parish will be receiving a money from the Witness to Hope Campaign. The funding will be used for many projects. The roof is almost complete, the cement work will soon be completed, the bathrooms will be the next project. Father also said that there were two new members on the Finance Committee.
  4. KofC- Father stated that the Knights of Columbus received the Star Council ranking this year.
  5. Other Parish ministries-

Servants of Prayer in the Holy Spirit- Kathie said that their group meets every Wednesday. They are praying for the Witness to Hope Program and Alpha. They pray for the sick of the parish and some sick people even come to their gathering.


Anne Green is investigating some security options for late night and early morning adoration and will report at the next meeting.

Scott went over the Parish Calendar receiving input from members. He will present the new version at the next meeting.

Father led us in our closing prayer.

Next meeting- September 25, 2017